Did you take care of the chest? Simple rules for care for the most expensive


Tits are cool, no doubt. However, many girls perceive this beautiful part of the body as granted and do not pay due attention to the care of breasts. PICS.ru hurries to help! We have collected the simplest rules that will help you feel better and look really great.


Choose suitable underwear

You will come to the rescue for the rescue (there are such !!), but you can be guided by non-hard rules: the bustharter must be firmly, but not tight, wrap you under the breast, do not grow up and gently contend the chest, not stuening movements. In the fitting board, jump and see how it behaves: if it is lying or shifts the chest, then it is possible to choose another size or model.

Be careful with Push-ap

When you choose the Push-Up format bra, be attentive doubly. You should feel as comfortable as possible: the bra should not push anywhere, rub or move the chest - it is fraught with blood flow disorders, microtrams and the risk of mastopathy development. And certainly do not wear Push-up daily.

Sleep in the dark

According to recent studies conducted within 10 years, those women who are sleeping in the world are 22% risky to get sick with breast cancer than those who prefer sleep in complete darkness. In addition, Melatonin prevents the development of melanoma and helps the body to deal with aging.

Check her!


You can make a massage in the soul of cool water - the main thing, choose a normal head that will not cause pain. You can, after the soul, rinsed with cold water. As an option - to wipe the chest daily and the area with ice cube: it will improve blood circulation. But do not overdo it: the supercooling is fraught with the same mastopathy.


The skin on the chest is twice as thinner than the skin on the face, so the care requires gentle. First, do not neglect the moisturizing gels for the shower that will not allow to cut the skin. Secondly, after the shower, wipe the chest gently wet her, and not rubbing. And, thirdly, do not forget to apply moisturizing cream specifically for breasts and zone neckline, and even better oil. Does not hurt and massage, but it is better to do it in the cabin.



It should be remembered that the same luggage between breasts is distinguished by an increased number of sebaceous glands, so redness and acne may appear there. During the day, rub this place with wet cleansing napkins.

Execute sports

If there is no time and desire for full training, then at least follow the posture. Paphoded shoulders and raised up the chin - half the way done, honestly tell you. But remember that it is impossible to increase the size of the chest with exercises, you can only pump those muscles that are responsible for its support.

Stay behind Ne.


We hope that you are already doing this, but it's never unnecessary to repeat: monthly for 5-7 days a cycle in the soul lift one hand per head, and the second is gently in a circle feel the chest from the armpit to the nipple. Any seals, painful sensations or selection from the chest - reason immediately consult a doctor. We all said.

Illustrations: shutterstock

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