Caution, moms! Statements about childbirth and children on the forums from which


The worst thing is not that these people live next to us. It is terrible that they live with their children and what they want with them, they are creating. We warn you, you have no hair moving on your head, while you read this article.

About disease


Son (1.3) is sick, whether rubella, or cortem. More inclined to rubella. Naturally, we are not vaccinated. Question: Is it worth going to the doctor and determine what got sick? With both illnesses, treatment is the same: sit at home. Temperature 38.1 kept exactly one day, now only rash. The son runs the son, nothing really eats, only a title. Who sick, share.


Hello, I am very concerned about the condition of my baby. At first for the month of my child's chair was liquid, then yellow, then green, as with algae. For the last few days, the child eats before bedtime from me under the side, sleeps, wakes up and sick of a fountain. Sometimes immediately after eating sick of that milk, which ate just. Sometimes once, it happens twice. You take it on your hands - the air goes out. Second day Temperature 37.8 - 38.2 degrees. The teeth are already dispersed for almost a month, MM sticks at 3. I can not understand whether it is connected to her nausea and the temperature with teeth or this is something more serious. Maybe someone came across such. Is it worth contacting doctors?! and worry.


Dear moms! I am sure that in this group there will be those who refuse to make vaccinations to their children and understands the benefits of children's infectious diseases transferred in childhood. I want my daughter to take cute, rubella, pork and that there is still relying to children. But the question is where to pick them up, if these diseases probably try not to diagnose, so as not to spoil the vaccination statistics? I know that once in the USA, it was customary to hold "Koreland Parties". We will gladly come to visit the sick, and the cake to tea is baked, just call!

About food


Hello all rawls and not only. Question on the baby. Mother cannot breastfeed. He was born just yesterday. What to feed it? It is clear that the dairy mixtures that are offered in the hospital is poison. I still come to my mind only to breed the juices activated water ... But is it possible at that age? Please advise, who understands this issue. Thank you. The mother of the child can not feed. They gave birth at home ... The birth was good ... But she tried to give birth to three days and screamed very much .. it caused a trachea gap, the air fell somewhere where the heart and other organs ... went swelling of the face, called an ambulance. They are in the hospital and said that this is deadly dangerous - the heart can stop. I had to do the operation. Clearly, what milk is impossible to give. This is minimum for a month.


Dizziness in the child

We are 2.5 years old, all the peers are already riding on the scooter, confidently jump. Our sometimes even in the sandbox is insecure. On the face - weakened, slightly bruises under the eyes, pale leather. In winter clothes, it is also hard to walk, far from walking - getting tired. The mood is excellent, active as everything, mobile, intelligence is normal, everything is OK. The skin without rash, but the allergies are prone, callar with a smell, almost regular. If not for other children, then we can say everything is ok. And so it can be seen that compared to other children, it is physically weaker. Visually no one (including doctors) does not cause suspicion, an ordinary child, normal growth, just thin. The weight of about 13 kg, eats somewhere around 70-80% of the raw, the rest nailed with boiling water cask with sprouted grains, vegetable times. Sometimes Vega-Borsch at the grandmother, and even less often buckwheat in a cafe. Raw yolks.


The other day at the time of fatigue I speak to my 3.5-year-old baby: "Sun, well, empty breasts, milk is not almost! Or do you like to suck? ". He reluctantly pulling off his chest: "Yes!" "Well, I say," not even sweet! What do you feel when you suck ?? ". And he: "Love!" ... and again satisfied.


- And I fed and feed the soup that I cook myself. At first, of course, I made a puree from soup, and now I chew and give my son loves soup. Soup with beef and without roasted.

- How do you chew?

- Mouth, how my feed me. The child loves the soup very much)))

About placenta


We have been in the freezer for 1 year and three months lives a placenta, help me, please tune in and decide to determine it in a more suitable place! I didn't want to give me something, because There is no place "His", I wanted to throw away in the sea, but we must sail away, so as not to drive away. I think can burn?


Until cut off, 3 days lay wrapped in a gauze napkin and lavender covered in the usual plastic container, then frozen until the moment they decided where to bury. We planted a tree on the spot where they buried in the country.


We shielded salt on both sides with the placenta, wrapped in a waterproof tissue and on top into the diaper. It is stored in our basket in the room :) Salt change periodically. In a month we want to let go to the ocean :)


We were almost 4 days on the umbilical cord, they wanted everything to go naturally (so that the baby in his time was disconnected from the umbilical cord). When the Pupovina dried, becoming a tough, the husband was worried that she puts the babies to the baby where the navel was healing. They gathered to cut off (according to the already breaking place very close to the navel), but we were stopped as over (my heart pulled sharply). They realized that it was not necessary to touch. Pupovina sama shed in a couple of hours. Nothing rotted, the navel healed quickly and fine. The placenta was kept in salted water and sprinkled with turmeric (smelled wonderful). Then the husband built a stand for the placenta and dried down (pre-removed the bubble enveloped it) her next to the stove (she mumfied). All is well, that's just a bubble sorry that they did not leave next to the placenta. Still, too, an important part of the "Tree of the kind." We think the baby leave the choice what to do with the placenta.


So far, you store it in a plastic container, wrapped in natural fabric. Now I think about a wooden box (my husband began to do them). I would like to sew a bag for her. To help you add the details: The placenta after birth, we first just put in the basin, later poured the pre-salty (sea salt) in advance. They changed it only 2 times in all this time. On the 3 day no longer added water, they simply sprinkled with turmeric. It seemed that even then she was still very live. And during the drying process, she turned into the eyes of coal in front of the eyes.

About the main thing


Devica, I, too, in 16 ... and savsemi got lost difficulties ... right now I am 21 and again in waiting for Chyuda !!!!!!! Cheer to give birth .... And be afraid of this terrible word. abortion!!!


In the hell, women who did turn around the spoons of their killed children need to think that we do because pregnancy protection is the same killing child)



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I personally kiss my both cappos in pussy))))))) damn, these are my favorite places !!! At the daughter of "Pie", and the Timka "Picker" !!! Sonelku kiss so that the husband did not see, but it also wakes up !!


I had a difficult situation. Please help. Have a child. Boy 3.6, played with a dog. Had him for the tail throughout the house (I was not particularly opposed, the child plays). The dog first rushed, sneezed dull, and as a result, the child was happily biting her hand. My anger was no limit! I hit the ps to the rolling back, did not calculate the strength and broke him there something. Well, the hind legs have denied. My husband and I and I were taken out of the city. Now the child is yelling that he wants to play with an orfeit (so called the dog) and he does not need another. How to be and what to say to the child?


- Can a man have children if he has no one kidney. He has no one since the birth of one kidney, instead of two one big ...

- Without left can not. Men left kidney main, in women right. And, do not laugh the disciples, not knowing the broth, do not fall into the water. You do not know - do not affirm. Do not mislead the people. It has long been proven that the kidneys play a major role in the women's and male sexual sphere.


My eight-month son does not like when after eating it wipe. Once I was psychodula and licked his face. Now every time I do, gently, with care, like a cat cat, and he likes - laughs: D


- Women's pissing is the path of the baby to the light, and not to apply the male member.

- Actually, nature provides that at first a male member penetrates there and fertilizes the egg.

- And then the baby goes!

- Well, this is understandable, but so that the baby came out from there, you must first make a male member!

- It is that the baby came out, and not for the pleasure of dogs all sorts !!

- By the way, the woman through the clitoris is also the same pleasure, you did not know?

- Brad! Where did you read it? A woman is not experiencing an orgasm, it has long been proven.

- Everything's clear with you. I consider something to be communicated with an uneducated person, who, even from his own clitoris, did not receive a pleasure, useless.

Author spelling and punctuation

Quotes gathered Catherine Kuzmin

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