Elf, Pirate, Crusader: For what we love Bloom



As in the Orlando names, we baked a loaf! Congratulations to Orlando Bloom with the 39th anniversary! Himself can not believe how quickly our crumb of Legolas rose. And however, whether it is at least the gnome advanced years, we would still love him. Because:

He survived in unequal battle with Johnny Depp

The enemy will not wish to be in one frame with Jack Sparrow. All the blanket will take effect. But Orlando somehow retained on the deck, despite the fact that Depp was drpaling him as a tuzyr gallery: joy about eunuha, which naochesed throughout the pirate history - the notion of Johnny, which was not close in the script. And after all, the stubborn kid - in 2017 it turns out the fifth of the films, and Bloom has been declared there. There is no fear, one pad.

He is honest

No doubles - Bloom everywhere rushes on their own to fulfill all the tricks. On the set of "Brotherhood of the Ring", he even broke the edge, something there is a sort of combat highlighting. And then on the "kingdom of heaven" the hand of the pier.

And not a fool


Perfectly admires the "Karamazov brothers" and, it seems, in contrast to most of those who do the same, they really read them.

He is a mistake of ecology

Are you going to have blinking light bulbs? We also throw in the garbage. And Bloom folds into the box and utilizes. His London House is covered with solar batteries, and the actor himself in each second interview rolls a large-scale attatat for those who are a litter. He is also a vegetarian.

He is forever young


It is necessary to possess some incompleteness so that from 24 to 37 years old five times to play the same non-sharing legolas - yes so that at the last film the audience did not rush their eyes, they say, Oh Come On, Uncle.

He divorced Miranda Kerr

Whatever it was, Orlando, we are on your side in this matter.

He saves dogs


Well, one exactly saved. Orlando during the filming of the "kingdom of heaven" picked up in Morocco a ricketical hungry puppy, who was already ready to give the soul to the dog's god from Hoddough. Shelled, fattened, went out. A large hairy dog ​​of a non-obvious breed is nicknamed Sydi. In general, he has these dogs a whole crop.

Others handsome

Oh, we do not need to push about the fact that some is very sweet and smooth. That, it is already 10 years old does not fall out of the lists of the hottest and desirable.

He's long hair

And this little about whom can be said.

Photos and Frames: Kinopoisk.ru, "Hobbit: Waste Smalthan", "Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl", "Kingdom of Heaven"

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