10 myths about family relationships


It's funny that on the one hand, no one seems to be perceived seriously who have fallen off the rinse of banalities, but, on the other hand, they still form our worldview. And, that sin to hone, sometimes we are abusing the trisms, without thinking that half of them are false.


1. Opposites are attracted.

It is not true. At the "Candy-Bouquets-Passion" stage, of course, cool when he is "Boy-Zhigan" and you "Pai Girl", but life is not chanson. You can have any different characters and temperaments, but if you decide to be together, then you should look in one direction. Community goals - this is what marriage is strong.

2. Men love cozy women at the slab.

Not true. Men (after all, a miracle) are all sorts of. And they also love different women. They like, by the way, far from the ability to cook the borscht and the ability to kill the heirs of the masculine floor in a year. Comfort and family happiness - in the atmosphere, and not in clean floors and curtains with ruffles. Although, the ruffles also did not interfere with anyone.

3. Adult man cannot be changed.

It is not true if only we are talking about mental illness and pathologies. A person changes repeatedly during his life, and form its circumstances and experience. And the marriage and children are the very experience that inevitably makes its own adjustments in nature and behavior. Of course, Harlequin will never hatch from Piero, but small habits will inevitably change. Compromise, compromise, once again a compromise and now you are a little another person, a little more calm, a little more patient, slightly smarter.

4. The best marriage is when you are friends with your husband.

Not. This is not true. The best marriage is when love and friendship go hand in hand. On pure friendship, alas, they will not leave. You need to be friends with friends, and there should be a mutual attraction between the spouses, and the ill-fated butterflies in the stomach, and even interdependence. Friendship is, of course, cool, but the foundation for a solid marriage will never be.

5. Corrects - WILL SELLS.

There is such an opinion. And not only in human people, but also those who consider themselves so smart and appropriate that they are ready to come from feelings for a reasonable and mutually beneficial marriage. So it is riveted that it is extinguished, but "I'm wondering" hardly. In such a marriage, most likely there will be respect, and mutual concern and even common interests, but emotions - in places stupid, in places of crazy, sometimes tedious, but more often will never happen.

6. Understand each other, people understand everything without words.

Marriage is not a commemoration, sorry. It is put there without words and with sorrow in the view to eat kun. And in marriage it would be nice to be able to voice your problems and aspirations. And then you think he is silent, because everything understands everything, but in fact he has long to do with you. So let's not be afraid to speak to each other about what is not satisfied with what we are waiting for, and what we strive for.

7. Children strengthen marriage.

Strengthen how else. But only when your marriage is still stable without it. And when everything keeps on snot and is still - so will fly to all these traps, you should not count on a salvary child. The child is not super glue. And his appearance just accelerates the process of inevitable destruction of your already crazy marriage. Do you need it?

8. It is impossible to forgive treason because it will certainly repeat.

Lies. People (repeat) different. For someone treason - the collapse of the whole life and tragedy in the spirit of William of our Shakespeare, and someone is able to survive not just treason, but also to get out of it strong and unhappy as the Terminator. Forgive or forgive betrayal - exceptionally your choice. And the fact that the "benevolers" say "Leave, without thinking," so these are their personal deliberations and fears. No one knows your partner better than you, and your family certainly deserves a second chance.

9. Free relationships can diversify the long-term and "boring" marriage.

May. And even diverse for some short time. But to share your beloved and closest person with someone even "unimportant and disposable" is intolerable. Because we are all the terrible owners, no matter how deceiving themselves. Inevitably arise jealousy, malice, resentment and suspicions. And from them to the divorce - hand to file. In general, it is better not to try, if not sure. If I am sure, it is also better not to try.

10. Sooner or later, all "overrigent" and love will end.

Here are the doctors. Any relationships are developing in a sinusoid. In marriage there are peaks and falls, regular crises (small and not very) and this is normal. The worst thing to be done at the time of one of these perfectly normal and predictable crises is to announce that relations outlined itself and marriage - Khan. The main thing is not to flog hot, but wait, pull and not forget that you love each other.

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