How to secure an apartment before departure: 15 simple lifehak



Perhaps most of these little tricks would have successfully replaced the great and practically the sure-minded method "to hang alarm for many thousands of which a cop will arrive in a minute and a half minutes." However, if you leave more than a week, not too often, but at home you do not have an Ali woman cave, it makes sense to save a little. And ensure the safety of the house is simple and mainly free underwear.

one. Do not brag. Be patient bombing social networks with your happiness before returning. Statuses like "Hooray, after three days I will lie on the Goan sand!", "What a warm ocean, just a week of week!" - They, you know, suggest. And not only reflections on your happiness. Be patient, not checked at the airport. It makes no sense in this, and a lot of risk.

2. Are you friends with your neighbors? Ask them to get your mail from the box. Thick bundles of receipts and spam from the native supermarket - the faithful "bell" for specialists. And even advertisers ask to remove from the door handle. In the film "Empty House", the hero exactly thus found her shelter. True, not robbed, but we are not in the cinema Kim Ki Duka.

3. It is even better - to hand the key to a faithful relative who can come to put at least a bargain a week, better than the evening. To pour flowers, shine with light, glamorous in the window - and, by the way, specially trained people are observed outside the windows of the houses, yes. Having risked the rhodium to hold a romantic evening with someone on his choice;)


four. Home Phone Transclon is also one of the methods of checking on the emptiness of the house. Let at least a answering machine respond to your honest voice that you are busy or run away for a moment. If you can leave different records - doubly well.

five. Curtains leave not tightly dotted. And so, half. If you do not live on the first and not on the top floor, you can leave an open window.

6. On the balcony, it is good to leave a little Belish in a picturesque disorder. Let the T-shirt and panties hanging on the rope and the panties proudly report that you are about to come back. And let rhodium coming once a week, let them take them and hangs the towel.

7. There will be heavy items on the windowsill that their high-quality crash is scared with the fall of those who want to get to get and break their neighbors. But the pots with flowers, especially capricious, is better not to leave in sight: if the flowers do not survive separation and yellowed - they will give a signal, but not the one in the "Stirlice".


eight. Armored film on window glass protects them from breaking. Yes, it costs money - but not translated. But she also protects from the Sun, and from noise, as well as fireproof properties (delays the spread of fire).

nine. Radio on the wall preserved? Inclined - and let yourself quietly murmurs its simple concerts on requests and radio acts according to the classics. Outside it is not always clear what is there for the sounds, but it is already clear that something in the room is happening.

10. You can confine a little more carefully - and put the TV on the timer. Programming it, let's say, in the evening of such a year in 19.45 - and turn off at 00.10.

eleven. Singing a real camcorder over the door to hang - this is not all will go, but you can hang and lingering camcorders. This is not a panacea, but, with other things being equal, lovers of someone else will prefer not your apartment.


12. On every fireman is useful to exchange mobile phones with several neighbors. If suddenly in the field of their view will begin to occur something not according to the plan, you will receive info about it before. Well, for example, you know who the new passion of your brother, to whom you give the keys and flower to water.

13. Not now, but for the future: Look more closely to your native door jambs. And then our people sometimes put the windy doors, and then it turns out that they get to choose them from that sophisticated, what they are inserted - to spit. Shrew them.

fourteen. If you already have not only cells in a bank and a non-aggravated safe, but also true aunt, which will temporarily shelter your family pearls - do not hide them where they go to them in the first seconds of a possible imperfect visit. That is, in towels in a lounge closet, in the milkman in the kitchen headset, in jars and boxes, drain tanks in toilet bowls and ventilation holes.

fifteen. For any, again, the firefighter is useful if you have an inventory and photos of the main values, the serial numbers have been rewritten. Better let it be - and never come in handy than the opposite!

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