4 situations where a man can just understand, and 4 - when it is better not necessary


Recommendations in women's magazines are confused. On each problem in relationships are given diametrically opposite recommendations, and every time - universal.

Or to understand everything, or immediately throw - the radicality of the tips makes feel confused? Well, here's a small guide that can help.



Here are four situations when a male porridge is very welded.

Does not know the words of love - but speaks the language of affairs

There are men who seem cold. They do not know how to console, do not rave affectionate words, but "I love you" from them to pull out only ticks. In particularly severe cases, he is not able to be the first to hug, stroke the head, to shake his hand on time.

Perhaps he is indifferent to you and just for anything uses. Or maybe he has problems with an expression of emotions - and then things will tell everything for him.

A loving man does not just fulfill the minimum of the obligations of friends and relatives in relation to each other like to meet in the morning from the train or submitted a tea with a cold in bed. He will constantly take care of the trifles, of which the atmosphere of comfort is developing. He will remember which tea you love, buy on the occasion of your favorite pastries, without requests to buy new (or at least repair old) boots.

Around you as if all the time is doing well? You can be sure of the love of your man.

Can not stand on someone's side in your dispute with his mother

If you live with my mother-in-law, and she raises your hand on you, all day after everything reproaches or soup spits, eliminating your man from the situation, of course, criminally. In someone else's territory you can't protect yourself full, my husband must provide you with security, at least just shooting you apart separately.

But if you have a disagreement with my mother-in-law without acts of aggression or you generally live apart, then for a man, as for any person, normally try to keep good relations with two people close to him. Including refusing to be drawn into their conflict. It is especially well characterized by a man if he requires each of the parties not to insult the second side in his presence.

But if his defense applies only to Mom, alas, you are almost someone else's person.

He signed on people who are disappeared

For example, because they are sexists, racists or anti-Semites.

In the perfect world, your man bypasses them all side, but in real he can not be a recluse and celebrate all familiar, everything that he with them since childhood or with his youth, and professionally significant contacts because they could not grow the brain to twenty first century.

A clear thing, we are not talking about cases when a man Frextan all these people are due to the generality of interests and views in the topic (no) of the equality of people in congenital signs.

He is helpless in everyday life

Many boys in the family deliberately or inertia do not teach independence. Previously, some idea of ​​the management of life gave the army, now many do not serve or, depending on the age, serve without the sewing of the householder and cleaning of the barracks.

If a man after explanation that dinner does not boil itself, the oil itself in the refrigerator does not appear and the socks themselves do not become clean, it starts to successfully learn to conduct a household, then you can still create a family with it. If he is sure that the washer erases, and the relationship with the woman is needed in order for the maid and the kitchen around the clock around the clock in one person, then you contacted the parasite and then there will be only a church.

Not to understand in no case

There are situations that forgive-understand dangerous for health and life in the future.

He hit you

That he said after that, know, the female experience almost does not know the cases when a man who found it possible to hit once, did not happen then it would be possible to repeat it. Especially if thanks to your forgiveness, he knows what can pay off, i.e. beat you for him something like a pleasant paid service.

Many men seem sincere when they arrange a new honeymoon as an apology, but this is because they sincerely turn out the whole cycle of sharp feelings, ranging from rage, ending with sweet tears of repentance and joy from what he achieved you again. Once again, he likes exactly the whole cycle, so without part of the beat, he will not even repeat it. Do not repeat will not be too.

He laughs over rape news

And he likes to comment on the news about murders or beatings of the wives in the spirit "How did you need to bring a man?" That is, he considers a more normal idea when her husband doesn't like something in his wife, not to divorce, but to beat or kill her. What he thinks about rape, you already guess. The most severe word for such a crime in his vocabulary is "nonsense."

You can make yourself hope that you are netakaya and you will always behave correctly, but Nadezhda did not save any woman.

By the way, pay attention that men of this type are solved for murder or heavy beatings when they find out that the woman leaves them. So it is impossible to be honest with them. Leave a) quickly, b) without explanation and warnings. After care, try not to issue locations. While the crime is not performed over you, the law does not protect you.

He breaks things in rage

And, if you look at, it is always your things (especially his gifts to you, which he actually continues to consider with his property).

First, it is like to make home tyranny as an act of intimidation. Secondly, many do not stop on things, so in one of the attacks of his rage can be broken your nose.

Or he recognizes his behavior unacceptable without any excuses and reimburses damage (and no longer repeats such scenes), or he intends to fully implement as a home tyrant and no "footphanages" will not be patient.

He assumes you a piece of bread

Male from the very beginning stated that he perfectly sacrifies you (or you and the child), and convinced to give up a job, so now you completely took care of the house - and he will assume you about the requests of money for the farm, tights, gaskets and other trite Necessary things and do not forget to remind you that you eat only thanks to his grace? You are trapped prepared in advance. He reckoned with his authority, and for him the power is a drug.

Do you know what property of any drug? The farther, the larger doses are needed. So the rulaturearcoman will look for ways to feel over you (and the child) power and further, and the ways will become more dangerous.

Illustration: shutterstock

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