PICS.RU tests on itself 5 domestic lifehaks. Honest and harsh!


Purchase, sinful. Locked lists of unverified techniques and chips. But now decided to correct and start checking everything on ourselves as real British scientists. They began with five terribly useful (at least they write on the Internet) Lifehakov for life.

Lifehak number 1. Ginger is easy to clean a teaspoon.


Check. Yes, indeed, it is possible, only then you have to clean yourself and the kitchen. If we crush the ginger spoon, marks and splashes are fun flying to the sides. But the skin and the truth is removed very easily. Suitable for the roots of simple shape, without abundance of Zagun. More complex roots still have to bring to mind with a knife.

Output. Lifehak works.

Clarification. But dirty.

Lifehak № 2. To clean the electric kettle from the inside, pour water into it with vinegar in combination 1 to 1, boil and pour.


Check. We found a very, very dirty teapot to check. In Lifehake, it was not indicated how much exactly the vinegar is needed, and what kind of vinegar is needed. They took about 150 ml of a nine percentage table. Added as much water and put it up. The kettle suspiciously looked. When it turned off, the foam raged under the lid, from which heavily and frighteningly smelled with acid. Poured the mixture into the sink. Wow, walls and bottom of the kettle, really, became cleaner.

Output. Lifehak is working

Clarification . The mixture should fill the kettle to the top. So vinegar will leave a lot.

Lifehak number 3. If before cooking eggs, make a neat hole in the head of the stationery button, the egg is then easily cleaned.


Check. This lifehak tested two author PICS.RU. With the first attempt to pierce the egg with a button, it cracked and flowed. The second author tried to pierce (or rather, dyeing) egg pins. Happened. But after that, the experimenter forgot about the egg, and the water was throwing out. Fortunately, the egg did not burst. Maybe thanks to the hole? Brushed it with hot, it turned out neatly, only with one small defect.

Output. More than one of the benefits.

Clarification. You will still be uncomfortable to clean the egg until it is very hot. And if you give it to cool, it is easier to use the old proven way: shifting it from a pan in cold water.

Lifehak № 4. To easily clean garlic, hit the head of garlic with hand, pull it on the table with the palm several times. Garlic is divided into slices. Put them in a bowl, a cover with a lid and vigorously shone a few seconds. The cloves will jump out of husk. PS garlic should be dry.


Check. One clove of garlic self-realized still at the stage of "Retribute garlic head on the table." After 2 minutes of energetic shocks, another 3 cloves were added to it. The rest were in the skirt and remained. But the hands of garlic are stinking.

Output. Lifehak does not work if you are not a centrifuge man.

Clarification. And why do you need so much purified garlic?

Lifehak № 5. Spray the mirror in the bathroom with shaving cream, erase it with a towel (or a dry napkin). Accept the hot shower - the mirror is no longer off.


Check. The author prudently stuck only half of the mirror to track the difference. Need a dozen napkins to erase the foam. The result is perfect! Soon half of the mirror dove, and half remained completely clean. That's just a misfortune: it was not possible to take a picture of this beauty, because to smear at the same time and the lens of the chamber, of course, did not come to mind. The camera is povered. But believe us for the word - the result on the protected side was approximately as on the frame on the right (only the room is simpler).

Output. Lifehak is working

Clarification. It's all about glycerin in the cream, which creates a thin water supply film on the surface of the mirror. So it is worth thinking than to replace shaving cream to save. And we advise you to write a finger "PICS.RU" on the stuffing glass. The next who will take a shower will suddenly see how this mystical inscription appears on the mirror! (The same effect - we also have a thin film of fat on our fingers).

PS Write to us, what lifehaki do you want us to check the next time :)

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