The couple played a wedding in the style of the "Jurassic Park", on the preparation of dinosaurs and other years a year and a half


The couple played a wedding in the style of the

How important is it for a pair - have common hobbies! 28-year-old Courtney Macmillion and 26-year-old Billy combined love for the film "The Park of the Jurassic period". Everything turned out to be so serious that they decided to play the wedding in the style of this popular painting. 25,000 dollars and 18 months left for the preparations for marriage. And as a result, the newlyweds stepped to the altar under the world recognizable melody from a popular film about dinosaurs.

And this wedding sang and danced! The place of the wedding ceremony in Burlington was decorated with inflatable copies of dinosaurs against the background of the Green "Jungle", and the bride arrived at her at the Jeep Wrangler, exactly as in the film. After the official ceremony, all guests at the wedding party changed in T-shirts "The Park of the Jurassic Period". What is interesting, Billy even designed a special wall with donkeys in the form of a gate of a fictional park from the film.

The couple played a wedding in the style of the

Courtney explained that she and her husband just adore this film from childhood. The couple is depicted here in the dinosaur museum, while they were still met

"I remember how I watched the" Park of the Jurassic period "in childhood, and then for the first time fell in love with the story of dinosaurs. When this film first appeared in IMAX, I immediately rushed after the tickets, but no familiar wanted to go with me. At that time, Billy and I were just good friends, and he suggested going to the movies together. We began to meet in October 2013, "said the bride about the beginning of relations with their spouse.

The couple played a wedding in the style of the
The couple played a wedding in the style of the

And when it came to the wedding of doubts about the future bride, there was no time - since he introduced their "Park of the Jurassic period", then the marriage must be thematic. Billy, who dreamed of a wedding in the style of Country, was first skeptical. But women know how to convince, and the idea of ​​a wedding with dinosaurs liked him more and more.

The couple played a wedding in the style of the

"Honestly, I was a little scary, will not seem to all that this is too" childish. " But Courtney managed to convince me, and, as it turned out, it was not in vain, "Billy told

The couple played a wedding in the style of the

It is worth saying that newlyweds thought out to the smallest detail. So, Courtney arrived at the ceremony on the "cinema" jeep, which found on the Internet. It turned out that Facebook is a group called Jurassic Park Motors, where the fans of the "Jurassic Park" are reworked by jeeps so that they look like in the film. There she asked her to give her one of the jeeps for rent.

The couple played a wedding in the style of the
The couple played a wedding in the style of the

It would seem that if the wedding is thematic, then the outfits should be the same. But the bride chose a classic wedding dress and was gorgeous. Newlyweds decided that wedding outfits should not be done thematic, as it would be a bust. But still in the bride's bouquet was the footprint of a dinosaur paw.

The couple played a wedding in the style of the
The couple played a wedding in the style of the
The couple played a wedding in the style of the

Wedding photographer Kassandra Spiegelhoff said that the wedding was extremely elegant, despite the unusual topics

The photographer who removed a couple in this outstanding day for them, said that she was very interesting to work at the wedding, so different from the rest. "Every year we remove 50 weddings and always alone and the same postures, the same outfits, the same speeches. And it was something stunning and unusual. Despite the fantastic topics, everything was very elegant, "she told after the wedding.

The couple played a wedding in the style of the

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