Vegeth vascular dystonia. 9 signs that your girl has it


If your girl, a completely wonderful person, from time to time begins to behave strangely, perhaps some mystery is mixed here. Maybe she is a vampire, a witch or a secret agent. But, most likely, she has VDC - vegetative-vascular dystonia.

A complex of symptoms that occasionally from problems with vessels or, for example, from post-stress neurosis. How to understand exactly? There are 9 signs.

Marble leather

If the face of the beloved often whitewash with Zelenzaya, maybe she, of course, and the vampire. So conduct further check carefully. Take her gently by hand and turn the palm up. Palm also marble color, but pink? Congratulations, you can kiss with a girl, getting off garlic. If you do not have any ideas that you can and what you can not do with the girl, of course.

There is something from the ladies of the 18th century

And here are the details. If she is still powdered wig and flies, then we still put on a vampire: they, if you believe movies, very conservative. And if a girl from time to time, with a gentle sigh and interesting pale, falls in your arms, face in a salad or there on asphalt, then I remember, I didn't have sharply. Girls with hardships do not know how to move smoothly. With sharp movements and losses, losing consciousness for them is not a question at all.


Many girls with VDs look like it is not longhanded. And feel the opposite: as if they were given the heartbeat for two by chance. By the way, do not rush to seduce if I squeezed the girl in the arms, and she was all the limp and her heart trembles like a little bird. These are also typical manifestations of FMR. Such is the prose of life.

The bell ringing causes her headache

If the pain also cause any long-lasting loud sounds - for example, the Petardes that you explode from her under the window to cheer, or her own laughter, then the girl must be sorry and love. And if the pain is also caused by the drops of holy water, then the movie has already taught you what to do. Saw, mortal.

Strange pupils

The girl or walks like a drug addict, with constantly expanded pupils - and, by the way, it barely transfers the sunny color, or, on the contrary, it looks at the world with pupils narrowed as in the attack of rage. Here, of course, the main thing is that the iris is not red, and the rest is its problems. If you are soulless.

Peephicity and prosperity

The girl from time to time flows into the symptoms, irritability, poured with tears for any occasion? And you, of course, every time you think that she has "these days." Every week, yes. Or she is witch evil, bu. No, ITR also causes emotional breakdown. That is, physiology here is still with what, but not at all in the sense. Stop looking for regularities and just hug it. Especially since it is so nice to the arms.


From time to time, the girl with IRCs necessarily reports to a gloomy voice: "I have a ho-o-Oloodno ... How good to me, o-Oloodno ..." and pulls to you, pulls really cold pale hands. Especially when you're from the heat of all the stench and you do not agree with your wide breast from purely aesthetic considerations. It is not from harm. It also has from VD. I regret and ... okay, do not hug. Sketch her shoulders a jacket and offer to lie down. The first is nice, and from the second can be melted. Only sharply get up later do not come.


Do you want to feel like an exorcist? And will have to. Because at any time, a girl with ICC can start with a crazy face to tear beads or a t-shirt gate and grab the air, as if she had nothing to breathe from incense and prayers. In fact, the problem is again in its vessels. At least if you did not read the prayers and I did not have a ladder here.

Attacks of fear

The girl with the VDC of anyone and nothing is usually afraid. Mind. But she does not cope with the body. Acceleration of the train in the subway, a sharp change of weather and much more causes her anxiety attacks up to classic panic attacks. And that it spars from horror on a leather solester in a peaceful and empty car, there is no drop is not funny. That's just try her to say that it was funny. Just try. If before that she was neither a vampire nor a witch, now will definitely become, and you have an end.

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