How to choose wine in a supermarket: fast, decisive guide tip


Choose wine as the heroes of French films - just gorgeous and adds self-esteem. But only we grew up in Russia, and for us the choice of wine - rather, the brain-cooled quest. Our colleagues from Invisible help him pass.

Eternal problem: you run into the surrounding supermarket for wine and stuck there for good half an hour, a lot of bottles, which is incomprehensible. And I want to choose the wine quickly, elegant and go to have fun. Learning to solve this problem.

Chapter 1) Budget

How to choose wine in a supermarket: fast, decisive guide tip 36627_1

a) up to 500 >> We go to the beer department

To make wine, you need a lot of resources and time (and it is money), so it should not cost too cheap wine. And if it is worth - in 90% of cases, sufferings will bring. With a modest budget, it is better to take a cider or beer.

b) 500-700 >> Wine drinking normal

Sometimes, at a large party, the district barbecue, for a walk on the predestrian capital from the fault of just something, so that it is, and in the morning everything was fine. You can save here, the main thing is not to take a flirtable white under the kebab and, if possible, search the win-win options for this price category, namely:

Red: Carmera from Chile, Pinteat South Africa / Carmenere. Pinotage.

White: Chilean Sauvignon, Pinot Gridgeo with Italian shelf / Sauvignon Blanc. Pinot Grigio.

Pink: Bordeaux French, Rose Bug, from Spain and Italy, Pinot Grieda Blass / Bordeaux Rose. Rosado, Spain. Pinot Grigio Blush, Italy

Sparkling: Proskko and Other Italian Sparkling / Prosecco, Spumante, Italy

Check for freshness!

White and rose - no older than a year, that is, in 2016 we are looking for wine 2015. You can risk from 2014 - but there is already a chance to grab the longing. Rose must be a pink shade (from the hips of the nymphs to sunset over Krasnodar), without any rim, because red - hence the old and sad taste. Red may be 2-4 years old, not recommended. Have a sparkling check the date of filling: they spilled a few months ago - normally; If much more than six months - most likely there will be a lightweight pension taste (crushed, bitterness).

On a note:

Of course, we strive not to wear belts with a buckle D & G not to drink brought brands, but when it comes to choosing wine to 700 rubles., Brand is not evil. The manufacturer is large, values ​​a reputation - therefore, with taste and quality of wine, everything is clear from year to year, and not only when with the harvest is lucky. So sometimes it is better to take a large brand wine - if everything else is in doubt.

b) 700-1000 with tail >> there is from what to increase

Too much money in the usual supermarket is not worth spending. Well, only if we are not talking about some kind of bottle that you know well and really want. The main backbone of wines, which will delight, and will not break in vain - in the range of 700-1300 rubles. And here it is not enough to just decide on the color. It must be understood for what situation you need wine.

Chapter 2) Consider 7 main situations

How to choose wine in a supermarket: fast, decisive guide tip 36627_2

1. Bloodthirst attack, fervent meat

Steak Eater, Baiga Noga: Novosvetsky Cabernet / Carmery, and Flesh will conquer (Cabernet Sauvignon / Carmenere);

Celebrate lamb, clipping: Austrian red, eat more of these gentle pended cherries (varieties: zweigelt, st. Laurent);

Meat white and flying: rice, tamer, but in peaches (Riesling, Austria, Germany, New Zealand);

Sausages, too Meat: Rose Bug, TV Pogrom (Countries: Italy, Spain).

2. Date, this all said

Purrab, hold onto the handles: Pink sparkling, French or Italian, and my head is spinning from love, and not from the second glass (it is better to take dry sparkling, there must be a BRUT word on the label);

To be found by passions: Sira, fragrant with belts and wars, the script for the evening is clear (Syrah, France, South Africa, Chile);

We for 40: Jerez Crim, drink thoughtfully, if you need a soulfulness, or big portions, if you do not talk here (Jerez Cream, Spain).

3. Sofa, film, food

Pizza: Old-kind Chianti or red from Tuscany, fat hands about the sofa do not wipe (Tuscany, Italy);

Burger: Zinfandel / Primitive, and let the sauce passionately flows on the chin (Zinfandel, USA. Primitivo, Italy);

Shrimp Lohan: Chilean Sauvignon, shrimps with a cat to share, but without wine will cost (Sauvignon Blanc, Chile).

How to choose wine in a supermarket: fast, decisive guide tip 36627_3

4. I go to visit / Guests go to me

Sit culturally: the Bordeaux Assembly from South Africa, everything is bright, but strictly - the talkative will increase, it will not reach dances (the varieties will be: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc);

To relieve: Pink Kava, pre-treat neighbors, let them argue that they will tremble the ceiling (Cava Brut Rosado. Spain).

5. I go to my mother / grandmother / mother-in-law on quarterly reception

Conversations under the lampshade: Madeira or Leit Harvest, Gusto, sweet, charming - the object breaks out, will give a portion of hot family secrets (Madeira, Portugal. Late Harvest, Chile, Argentina, South Africa);

Meet the cakes: barrel white with Sicily, tight jeans do not wear, and then there will be no place on the cake (Sicily, the varieties will be local, with mysterious names).

6. I sit at home, overcome melancholy

I like it: pinage and wrapped in plaid - Yes, in katovka, but a favorite (Pinotage, South Africa);

It infuriates me: Grüner, he and a person with a launched depression pull out "from the house" (Gruner Veltliner, Austria).

7. I am morally preparing to enter the light

Pati, clubs, Chad of Ktendse: Intercession, Paul Bottles can be made a concierge to put into the entrance at 5 am, even in different boots and in someone else's jacket (ProSecco, Italy);

To glue at the bar: Rioha, on the second glass biceps plays, the eyelashes clap, and the soul is ready (Rioja, Spain).

Chapter 3) 5 slopes, 10 squats

How to choose wine in a supermarket: fast, decisive guide tip 36627_4

Cleaning wine shelves in the store, it is worth keeping in mind - when the bottles arrange, they think not only about the country and color, but also about something else.

The man creation is lazy, and the man in search of wine is also impatient, grab the bottle, which is more comfortable, and on the cashier. Therefore, at the level of the eye and belt, where the wine is clearly visible and conveniently taken - most often it is worth selling the store.

Budget bottles are shred down to the floor closer, as if hinting: you want to save - Gni back, work out the squats.

On some separate, ending the shelves and sections, expose the goods on the action. You go to the washing powder - oh, wine for 499, take it for the evening. Basically, so sell bottles, from which it is time to get rid of: Old white, no more fun sparkling. But there are exceptions. You are looking at the discount shelf, but the bottle from there you need to carry out a reinforced facingontrol. In general, professional need to make any bottle before buying.


How to choose wine in a supermarket: fast, decisive guide tip 36627_5

1. Appearance:

Here are signs that say that wine is not necessary to take:

A. Passionate title: "Whisper of virgins", "Gardens of Eden", "Monk Blood", well, like that.

B. Suspicious design: Called Virgin on labels, bottles in straw baskets and other high art.

The norm looks like this: at wines from Europe - everything is restrained, there may be some coat of arms and drawing, but without hopping; The wines from the new light are often well there are very design labels, but with taste made (giraffe, though acidic, but is drawn stylish).

B. Transparent bottle: Ultraviolet - guilt of the enemy. A bottle can be transparent, only if it is a rose or lung white, it means that they immediately after entering the sale will be sold and drink, they will not have time to suffer from destructive light. Red in a transparent bottle - no.

G. No Furser: Behind, on top of the label in a foreigner, a controller should be glued in Russian, with information about the fault and about the importer that brought it. No fursors - the importer does not take responsibility for this wine, or the wine is not clear to the country as.

D. Explicit defects: Something broke out, it was spilled, in the mud, the tube crashes, the foil on the player is adorished.

2. Freshness:

See above, chapter 1.

3. Reputation:

If not too lazy - Think a bottle. Of course, to trust the reviews on Vivino, as the words of the native grandmother, it is not always - but a clear horror will definitely be able to cut off, hordes of negative comments and the twists certainly indicate that the wine is unworthy.

As in sports, when choosing wine, the main thing is to regularly train. At first, it is difficult and hurt, and then in a minute I find out the desired wine on the shelf. You open - and there exactly what you expected. And to know what exactly you give money is always nice.


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