Itching seventh year: Does he exist at all?


    In 1955, Marilyn Monroe got up in a lush white dress on the ventilation grille, and the world found out about Seven-Year Itch - "Item Seventh Year." And it was somehow immediately accepted as the fact that it was the seventh year of marriage or relationship - the border, after which everything rolls in Tar-Tarara, and treason becomes almost inevitable.

    Before the release of this epocal film, no one has heard about such a term, and psychologists did not find anything special in the seventh year of marriage.

    And, in fact, it is. In the original version of the play George Axelrod, the main character for the first time feels the temptation to go to the left after ten, and not seven years of marriage. But then the author appeared that the "seventh" sounds better than the "tenth", and he slightly corrected the story.

    Although statistics says that a period of 5-9 years accounts for 28% of divorces. Maybe really in the seventh year of family life really have something fatal? No, if you look at what is happening before and after that turn. For 1-4 years accounts for 38% of divorces, and 12% - after 20 years of marriage. Moreover, in many developed countries, people, and not religion, the ratio is very similar to the marriage and divorce decision. So actually it would be more correct to talk about the "itching of the fourth year".

    And if about the seventh year, scientists cannot say anything intelligible, then about the fourth they have an explanation. Anthropologist Helen Fisher believes that for homo, Sapiens naturally give birth to a child every 4 years. Not more often - a woman with a baby in his arms and barely a mailing years on a trailer will not be able to go behind his nomadic tribe and dies. But for 4 years, the couple has time to grow heir to more or less independent age and begins to look at the parties in search of a new partner - all in the name of maintaining genetic diversity. If one after a time, to start children with the same partner, the risk of transmission of hereditary diseases will be higher, and we do not need it. And Fisher believes that boredom after 4 years of marriage is programmed - we should get bored, disappointed and start considering other options.

    It is important that our distant ancestors did not have time to go through a lot of options, as they lived much less than we. For 30-35 years of life allocated, they have time to change 4-5 partners, and there is a fabulous end. We expect to find one person with whom we will live happily for 40-50 years.

    Fortunately, now we have much more tools to fight boredom than that of nomadic hunters and collectors: master classes on oral sex technique, spa programs for two, tours to Andes, stereol, and serials. In the extreme case - the sex service industry and the tinder - so you can also deceive the program (though, and the partner in this case will have to be deceived).

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