10 startups to save relationships



Want to open a business, but all the niches are busy? Want to open a business, but doubt success? Want to open a business, but there are no ideas - which one? PICS.RU offers you 10 win-win options. It offers free, but selfish because we really need a similar service. Or all ten.

PMS crisis center

In addition to the Lounge Zone, a tea room and an empty room with soft walls in such a center, a tire is needed, cellophane with bursts and a huge ax for cutting meat. For VIP clients, an additional specially trained on "sorry, I am an idiot" is needed, a man whom you can beat the screens.

Kindergarten for husbands

The absolutely necessary institution where you can pass the spouse and sleep. Good patient women will feed your husband with borsch, praise, plunge on the head and lay down to sleep. It is very important that the women of these were much (much!) Older than any husband, so under this startup you can knock out the public grant in the framework of the target program for the support of women of the retirement age.

Club anonymous orgasm simulators

The imitation of the orgasm is a vicious circle in which a woman pounds. Then it is very difficult to explain to your man why you suddenly stopped cum in twenty-five seconds. And you have to imitate again. To escape from this circle, it is necessary to have a serious determination and real support that the pins may be given in misfortune. "Hello, my name is Masha, and I have been not imitating orgasm for four months." Stormy respectful and slightly envious applause.

Rehabilitation Center for gamers

Where will be tied to men to beds and not to play ticker. If breaking is strong - can be allowed as substitution therapy to plant flowers in some Facebook application. But it is better to simply bind and not give tanks. Do not give tanks and tie. And watch how he is writhing ... Give two!

Center for accelerated preparation of perfect lovers

Educational institution, where men will make to forget everything they were taught in porn, in smoking, beyond garages or courses of pickuparters. And they will tell them what a "clitoris" is and how to use it correctly. Money on startup is easily gathering through crowdfunding - no woman will not be able to transfer to such an important undertaking.

Mystery fan (fan)

Goes to each post in social networks. Laikat, verbally admire, writes talented poetic dedications, gives flowers - electric and natural, courier delivery. But, most importantly, it looks like a avatar like God. The service is guaranteed to make freshness in your relationship with your spouse.

Baby hire

An indispensable thing for couples who doubt whether they are ready to become parents. Excellent startup, because everyone is satisfied: the parents of the childbirth receive a temporary nanny, applicants for the position of the parent receive the necessary information to count the coefficient of naphygroupness, the child is a change in the situation, and you are your commissions.

Universal answering machine

A unique offer for start-up-Aytichnikov. Synchronized between two telephones app responding to frequently asked questions not to make your second half brain. The second half is enough not to forget to update the answers: "In a big saucepan", "on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator", "the second white sock - under the bed", "the second black - on the battery", "salary on Monday" and "yes there is no one "

Schedule for Blind Date

Dating blindly - it is always a risk. The unique contact with the opposite floor will sit at the neighboring table and will force you. Intervened if the applicant frankly lifts, for example, on a maniac. And if the date goes somehow not as well as / or the photo in the social network turned out to be maliciously outstopped, the ethereal will react to the agreed gesture, will suit the table and arrange the stage on the topic: "Oh, you are a bastard, and I really believed you" or "Wolf, you, I despise you. "

Family Prison

Startup for engineers. Looks like a frame that reacts to the sound level. As soon as the ugly scandal reaches the ninety decibel, photos from joint travel are displayed on the frame and starts playing "your song". Startup not only potentially multimillion, but also very noble - you will save thousands of families. While, of course, your device will not split about the wall nafig.

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