8 stereotypes for which we are ashamed


To live in the power of stereotypes, prejudice and prejudice - at least uninteresting. Today's world is so diverse and unpredictable that it is not possible to measure it for some rigid parameters - the task is unbearable, whether you are three times the Nobel laureate and in general, seven spans in the forehead.

But sometimes among the templates imposed on us, there are especially the lives with which we decided to deal once and for all, as you should have been submitted for the last time. We collected 8, and we are very shameful, very!

    Mother-in-law is a monster

Yeah, only waiting for the moment to sculpt in your borscht glass, wounded underwear to pour ink and launch the tentacles to your family budget! And how the son could grow so beautiful, what exactly do you want to spend the rest of the days?! Maybe you should look at the situation otherwise? Most often, the mother-in-law is quite a sweet woman (agree, not without oddities) with which you can always find a common language. But if you got a rare copy with a premourznaya character, sprawling a fiery poison and a woman with a strong life, then rejoice that you are not married to her, and if possible, reduce the number of contacts to zero. Manipulation Ruby on the root - you are not at all obliged to put up with other people's deficiencies!

    After childbirth, women look disgusting, because they do not follow them

Naturally: the main thing is fulfilled, and now you can eat after 6, take a shower once a week, to forget about the epilation as a terrible dream and combat only on large holidays. And all this is not at all because you have a little screaming gently beloved baby, which for the first few months requires your undivided attention, but because they are stupid too lazy, we are confident! By the way, according to our observations, if a woman wants to look like a sacrifice of a mother heroine, he will not save her even around the clock SPA at the place of residence. If there is no, then, according to experienced moms, competent time management and suture help of loved ones will be made from any disgusting in the children's belonging to Fairy and Princess!

    Nowadays there was no such time!

Yes, yes, earlier and trees were higher, and the grass is greener, and the sun shone brighter. And our toys were cool, and the Soviet Cartoons are the coolest, not what now! We walked only in the yard in the fresh air, played in good wonderful games, did not smell our ringing baby laugh! And we learned about sex at all from the videos stolen from the parents in the fifth grade of video tapes with a naked aunt, but exclusively from the popularly popular encyclopedia, presented with grandmother at the age of adulthood! Similar stereotypes (and if you call things with your own names - the qualitative such grinding) is characteristic of elderly people, but it seems to you, not ninety eight? We hope this skepticism towards reality is only a consequence of PMS (oh, stereotype!), Bad mood or quarrel with younger sister, and if not, look into the passport, you probably definitely about a hundred.

    Boys do not Cry

And the princesses apparently do not cake. Why boys can not cry, almost no one can clearly explain, but if you understand essentially, it turns out that they should be ashamed to express their emotions even if the reason is more than a weighty (the news that Santa Claus does not exist - not in score). Interestingly, why then we are surprised that these stale men with a sukhara instead of the soul do not understand our maiden subtle mental organization? Men can cry as much as it gets! Being emotional - not ashamed, I am ashamed to believe in stupid gender stereotypes!

    Only hinds are beautiful

All redheads are witches, and this season in fashion nose with a porridge. There are demonstrations against the imposition of unhealthy standards of beauty, cosmetic companies pay huge fines for excessive use in advertising Photoshop, the movement of the bodiposive around the world is gaining momentum, psychologists wrote trillion kilometers of texts on how to accept yourself and be happy and beautiful, and you Do you still think your beauty depends on some plus minus kilograms? And where have you been the last five years?

    Women's team is hell

One girl went into the female team and did not return. Shock! Photo! Galina Petrovna in the new fur coat. Intrigi! Investigations! Even if you have to work in a company of three-year-old people, mountain trolls or Martian, - What is the difference, if you love your job? Inadequate people are enough everywhere and blame in this gender personality is as stupid as seriously consider that the Russian national football team will become a world champion in the next 10 - and they have, by the way, have some men there. By the way, the editorial office of the PICS is the notorious female team, and we, for example, reign love, mutual understanding, obscurantism, jazz and strong expressions, honestly.

    This will not happen to me!

Nothing pleases like a neighbor's failure. And the most pleasant thing is to tell yourself: "This is because he smelled / stupid / unsuccessful / idiot, but I will not happen to such another, with me." We hurry you to disappoint - anything can happen, with anyone, when you like and as you please. No one will ever give you a certificate with ten seals that you will be fine with you or your loved ones. Naturally, prudence and common sense slightly reduce the risks - no wonder your mom said "don't go one late!", "Don't have any rubbish in my mouth!", "Match to children are not toys!", But life is such a thing that you need to be Ready to everything. To the thunderstorm in early May, snowfall in June and the end of the world right now.

    Did not give, and the pump

Our desire to get into someone else's life and thoroughly there, sometimes comes out for all sorts of fragments of decency. First, even if there is a charming blonde driving a big shiny car. Earns bread in that every night is filmed in porn rollers, including scenes with zombies-lesbians, eight African Americans and one transmission included, then this is solely its case and its Tacchus (her girlfriends zombies and a lawn mower is also it too). And second, it is considered that the woman is not able to earn money on a car, a fur coat, diamonds and other attributes of the "real female schisma", should be very ashamed, especially at the beginning of the 21st century, when space ships furrow the expanses of the universe, and similar stereotypes They become simply indecent.

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