If a close person seriously fell ill: 17 important items, what to do


Disease is what suddenly can happen with each. Mom / dad / sister / brother / husband / friend / Child fell ill - what to do? What to do? How to look for a clinic? Run to the Foundation? Varvara Turova collected 8 vital recommendations.


Trust but verify

After receiving a diagnosis, recheck it in two other doctors. Contact specific doctors, which you heard good feedback from acquaintances.

Do not read strawlockers

Do not read medical forums and do not ask questions on them. Do not waste time on different kind of untested information. It is better to immediately contact real professionals.


Purchase absolutely all medical analyzes that are related to your disease. Those 3 doctors who will recheck your diagnosis will say if some of the analyzes are missing. Do everything. Most likely, in Israel or Germany, etc. You will be obliged to pass tests and there. Depends on the clinic and the doctor. Some doctors have no confidence in Russian analyzes.



Translate all tests into English - you need to do this with the help of a professional medical translator. In different countries, analyzes may be called absolutely different, and technically accurate (literal) translation can not give anything.

Do not lose time

Scan all your medical documents you have. You can simply take a picture of them with the phone (if you manage to make this photo big and truly clear - for the doctors who, for example, will advise you online, could easily and disagreeing through the shortcomings of the photo, read what is written on it ).


Study, which of the clinic in the world is considered specializing in exactly your disease. Consider that in America, most clinics will be strongly more expensive than in Germany, and in Germany will most likely be more expensive than in Israel.

Learn all about treatment in Russia


It is possible that with your illness knows how to cope well in Russia. Such cases, as practice shows, is not enough (I hope, all Russian doctors will not be offended at me, among which there are true geniuses, and wonderful honest people, etc.). But there are still such cases.

Contact proven clinics

It is known that with oncological diseases know how to contact Israel well. Here are just a few of the exactly good, famous for the whole world (and this is not always the same) clinics:

  • Sheba Medical Center - Neurosurgery (Dr. Feldman), Radiology, Cardiac surgery,
  • Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center - often addressed about gematoncology, but of course, the clinic has been engaged in other things, too,
  • Assuta is not a state, but a private clinic and foreigners (not citizens of Israel) is easier to get into it. True, there may be more expensive. But the reputation of the hospital is one of the best
  • In Edith Wolfson Medical Center, breast cancer is good
  • In the Saint-Luc clinic (Belgium), to which I heard a huge number of complaints from various acquaintances and acquaintances, nevertheless treated young children with liver diseases - and it is hardly the only place in the world is such
  • I am very praised by the clinic "Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Cars. Klinik Und Poliklinik Für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe "in Dresden,
  • Ikhilov
  • HMC (Herzliya, private),
  • Wolfson (Holon),
  • Asaf a-roof (near Rishon-lesion),
  • Medical center Rabin (Petah Tikva),
  • Schneider (Petah Tikva, Children's Hospital),
  • Meir (Kfar Saba),
  • Rambam (Haifa),
  • Adasa (Jerusalem),
  • Forty (Beer Sheva),
  • Kaplan (Rehovot),
  • Clait - Hospital box, combining several hospitals: Rabin, Soroka, Meir, Carmel, Ha-Emeck, Kaplan, Yoseftal, Levintstein, Schneider,
  • Hospital's most popular medical studists: Shiva, Ikhilov, Adas, Asut (according to the Ministry of Health).


Find out prices immediately

The overwhelming majority of good clinics usually do not attend any accounts to your personal consultation with a specialist. In the sense that you do not have to wait for you to send your tests to the clinic, you will immediately say how much treatment will cost.

Use the provision

As for the visas - they are "medical". It is said that getting them easier and faster than tourist.

Get ready for spending


Even when the clinic puts your account, do not count on that the amount in it is indicated, will not change. In rare cases, treatment is less than planned. Most - more. Much depends on how your body will respond to treatment, of course.

Medical tourism to help you

Each large clinic has a department of "medical tourism", and this department has its own section on the site. In many cases (if it is about Israel), this page is in Russian - here is just one example.

Contact proven intermediaries

In medical tourism, it is very customary to contact "intermediaries." That is, people who will professionally help you in all negotiations with clinics and doctors. It happens that these people truly save lives and fight for their client. It happens that they are not clean in hand and will pull from you a bunch of money. Contact only the proven mediator. Such a person can really facilitate the whole process.

Do not forget about additional expenses

Do not forget to add to the amount of treatment for housing costs (in most cases, people who are treated in Israel, take apartments there. This is, unfortunately, not at all cheaply) and food (not cheap in any countries in which good medicine).

Turn to profile funds


If you can't choose a clinic and decide how it is better to act, you can consult with employees of charitable funds - even if they cannot help you with money (or if you do not need financial assistance) - they can possibly tell me how you better act. For example, you can write to the Foundation "Give Life" - [email protected]

Ask for help

The instruction is better to act if you need to raise money here.

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