What if the child does not come in touch: Important tips from the detachment "Lisa Alert"


In the age of the total connection of all with everyone in the right time mode, the likelihood is that a person, especially a child who did not respond to calls and messages is in trouble. What to do? Volunteers from the rescue-search squad "Liza Alert" explain.

First of all, you need to get together and do not panic. You will need sanity and fast, competent response to the situation. If it is difficult to cope with a panic - seek help to a near person who is capable of acting in emergency circumstances without unnecessary emotions.

The first hour is the most important

Write down the time when you realized that the child was disappeared. Then check all the cabinets, baskets with linen, under beds, inside large household appliances, in the basement, garage and in the attic. Inscribe the nearest neighbors and friends of the child: perhaps he is visiting.

If the child failed within an hour, it was not possible to immediately apply to the nearest police station. The statement is obliged to accept at the same time when you asked for help.

According to statistics, if the information about the missing child entered the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the search and rescue squad in the first 48 hours, the chances of finding him alive and healthy are very high.

By the way, the application for the disappearance of the child is taken from any citizen, not necessarily from the relative.

Require registration statements. Learn its registration number and phio of the adopted employee.

The statement to the police needs to be supplemented with information on the day. To do this, make a detailed description of the clothing, shoes and personal belongings of the child at the time of disappearance.

Include in the description of special signs and characteristic manners. Find the last photo of the child (no more than six months from the moment of shooting).

Next steps

If the child was a mobile phone, ask the cellular operator to print the last calls. This can make that person on whom the contract is issued.

Call everyone who can know about the location of the child. Special attention is paid to the conversation with those who have seen it shortly before disappearance. Find out all the slightest details: What did the child spoke, in which mood was. Record everything.

Call volunteers by number 8-800-700-54-52 or leave an application on the Lizaalert website. Attract the search for as many people as possible: relatives, friends, neighbors and all those who are not indifferent. Use the media and the Internet to disseminate information (as agreed with the investigator). If the child escaped, the broad publicist can be scared even more.

Preventive measures

Often take pictures of the child, always keep his photos with yourself. Separately take a picture of the soles of the shoes of the child (in case of a disappearance, it can be useful in search).

When you leave the house, put a business card into children's clothes with your contacts.

Take the children in bright clothes - it is easier to find them in a crowd or in a natural environment.

As often as possible, remind the child so that it cannot be left without any circumstances and did not leave with anyone without the consent of the parents. Even if his name is someone who he knows well. Even if the grandmother / grandfather ask for help. With no one. Never.

Connect the baby location monitoring service on a mobile device (install the application or order a special service about the cellular operator).

Repeat the child again and again that the reservoirs are dangerous. It is impossible to walk in winter along the frozen river, and in the warm time - to swim unattended. Children who know how to swim well - no exception.

Hold the contacts of your child's friends and classmates with you.

Be careful to the feelings of your child, show sensitivity to the child of any age: whether a baby preschooler or teenager.

And when your child is, it may be extremely difficult for you to keep emotions, but find the strength: do not shout on children, in no case do not beat them.

Just warned that you will talk sharply, but only because I was very frightened to lose it forever. Explain to the child how much you worried about him, about the dangers that threatened him. After all, children who have lost or run out, very often so afraid of punishment that they hide and do not respond ...

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