How to be the best in bed with her. Secrets of Kurtizanin



These secrets, a potential perfect lover, will not be taught anywhere, except on For we have swallowed such a number of sex wisdom for women, that it has already started standing out literally from all holes - and now we are generously ready to share it in an adapted version of the men!

Probably, there is no one man in the world who would not try to unravel the secret, as always to stay desired ... In general, the message is clear: sex is cool-cool and goal of everything, a woman needs not only to catch, but also to be desirable, but in The next time after sex will take and will not call - and then then stingy men.

Of course, the best lover must be desire for a woman at any time of the day and night. Yes, yes, even when both are tired, in snot or loses from the puddles I merchant Merz ... Held? Well, who promised, what will be easy?!

Each man should be able to be seductive, and if he does not know how to learn this. Is it already a little starting straining? .. Hold on, comrade, and let you calm you that your potential partner is also absorbed by such readers on the very hemispheres of the brain.

Each, absolutely in every man lives the Kurtyzanin. Someone prefers him not to notice, having a similar neighborhood, someone hides it so deeply ... In general, you are not hiding it. Remove it! And present it! Forward!

Is there taboo? And if I find?!

Woman with a fluffy cat, and in fact - a terrible beast, so if you got into her paws, you need the ability to sleep shamelessly, throwing all the prohibitions and taboos, and the willingness to go towards the most courageous initiatives, demonstrating full trust ...

You ask you to ask: how, they say, security, borders, suddenly she is a nymphomanka-pervert - and her bold initiatives will bring me to the injury? Well, you can tell you, of course, to try to pay compensation from the authors of frying trainings. And we will advise you on your ear (only do not give us to us), if you suddenly do not like, talk about that mouth. And be prepared to be the same on the other hand. It is not so romantic, of course. But you will live longer.

Fear of simple movements


The best lover must be prepared for experiments, as a woman is always looking for new sensations. Classic games and movements can cause the search for a new lover ... so! It turns out, even if it is unambiguously pulls you into a missionary - do not believe it, it is so insidiously experiencing you. You will agree - immediately will run to look for a new one. And since the number of poses limited by the physical capabilities of the human body, the poor thing will have to spend the whole life in the search. Sooner or later, they are so stirring in classical movements ... Damn it knows, maybe not neglected from the very beginning, for a variety, if you really want?

Odes folds on the stomach

Now we will continue to you a great tweet that pursues all the robing bodies. In three words: relax and score! After all, if she burns passion, it doesn't matter to her at all how many folds on your stomach. And do not allow the complexes to drive yourself into the angle. Because of this, some shye gentlemen refuse sex in a bright day of day, preferring twilight, and this is a stupid penguin robin hides. And smart - proudly pulls out!

An intelligent man will show his body in the most successful angles to ignite the partner's desire. Turn, in short, it's so and soak ... Do you think she will be surprised? Indian National Hole! She, already scientific Internet advisers, is now engaged in the same: from the last strength desperately trying not to allow the complexes to drive it into the angle - and at the same time show your folds in the most successful angles ...

And now the opposite


We already know that guaranteed gender tips are mutually exclusive. So I immediately give, as it should be, the Timph Circuit. Already spat on his outer shell? And now I quickly come on her libs and make a candy out of it! For to become welcome, you need to desire yourself first. Nadya T-shirt showing the bulges of your biceps, trousers, tight buttocks, walk, shaking the hips, look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself: "If it starts it, then it can start it!"

I tried, neighing from the soul? Also good! If it is figuratively, then cheerful women love more than those who want themselves ... But Chur we did not say that, in the concept it does not fit!

Become a New Year Christmas tree!

Let's go back from reality back to concepts. Do not scare on beautiful underwear and original accessories. Women love when a man looks not only well maintained, but every time in a new way. Are you already well-groomed? Nonuses, it's not all! Try to meet your favorite in translucent apparel, with gorgeous makeup and laid hair. She will not definitely stand.

Resist?! Here is such an infection of your dream girl ... But you continue, do not stop! Becoming the best lover will help you experiment with your appearance. Think, what kind of desire can have your Passia, if you meet her in the underlying workouts? It is more often for her surprises. Well, for example, stand on heels. At this moment you will understand her more than ever. All her confusion, all her insecurity, all of her seemed unexpected adolescence.

The main thing is to hide away all these surprises before it returns. You understand that you understand that a person for sexuality, in principle, is fairly purity and lack of alay. So you meet her - please: she already suffered from this ability to experiment with his appearance ... And they didn't know, while he did not try himself!

Uri, where is his raisin?


Be always different: Sometimes confident in yourself and the bold, and sometimes gentle and wounded. Let the riddle always remain in you, which I want to unravel anything. After all, if you lose your "highlight", a woman quickly switches something more interesting. True, if you're different every day, she may not figure out that you demonstrate her highlights to her - and everything for her good ... to imagine to think what you really are - and turns. There is something more understandable and stable mentally.

But you do not lose! Sooner or later tortured to show off and you. And then you will meet a woman just wanting. And if you are natural, honest, cheerful and washed, it is likely that she will also want you. And then you will do what you both like. Wear - Classically, decisive - experimentally ... But this will already be a completely different story. While you both will not turn out how you should have sex tips and do not feel how it's really cool without them - you will not go so easily and pleasantly!

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