What will say our descendants about Flashmob "photos of 2010"


Who else has not shared in Facebook with its photos from the 1990s? Thank you, we have already resulted in horror of these nobility, sweaters, harsh poses and double-breasted jackets in the cell on the background of the first trip to the mysterious exotic Hurghada. But this is nothing in comparison with how our children will laugh and terrible, considering our photos from the distant tenths in some future Flashmob.


There was little food, the descendants will decide. No wonder every drenching piece of burger had to take a picture: because it is not yet known when the next will be.


In deficiency conditions, everything was expelled and exhausted and stopped the old T-shirts for 4 sizes more. T-shirts sold only two species - with a cat and an active civil utterance. The boundaries were on the castle, no imports with alpha centaution. Poor lived, what's there.


On a bite, people caught and frowned bees, so half the lips inflated before the size of Cheburek.


In the harsh tenth years, people were not allowed to be photographed with their Draconian legislation, because the most dismissal rebar was hidden in the toilets and still boldly removed their reflection in the mirror. And who did not have a toilet - hid in some strange mirror cabins, which seem to go on a vertical mine. We did not understand something that it was.


The legs identified the person better than the face. At least, nobody has ever shown photographs on their documents. But the legs demonstrated constantly.

But watch anyway is nice. Warm digital picture, no spelling 3D holography, shot on the old sixth iPhone, eh, nostalgia - they will say grown, serious kids. The most serious lunar colonists will return: the whole of this historical Flashmob is an explicit testimony of the reptiloid conspiracy trying to inspire us that there were good in the tenths! Didn't people be good in such glasses and such pants!? Do not believe earthlings. Back, I suppose, lured, crawl into their terrible gravity. Do not wait.

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