8 Myths about Lesbian Sex (18+)


XXI century, cosmic ships without tired of furious and then in the text, but still there are still people who do not know that two women can have sex. PICS.RU Departs 8 main myths. Down with myth-making!

Myth 1. Everything is just like in porn

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If you mean that women must be blondes with accurate figures in breathtaking underwear with false nails and artificial huge tits, and be sure to end as sewing machines from the blow of the wind, then it is better to continue to live in your sugar world with unicorn.

Myth 2. Mandatory role distribution

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That is, one of the girls should be a boy, and the other is a girl. No other way. In fact, all different, someone like to dominate, to someone to obey, and someone is truly universal and ready in bed for everything. Well, at least very much. The fact is that the strict frames exist only in the consciousness of the townsdays.

Myth 3. They are waiting for him

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No matter how hard the girls tried, but without a man and His Majesty MPH (male sexual x * I) nothing will come. So stay like fools, without sex. Guys, well, are you serious?

Myth 4. They wear bilateral dildo

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Yeah. A pair of latex gloves, cupcake and lump harmonica. Well, just in case.

Myth 5. This sex a priori safe

8 Myths about Lesbian Sex (18+) 36619_5
The most dangerous myth, because the most abundant. In fact, the girl, having sex with a girl can be infected with any unpleasant STD. As they say, how long, skill. So take care of safe sex and it is necessary to be protected in the same way.

Myth 6. It is only superficial caresses

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Some like the penetration, some not. This is no case depends on the orientation. And the idea that the use of Dildo automatically means that it is better to sleep with a man, absolutely idiotic. Cunnilingus you can do anyone, but you will choose someone who likes, right?

Myth 7. Lesbians automatically know how to deliver each other, because they are both women

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In principle, all people are arranged equally, so if you stick to this logic, then, repaid with one person, you will automatically know how to delight anyone on the planet. It is a pity that this is not the case, of course, in this case, the amount of change would be much less!

Myth 8. Any ready with any

8 Myths about Lesbian Sex (18+) 36619_8
Sure! There are no sympathies, attachments, love, orientation and desire - exclusively girls bloody in the eyes. As soon as the lesbian sees any woman, she gets up, and she immediately wants to have sex with her. Is it really true that someone believes?

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