15 rules of courtesy, about which citizens forget all the time


Sometimes it seems to be grumbled citizens that a man is a wolf, and in a big city everyone survives as can. And here in pics.ru do not think so. A bit of courtesy and goodwill no one hurt anyone. We remember the elementary rules of etiquette, which citizens are inclined to forget.

Sorry if you step on foot


Or pushed, or even the elbow drove into the eye. Just in case we remind: "Oh!" For an apology is not considered.

Hold the door

It is not only the gentlemen of officers and their young ladies. Our armored three-ton doors in the subway, designed to directly enter the nuclear warhead - a real murder instrument. Remember it, when you let them go to a free flight - they will certainly die in the physiognomy to your neighbor. And not only in the subway. To hold the doors - it is generally one of the basic rules of courtesy, even if you do not have a pregnant woman with three siblings on your hands or a dilapidated granny with a cart.

Do not lift

Just wait until everyone who wants to get out of the car or a bus will come out - and then ahead. From the fact that you will pass, like a taucker through a cant of herring, the process will not accelerate - just advanced legs and irritation in the world will slightly add.



You see thousands of people every day, you can't stand up with each. But if he happened, although a fleeting contact, he must begin with "Hello." Even if it is a saleswoman in a sausage department.

Use the correct appeals

"Girl" and "Man" is, just say, ugliness. Very Fu so to see people. But the Russian language does not offer any worthy alternatives like "Signora" or "Mr.". Therefore, you have to get out. Neutral-impersonal "sorry" is the best that he has for such cases. But not a "girl", God forget. And not "hey".

Don't tear anger on waiters


It did not heal the Pad Tai, not he fading Roma in Pina-Kolad, not he, such a scoundrel, called the full hall of the guests, without leaving you the table by the window. He just carries the plates. And, by the way, he carries them not only to you, so you just call it when comprehensively studied the menu and decided on the choice.

Move in the stream

Even if it was not easy to bring you to the most extreme metro station, where it is not clear how to get out, do not frost with an open mouth in the middle of the lobby, as if you suddenly progressed the light of the heavenly truth. Get away to the wall and wait, when the human stream disperses - that's where the pointers are in their pleasure.

Bug up heads

A person who in the 21st century in publicly listens to music from the phone for the whole volume is a direct descendant of those who in the 1990s exhibited a mafon on the windowsill.

Do not turn into a zombie smartphone


A man who is a horn to the phone and a riding row wanders on the sidewalk, sneaking everything on his way - this is not you, hope?

Do not pushe

If you do not wait for someone to overtake on the sidewalk, use no shoulders for fillacking, but a language for negotiations. Questionally "Allow?" - And all the way is free.

Do not get stuck in the toilet

Especially if they are in a cafe, club or office, and those who wish are a lot. Seriously, this is not the only place where you can consider our freckles in detail, reach sneakers and admire the beautiful in all angles. But this is the only place with the toilet.

Do not smoke on the go


It's horrible. It is just disgusting. And it writes not a champion of a call who sleeps and sees the pioneer bonfires from tobacco plantations, but a person with a 14-year experience of a smokers.

Pick hair

Especially in public transport at rush hour. Little pleasure to get in the face of a dishwashed mane of some beautiful. And to chew other people's hair and there are few lovers - but will have to.

Do not refuse

The person who stopped you on the street is not at all will definitely be a wipers of wonderful vacuum cleaners or begging. Maybe he got burned down. Do not disdain, have done 3 seconds to find out what he needs.

Do not delay others

We are still in a hurry, as a fire. And we all want to strangle a person who begins to look for a wallet in their thunder-free bag only when it fits his turn to pay at the checkout or leave the minibus. Yes, you are a client and you have the right to shy, how much will fit. But this is not about the right, but about respect.

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