Take it off immediately. Why doctors recommend sleeping naked


    Take it off immediately. Why doctors recommend sleeping naked 36612_1
    World experts are engaged in serious things. According to the latest data, going to bed, it is better to shoot panties, even if you do not do this anything, but in the bed you are waiting for only a cat, dog or a teddy bear, or all together. With cold winter nights, when without pajamas, they are advised to avoid dense and fitting materials. But nothing is better than sleeping naked hygienist doctors have not yet invented.

    It is easy to guess that the fabric absorbs moisture, and the wet environment is just a home home for the formation of numerous colonies of bacteria, especially since even the most sinking elements in the field of personal hygiene are unlikely to change the pajama accessories every night.

    Dr. Alisa Two from New York draws attention to the fact that it is especially important to "ventilating" for men and women during the occurrence of menopause, which often feel the so-called "rings".

    Director of the American Institute of Mens Health and Urology Dr. Brian Steiner advises men who plan to children, reconsider their night habits and do not go to bed in the "boxers". Increased body temperature during sleep significantly affects the quality of sperm.

    Those who can not do without pajamas are recommended only options out of 100% cotton and casual.

    In addition, the sleep of naked contributes to the normalization of the total body temperature and a decrease in blood pressure.

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