The third time in the first class. Or as a columnist PICS.RU decided to become a minister of education



This fall, we noticed that our favorite Vika Samsonov (Viketz) has changed. In her glance settled some kind of cured pain. After this column of school, we understood why. Find out and what are you, what is the mother of the teachings of the torment in the flesh.


Seven forty is not a Jewish song, although it is she standing on my alarm clock. The alarm clock calls at 7:40 in the morning, it is necessary to go to school. I go to school for the third time in a row. Well, I go ... a change, sobbing. For one thing, I do not like school and never be able to love. The third generation in our family goes to breakfast with the words "I would have burned down this school and, together with her, who came up with getting up at 7:40 in the morning!" I swear every time I did not come up with me. Just in case, after all, the repeat is the mother of the teaching. And I am a Mother's Mother. I can go to bed at 7 pm, but I do not get enough sleep if I get up at 7 in the morning. I tried all the methods, and they do not work. With children, too, do not work.

Did you manage to completely avoid a mathematics exam? To appear on it and wipe. Wake up sleeping, but with a twos. I managed. I also managed to fall asleep at the parent meeting. The manner of concerns thoughts to the audience of any age among teachers is peculiar. I fell from the chair, everything was revealed, right as children, I was ashamed. I wiped the saliva and thought that I studied hard precisely because I was bored and wanted to sleep.

I have all the roads lead to school. I leave in any direction, but first turning to school. There I am stupid for some time, yelling, I swear and from there going on. This is an autopilot. For almost 30 years I move in the morning in this direction and no holidays, no moving, weather cataclysms and even if I slept - all this does not change anything. Shkooolaaa, I go to you !!! After school, I go to bed and again go to school. How can I love it - I do not know!


Usually, at this time, children are confessed to parents that tomorrow to school should be brought to the school, a report with color photographs and tea pies. (from)

- Mom, and we need to draw three pigs tomorrow!

At this moment, the parents will understand me, the vortices of not very censored thoughts swept in the head. I graduated my teeth and asked:

- And to sew budenivka and make a birdhouse for tomorrow you do not need?!

Having gathered his anger and all his will in the fist, I sat down to draw "three piglets."

Understanding that the drawing should be kinder, I stuck all my artistic abilities in one place and painted three ovals, three heads, three heel in the form of sockets, legs, pens, three schematic piglets in the background, painted piglets with a pink pencil, and the result My son and I were satisfied.

The drawing was delivered, the child is read, everything seems to be good if there was no continuation of the story about "three piglets".

There is a parent meeting, the conversation comes to children's drawings, suddenly in the hands of the teacher, our masterpiece appears with three pink beams with sockets on cheerful face and she yells:

"But this !!! Do you look at it? Is it possible to draw piglets? They are (attention!) Not anatomical !!! Why do they stand on two legs, and not on four ??? !!! "

Here I could not stand it and gave everything about the anatomy of piglets and human anatomy, just in case she is definitely not lost in the way to some organs.

I don't go to the meetings, I have nerves.

Bedroom for Hummingbird

If you are lucky with teachers, then lucky. If not, the school is the theater of the absurd. In the army, paint grass in a green color, and in our class, for example, the workshop gave out half-wagon children with old school calls and dumping and said that the school needs screws. 2 lessons of martish labor. A man is not a man if he did not master the stool-building! Where is the notorious stool? Instead of the toaster - a birdhouse. Buncher in which hummingbird can fit.

Reports that no one reads made by their parents, some monstrous poems, but there are nice poems. I read out loud, by heart, the "railway" of Nekrasov, son listens with pleasure and he remembers! Nice autumn, healthy, crooked, the air is tired of the tired forces ... We have taught good poems at school, and I still remember them, although I studied worse than everyone in the classroom. But they now have a religion that the children of all existing religions are equally hated.

The eldest son studied well, but does not remember almost anything from the literature. The younger does not remember anything at all. But the briefcase of the younger can not raise neither I nor the older. There are someone's the dissertations in the Russian language, literature and mathematics, bought and published by nimble printing pictures. I am increasingly seeing children going to school with suitcases on the wheels. Suitcases are more and more knowledge less. And I ... I do not believe myself: I wanted to become a teacher. It seems to me that they would be interesting to me. And better - the minister of education immediately. Wow, I would then !!!

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