New Year's dishes in 5 minutes: by whining


Forty-pink bushes planted, it is too good for the same thing, a crystal shill is stretched, the deer beat with hoof, and here everything will turn into a pumpkin ... In general, you came running home in the evening of the 31st, the table is defined, and you need quickly quickly Make something. And preferably tasty and beautiful. Is it possible?! Yes, easily!

1. Striped Salad "White Stripe"


Ingredients: Salad leaves, maslines, tomatoes, mushrooms, polka dots, boiled eggs, cheese, boiled chicken, pepper, corn. But you can vary and vary. The value of salad is that it can be collected according to the principle of "what was in the refrigerator"!

The process itself. And the salad chip, in fact, is to lay out beautiful and a variety of layers into transparent dishes of the type of glass cups. All that is needed, cut or blah - and lay out the light and bright, lubricating the mayonnaise on the way. If you are on religious reasons against mayonnaise, you can replace it with natural yogurt without additives, and adding it to it your own is a bit of lemon juice and mustard, pepper salts.

2. Stuffed tomatoes "Red Monkey"


Ingredients: On 4 major tomatoes or shelter Cherry - Cod liver can, 200 g of cottage cheese, greens, salt.

The process itself. Canned oil by merge, the liver itself is a good kneading in the mass together with cottage cheese and greens. At the tomatoes, we cut the "lid", pull out the flesh, we put the stuffing, close, decorate. In the absence of canned food in the house of the strategic reserve, you can stuff a tomato and just cottage cheese, mixing it with chopped garlic. For considerable tenderness of the filling mass, you can add a little bit of the same natural yogurt.

3. Cucumber Rolls "Well done Cucumber"


Ingredients: Several fresh cucumbers, creamy cheese, olives, sweet peppers, parsley or other herbs-greenery to taste.

The process itself. Cucumber is cut along thin plates. Olives and peppers - on small pieces, greens - crushing, and mix with cheese. We put on a small portion on the cucumber strip, twist and beautifully tying the stem. That's the whole short, and elegant how! Skipping, of course, can be varied: for example, add low-headed salmon or crab sticks.

4. Bacon bounce "I beg you"


Ingredients: bacon. And also everything that is found in the refrigerator. For example, solid cheese, mayonnaise and garlic, or cheese and prunes, or cream cheese and arugula. Variations set!

The process itself. Ingredients for filling connect. For example, grated cheese mix with shredded garlic, or dumping prunes stitching with cheese. Or simply lubricate the cheese and put the "stoket" the Ruhal. Watch the rolls, fasten them with skeins and put into the oven for a few minutes. And hook ready - and looks at us imploringly!

5. Bruschetta with salmon "Golden Fish"


Ingredients: How much there is a squeezed salmon, white chopped bread or a loaf, cream cheese box, 50 g of solid cheese, garlic clove, green onions, olive oil, salt pepper.

The process itself. Cream-cheese with solid cheese and garlic are found in a blender. When there was a pasty mass, salt-pepper and add chopped green onions. The bread is sprayed with olive oil and roasted without fanaticism. Now every piece is still without fanaticism with garlic (if nobody plans to kiss under the Christmas tree), lubricate pasta, and the gentle leaves of salmon all this is proudly crowned from above.

6. Fast chop "last blows"


Ingredients: Pork (batch) or chicken fillet, pair of eggs, oil, slightly sugar, salt-pepper or adjika.

The process itself. We cut meat into small pieces, a little dubbing it with an empty beer bottle, salt-pepper or lubricate adzhika. Eggs whipped, add salt and flour there, and a little sugar, foaming chops into the clarity and mooring into a frying pan into the hot oil or fat. Grind until goldenness, overload in beautiful dishes - and, watering the sauce and decorating lemon, solemnly waters on the table meat dish.

7. Fruit Dessert "New Year's Aroma"


Ingredients: Cottage cheese, yogurt, nuts, tangerines and other fruits (Kiwi, bananas - in general, what is), some mint.

The process itself. On the principle of striped salad beautifully and logically lay out layers in a glass ass: cottage cheese, softened yogurt, nuts, fruit. Mandarins more, they also give the most New Year's mood. The very top is decorated with fruit pieces of grin and more (you can still sprinkle cocoa) and a pair of mint leaves. And nor you have harmful sugar, nor what fat creams to you - you can dance after this dessert easily and freely!

8. Chocolate cupcake in the microwave "Miracle Manit"


Ingredients: 4 tablespoons of sugar and flour, 3 tablespoons of milk and butter, pair of cocoa spoons, egg, a little baking powder, vanillin droplet. For decoration - sugar powder.

The process itself. We mix everything - you can right in the container, in which we will be covered in the stove. But so that the dough fill the mug or a glass tile until the middle. Now in the microwave at the maximum power sausage, all these minutes are three - and we have the result under an incredibly proud title "This is my chocolate cupcakes myself"! Actually, the life is short, and the New Year's Eve is still shorter, so you can start a New Year's meal with this dessert! ;)

9. Milk-coffee-mint cocktail "Sober Snow Maiden"


Ingredients: A pair of vanilla ice cream briquettes, milk pillow, fresh or dried mint, polfral coffee. If the children did not drag - then the chocolate.

The process itself. All ingredients, except chocolate and a pair of mint leaves, we send in a blender and have been observing several minutes as they are reunited in a single boring gust. Chocolate rubbed and decorate the composition, crowned with a mint and treat children and abstinates. Just until the disgrace, delicious to breathtomasses!

10. Home Sangria "Funny Compote"


Ingredients: All sorts of dried fruits, which will be on Sousseca (Kuraga, Raisin, Date, Dried Cranberries - Everything will go!), Bottle of red, half a cup of soda, half a cup of brandy, a little honey, ice. For decoration - oranges and other citrus.

The process itself. Crumpled dried fruits pour brandy and honey and heated, not boiling. Now we pour wine and put in the refrigerator at the time while everything else is being prepared. Before feeding in a jar, we pour out the gas, throw the ice to taste and sliced ​​fruit with circles. Dzin, comrades, with new happiness!

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