What would the landlord say if he told the truth


More and more people refuse to buy an apartment to property (and the transfusing prices for real estate here are completely nothing of any, of course), preferring long-term rental. As practice shows, finding an ideal apartment - still Polbie, the main thing is that this apartment has adequate owners.

We have submitted to yourself what the landlords could say. Sigor truth of life!

About the photos of the apartment


Photos are taken on the phone in a hurry with his left hand in the jump, because the younger child knocked over her hanger and everything was not up to high artisticity. They tried painfully so that all sorts of sticking wires and stained walls are not visible. In general, we are too lazy to take photos, so come and look, we are not photographers, and we rent an apartment!

About carkers


Lovely, beautiful apartment! One carpet on the floor! One on the wall! On the bed carpet! Under the bed carpet! If you need, then on the balcony there is another one - the spare, you can sit on the floor in the kitchen, for example, or decorate the sofa! Such, you know, red with patterns! And with deer, of course, on the wall, where else! What? 2015 year? No, you did not hear.

About neighbors


The family lives from above, which something constantly notes, and if it does not notice, it repairs, and if it does not repair, then the scandal takes about and without, most of all goes to the boy. On the right - a young family with a cleaner dog, who throws and barks on everyone, and when one bitter (and infinitely), however, however, he worked on the evil fate. They, however, say that it does not bite, but no one has checked. And below, our friends we warned that they let you live, so they will surely look after you! There is a lieutenant colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, if that.

About myself


We will definitely strain you! First, call about and without: how are our rhododendrons? Do neighbors do not complain? Have you seen our family photo album, this, with gilding? Secondly, you, of course, can transfer money to us on the expense, but we will still come! It is absolutely necessary to check how our cozy apartment is here without us, as you live here! Well, suddenly you decide to shift the tile in the bathroom, and it was put on my grandmother, or find a snack in the photo album?



We did repair to pass the apartment, yes. The wallpaper bought the cheapest, glued the son-student, the ceiling painted Grandfather Fedya, he is in this special. Was. Twenty years ago. Snearly painted, yes, but you constantly look at the ceiling? Parquet to redo not started, you are what is the parquet! Soviet times! The famous Christmas tree! Plumbing shit, of course, but you live here, not for us. Replace to rent? Yes, she is new, why? There were no baths, too, did not change, twenty years stood and still just like the same. By the way, go to the toilet - carefully: there is a drain on the rope.

About the closed second room


There is no one who does not fit by God the forgotten trash, who even to take out a shame. And the piano "Lyrics". But, by the way, it is possible that our cousin sister's sister on the mother line will come and will live there. Well, that, that in the contract it is not, there is a room. Or, you know that, let's open it, and you will pay us more, because the rooms have become more? We will not export anything, all decent people need to be in the house of Piano!

About selling apartments


We want to sell it, but to begin to understand how the scheme works with the surrender, suddenly this golden lived? We have already thought of the sale announcement, so that people will come to watch, mostly on weekends, so be pleased at home. Now, of course, the crisis is sold, everything is not easy, especially real estate, so you are eliminating while. And we are an additional source of income! If we sell, you will immediately have to move, what to delay, and what if the deal is angry? When? Well, my lovely, this is a philosophical question.

About rental


In the announcement it is written "for a long time from the year," but, you know, our grandmother from Stavropol does not feel very well and most likely after three months we will transport it, so you will need to move. Well, or our son will move, he is such a responsible boy, the institute ends, the gulyans do not lead, it is going to marry, it is necessary to live himself somewhere! And in general, we like three months to you, let's see, suddenly, we do not like it? You and now, honestly, not very. And your nose you have a long one.

About animals and children

What would the landlord say if he told the truth 36609_9

Animals and children are beautiful, but not in our apartment. Children walk, all dirty, rush on the carpets, throw food, draw on the walls, cry, run, wake up on Saturday at 6 am and loudly look at the disgusting cartoons or begin to engage in the piano and wake all the neighbors! Animals are written where it fell, the furniture is lit, from them stench, wool that's all this. What if we decide to live here? And here these are gold fish! Water! Dampness! Seaweed!



So, it is unlikely to get to the subway on foot, especially in winter: nothing can be cleaned, every year grandmother legs break. Buses in theory go time in 10 minutes, in fact - as in the head will make up. In the playgrounds, the queue in the sandbox and on the swing, and they will be even longer - just yesterday they saw a pregnant woman with five children. From the shops of Pyaterochka and Crossroads: you can buy something decent, but mostly hellish hell for mad money, everything we love. Yes, in the courtyard music school, they have concerts on Sundays from 9 am. Summer on the street. Polyclinic? Smellic!

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