Physical Culture of the inner world: Kegel exercises are really needed



Training of vaginal musculature will save your female fate - advertising that rushes on us from every iron. As always, a good rational grain is buried under the bunch of production-garbage. It costs to train, but not for the sake of the so-called "female happiness."

Medical indications

If during a tangible (not a month and not two) time you pay regular attention to the muscles of the crotch (attention! Not only vaginal muscles!), Then:

one. Really increases the rate of excitation and become brighter orgasms. Well, it will be stupid than these orgasms to create. This is especially important if half a year ago you gave birth to a four-kilogram man, who paved through you a wide and almost asphalt road, and your maiden muscles will not return to the tone.

2. If you are about to give birth, think. Introduce the rugged muscles between the legs will make both hagging and childbirth easier. And in this case, every bitch is valuable.

3. Even if you already parked in the station and do not plan anymore, then do not forget that every one, including a broken woman, is waiting for another test - Climax. He, of course, is still far from a distant horizon, but a small bookmark for future well-being should be started. The fact is that after Clemakse, they are a little later (especially sneezing or shook himself) alas, almost everything. And some - quite and not a little. Therefore, Tweets are bumping to the grace (surprising young sales seelings - she already why?), And the victory smells badly. We hope that the layers of our pension are enough, but it is generally better to take care. So, by paying a small one, but regular attention to the exercises of Kegel, you will give the sorrowful feeling that you already need fat daily gaskets forever. Maybe you will not experience it!

Joy and fun


In the actual classic exercises, Arnold Kegel there is a special charm - what can be done anywhere. One familiar girl usually engaged in this case in the subway. Standing, or sitting, how lucky, the muscles strad up a little differently, everything is in favor, and time does not disappear (the case was in those distant smoky lands of a harsh deputy, where there is no Waifa in the subway).

A very fertile topic is to do the exercises of Kegel at a boring meeting or listening to the shrinking man. With the latter, it is, however, a small subtlety that must be taken into account. The fact is that the immediate impact of these exercises on a female image is quite strong. First, as we all know, the tide of blood into the organs of the small pelvis is necessarily accompanied by a tide of blood to the upper lips. To mouth. Instead of lipstick, in general. Secondly, you want, do not want, and the vaginal ripple suggests the thought of sex.

So: the girl sits. The view is pensive, eyes with the pain (she mentally considers ten "traffic lights" - to squeeze the bottom, let go, to squeeze the above, let go, to squeeze as much as I can ... let go ... how many times are it?), The lips are blushing and drowned, the cheeks are frightened ... A timid man is scared And the Nordic will record to your account. Both in principle can come in handy in principle, just consider the possibility of such an effect. Well, that the man will subsequently seek the same thing, again and again tells you about invoice for petroleum products stuck between legal entities in Syktyvkar. The first time worked.

How to do it?


Every day little by little. For Trukel, there is no need to do anything, even a sports form (brush your teeth and the tych-tint itself). You can take (see below) Only the classic set "Lift-Lift-Pulling", you can diversify, they all reduce to compress the muscular ring around the entrance to the vagina and the urethra.

However, there are subtlety. Arnold Kegel himself admitted that his exercises give a faster and strong effect if they were doing with his perkythrower, the device, which in our opinion is very slightly different from the dildo. That is, we think so, you can also consider zealous sexual sex (only, probably, you should not say a partner, as the device is called, in which you use his male dignity), and manipulation with a sexual toy. What difference right exactly did the vaginal muscles shrink - just like this or in real orgasm?

The external muscles of the perineum can be drunk together with the press and hips, if you do at least some regular physical education. For external muscles, the "scissors", which we usually see in the collections for the press, and the "birch", and the perfectly executable soda in a naked transport. Easy squats with broken knees are deployed. The latter is more useful than the longer it is possible to simultane in it. We knew the lady that was attached to the semiconductor of this salad to chop. Ultimately, everything that makes one thigh pull up to another thigh - this is an exercise that we need, and lying, sitting, standing and in which complex you will find it - is not so important. Throw this zone is difficult; Even cavalarism capable of clicking between the knees of walnuts, do not complain about the problems of excessive power. But no falling out of the uterus and other horrors of age gynecology (Chur, Chur). Some advantages!

So, the classic Kegel set itself.

1 step. Learn to feel what kind of muscles are we talking about. Sitting on the toilet, try to stop writing in the course of the process. Remember that it was when this attempt was strained.

2 step. Master the management of this muscle group. "Elevator" - to compress the most external part, then strain the increasingly deep layers (as if the elevator rises). Ensure that not to pull the stomach, do not use the abdominal muscles at all. Smoothly lower the elevator cabin down. "Traffic light" - in the same order, but not "collecting", but "Switching" voltage zones. "Block" - clamping as far as you can, for 30 seconds, go smoothly. "Flicker" - quickly compress-release (attention! This is the most sexual exercise).

3 step. Working with the crotch muscles. With force to compress her knees (sitting, standing, lying), start from 10 times. Walking around the house with a ball squeezed between knees. Squeeze the buttocks, mentally imagining that you keep an important piece of paper. Muscle effort is trying to turn the pubic bone up and forward (as if you are three years old and you are trying to see what you have there, between your legs - it is not necessary to look, but not forbidden).

4 step. Do not forget to do it every day. The time is not necessary to devote specially, change in the form - also, but to tie to any daily work - can help. For example, my dishes or looking out the window, depending on what you do more often.

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