Well, very funny rhymes-pills!


Editorial PICS on the Internet has discovered a new kind of rhymes. There are rhymes-pie, there are poems-powder. And this is a pill poem!

And the author of them - Pavel Majorov. Man and steamer. In the world is known under the nickname "Tablets", from where and the common name of his poems has come. We chose the best and invite you to join our delight!

Sidelong in the forest to the mushroom and from the legs to him in * bu, because violence for animals for me a long time

Walked by tramways. Found lying part.

Parasitic fungus? In my brain? Excellent. OK.

He holds home turtles and turtles.


I hate hello. I myself do not know why.

Include a lie detector; Sit, do not move, do not rye.

Tomorrow I screw alone. Fuck * Smiling you in f * Pu, Saint Valentine.

Fell from the sofa, forehead. But did not die? Did not die.

I came to live in Kaliningrad, but there no one was happy.

Girlfriend fucked with a donkey. And died. And behold.


I go to work I, sleepily mock, dear from yellow brick.

It settled to work in the office, and in a year, the pituitary gland.

Having taken out the sword out of the sheath, be extremely careful.

Damn I feel the snow behind the gate. He's cool, and I refill.

Inflate soap bubbles - and the world becomes kind.

A brief analysis of the cat structure: on top of the wool, and inside - emptiness.

Mojito contains moss! I drank a cup and immediately fucking!


200 grams of pork feces - is it a lot or a little?

Bitches, fleas and deprive ... So to take PSA? Let's decide.

I spoke once visiting the procrus, but soon I woke up from a strange crunch.

What knocked on the bottom? Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!

Be in Cherepovets; You will change in the face. Immediately remember the Mother of God, I feel silent about the father.

Before Pokemon since childhood, a Four. As I see them - immediately the seizure.

During intercourse, I was refused a sense of tact.


Check the dosimeter will be elected. I think they are the founding.

"How to split with a cat." Directory, fourth volume.

I will not kill the chipmunk. In any case, while.

Sit in the wilderness desert and people ask questions. Who will not answer - those devour. And behold. And Neher here.

Maxim loved to squeeze like a pig. Therefore, he lived alone.

Metro tunnels dig good moles. And the trains rule rats. And there, in the car, you go.


I walked yesterday to the collage museum. Erreme mother, what's crap.

The soldier threw into enemies with a grenade. He was called EB *** Tom.

In the spring, the whole day is brought in the forest and juice birch sauce.

The one who did not feed the porridge, waiting instead of cartoons.

I go, withdrawing mole. So far, the score is 4-0.

Who sows rye, and who is enmity. I'm waiting for Armageddon.

From cats worms and fleas. Otherwise, they are not bad.

What awaits people who have entered into marriage? Nightmares of life, pain and darkness.

Knit grandmother socks, tearing away from longing. And then they teeth teeth. Teeth teeth into pieces.


Gerasim drowned mules from clouding to the mind.

In the apartment smell of dewenny and, I'm afraid, no reason.

I take off the art house with the scene between the dog and the Zhukhul Draza.

It happens that mice will be filled - they call the cat and breathe into the tube.

All the animals walked on the water, and the elephant is not. He was stupid.

As you know, the leek kills the gapes, but is not at all effective against Hams and Chmarey.

After meeting with Dzhigurda, the cows fell fishing.


In the apartment to us across the balcony, Leprechaun snucked at night, pulled a four-leaf clover and a couple of grandparent icons.

I bought a pig out yesterday. Aimless Just to be.

We have Python lived and ferret. And I am a ferret not to save.

And the cat has risen on the carpet. Raster's legs also.

Anyone knows that the camel in May Day is lying if he does not drink kvass and does not go to salute.

If on the hedgehog mold and moss, the hedgehog you probably have a heart.

I do not like to wash the dishes. I love to eat, but I will not wash.

Meerkats eat siny, and then rzut all evening.

According to the testimony of the plaintiff, the defendant P ** the Deets Sheep.


Vodka "Spiritual fastening" with taste of ports and turnips.

The poplar fluff is the soul of good flies, and cedar cakes are the souls of evil.

In the courtyard of high-rise buildings, the cat bury the corpse of the poop.


I went to women on occasion and in the morning was already in hell.

As Omar Khayam said, you are rolling for all x * holes.

In the Tambov region, the bears steal wires from copper.

Beaver I selected the branch. I absorbed the beaver, I absorbed.

If a cat under the bath got, he probably stress. Or he is the altar there builds for bloody black MESS.


Who is treated with holy water, he dies young.

Here for comparison of Sharpei. Sharpey stupid. But you are dumb.

In my diet from nettle and crushed lentils, it is more difficult to keep the impulses to go and fuck it.

For pride, the benefit of the old lion brings only dead.

It happens - you think x ** nude, sometimes ten times per day. And that x ** nya, how in the throat bone focus - the society of me, the society! Do not learn. This is Blaz x ** Nude to show a comrade and if he says - "Gee-Gee", then boldly to the kicker of the run and post, do not lose moments, the dust, I suppose, you miss, wait and here your x ** just hangs and please They have eyes.

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