Test. How many memes are driven in you by the Soviet school?



Now it is fashionable to say: "I gave me anything to me." Money did not give, the ability to plan the family budget did not give, and I, I say, now I will not prove. But in fact interesting and sometimes even useful from the school program gets stuck in the head much more than you think.

Check how much, for example, actually remains in your head. And you will condone that the rest is about the same as the same. This is called: "Common Cultural Background." So that!

Question 1 of 10. Whose pants on all parties are equal?

Pushkin, at school all the time there was something about Pushkin

Our chefs in the cauldron, he himself was in all directions equal

Ancient Greek Pythagorean Thinker

Nikanoras that would mean

Question 2 out of 10. When, do you remember, the blizzard was angry?

Every winter physical education lesson, especially if he first went




Question 3 of 10. Which of the quote below exactly belongs to Gogol?

What I gave you, the same I kill you!

Rare bird will take up to the middle of war and the world

It is expressed firmly Russian people!

Ay yes Pushkin, ah yes Sukin Son!

Question 4 out of 10. Minus for minus gives ...

... .

... a plus.

... Mutual repulsion of magnets.

... bonus.

Question 5 out of 10. The relay rule was held on ....

... physics.

... physical education.

... We did not pass, we have been sewn apron on the writings.

... geography.

Question 6 out of 10. Who is the author of this quote? Quiet Ukrainian night ...

Pushkin, Alexander Sergeyevich

Gogol, Nikolai Vasilyevich

Tolstoy, Lev Nikolaevich

Do you think I don't know anyone from the school program? There is no author here

Question 7 out of 10. What is the fact that we have been given here about Ekaterina the Great, not true?

Dealt with issues of women's education.

I composed plays.

He loved music.

There was a German.

Question 8 out of 10. Kabalevsky taught that music stands on ...

... two legs.

... Three whales.

... faith in a bright future.

... just seven notes.

Question 9 out of 10. If you want to become a freak ...

... in the acid of extreme water.

... Acid of the extremes in water.

... drink soon raw water.

... drink in dining tea and water.

Question 10 out of 10. The hero of our time is a novel about how ...

... After the revolution, the railway was built.

... A young nobleman opposed the Pugachev Bunut.

... Goat One torments women and thinks about fate.

... This is not a novel, but a typical essay theme.

The next question is complete to start re-

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