10 strange, but completely normal effects of orgasm



Orgasm is not only flowers and fireworks, but also the mass of other special effects: strange, funny, and sometimes unpleasant. Do not worry, everything is fine. Just in the novels about it is not accepted, and pics.ru, of course, everything will tell.

Laughter / Tears

Stormy tears or almost hysterical laughter, and neither one or the other cannot be kept. Alternatively is a compressed giggle or quiet sob. Such behavior can confuse a woman, and her partner: "Oh, God, why does she shy?" "What happened, about what she rzhet!?" Everything is fine, it just manifests the discharge of the voltage. Add a hormonal cocktail and it turns out that you are now like a person who took magic pills. That's funny. Or a poultry pity. Each has its own arrival.


Alas, someone sex helps from headache, and someone, on the contrary, delivers it in a literal sense. And this is also normal. Usually it is either a stupid pain, increasing as it approaches the final or sharp pain at once during it. It feels in the neck or head and is connected with an increase in blood pressure. If it is familiar to you, then, most likely, the same with you happens and during intensive sports. There is no particular reason for anxiety, but the doctor may be mentioned, and it is worth it. (True, and help he is unlikely to be).

Saint / Dyeshka


No wonder, in the end, the orgasm is called a "little death." Some really manage to lose consciousness at the peak. Basically, because the breath is delayed and the necessary oxygen is inconed. Try not to forget to breathe and during sex free from sex. For example, swimming.

Spin discharge

The feeling that sparkle flew along the spinal column, the electrical discharge is also a normal thing. It works, just do not laugh, an intenna nerve. So called the nerve, which, if roughly describe, connects the brain and the clitoris (or penis, by the way).


Women's Eaculation, yes. A strange feeling, many take it for incontinence of urine, but splashes a completely different substance (and from another opening, of course). On one theory, all women are echoing at all, simply a liquid usually so little that we do not notice her. And some are recruited as well as a teaspoon - here they are worried that something is wrong with them. Yes, everyone is hurt, in fact.

Urination / defecation


Sadly, but fine. This happens in men. Orgasm decently annoying the organism systems, including all sorts of sphincters. So if somewhere somewhere weakened, the system can give leakage. If you, let's say, write from sneezing or laughter, then orgasm - risk zone. It does not hurt the doctor, Kegel's exercises can help, well, understandable measures - to the toilet before, napkins after.

Insensitivity to pain

After sex - you are a mad superman. The hormones suppress the feelings of pain and fear, self-control and self-criticism fly to the firebox, well, even though the desire to revenge falls off. And all this magic transformation lasts 8-10 minutes. And this is normal.

Sleepiness / Cheerness


Scientists have not been lazy and found out: sleepiness after sex is characteristic of men and women equally. So turn to it to drink and scribble - it is quite decent. What is interesting, the case is not at all fatigue. Orgasm takes some miserable 2-3 calories, and the activity before it is not comparable even with a lazy run. Business in hormones, as usual. In particular, in prolactin. True, some women, on the contrary, cover an attack of activity. Also the norm, of course.

Chat and hugs

All on oxytocin, stimulating socialization. Its level jumps four times. Yes, and without it, in general, it is completely normal that you want warmth and caress from the person you have sex with. If it had to be afraid to touch and timidly with him to be silent, then what is this damn one?

Foot cooled

Another bjaka from the body. The legs-hands at a suitable for personal kilimanjaro drives both women and men. And women can at the same way and the bottom of the abdomen. Some take it for the result of some particular passion from the partner, but, in fact, this orgasm shook the body and made it necessary to know the lack of any substances. Zinc, for example, or calcium. In general, check what you lack so as not to shout, rubbing your leg, instead of having fun.

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