How to survive after vacation and not to die from the sex of being


How to survive after vacation and not to die from the sex of being 36529_1

Vacation is invented in order for after it with fresh forces to throw on to work and show all the results in it. And in fact, you will come from the sea or cottages with kebabs, you look around - and immediately all the workout at zero. Efficiency, naturally, is about the same. And at home the same: the broom of the hands falls, and the homemade annoyed, and even sleep somehow not. hurries to help! Here are some recipes that will allow you to get out of the situation with minimal spiritual losses.

Rule two first days

It is they who are considered the most critical and hard. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare in advance. Go back home in two or three days before going to work. It is a pity, of course, the extra days on the beach, but he is still stronger, right? In these two days, it is impossible to thicken in households, not to be lazy, lying and roaming - and idleness, and the sharp tension of Handra will strengthen. Try to go shopping, invite girlfriends for tea and exchange with them in a relaxed atmosphere with the latest city news. This will help gradually enter the rhythm of local life.


Even if you rested in your native country, but noticeably south or north of the house, it is not avoided. The first two days you eat smaller and easier, drink kefir or capsules with bifidobacteriums. If the mode or time zone changed, in the days of adaptation of the Sleeping Sleep to several sessions: two daytime, one night, shorter than usual. Live in such a rhythm is constantly harmful, but it is now that it will help to move the mode back.

Give yourself days silence

As it is neither embarrassing, it is better not to notify about your arrival of all relatives and acquaintances. Only the closest girlfriends, those with whom you will drink tea. Otherwise, everything, submitting to the current etiquette of communication, rushes asking you about vacation, even if they are not really very interesting, and you quickly benefit. If there are already breaking in social networks with questions, promise to lay out photos or write post.

Display mail

Most likely, you postpone all vacation. So sit for a couple of hours in silence. On the one hand, the occupation is calm, on the other, quite a business, helps Slowly enter the rhythm. Letters to respond for too long, carefully cease in their list of cases, for example, on Saturday or on the day after tomorrow.

Enter into the case

Choose one employee with whom you have a good relationship, and creep with him in social networks. Let them tell how things go to the team and with work. Otherwise, you will feel not in your plate, being in the changed atmosphere or situation. If you think it seems to you that there is a lot of things at once - or rather, right now I diluted the boss - just ask him that it is better to do first. If the chef fell inadequate and snapped "everything!", Just advise on the same with a colleague. So you will feel more confident and then you will simply act step by step, and this is not so scary.


Yes, sometimes it can be useful! After the holiday, you can very quickly be tired of the performance of working responsibilities. Do short breaks every hour. Fields Cactus, Frames Things in the table and on the table more comfortable, make makeup or make a warm-up, snack apple. However, avoid joint tea drinking and seats in social networks. The first can be tired even more, the second is to tighten faster and longer than usual. After 5-10 minutes, resolutely return to the main task. Colleagues tormented to tighten the vacation discussion, it is better to gently refuse - promise, for example, tomorrow evening to arrange a real photo presentation. She will become and your farewell with free days, will help you say to yourself: "Yes, it was, it was great, it ended, I go further."

Correct the weekend

Large cleaning, because two days after vacation already lazy - wrong. Pleasant water treatments and a walk in a good company - great. All day look movies from a sofa or roll with a book - no. Go to the cinema or finally visit my mother with dad - yes. And it is better to read the book in a quiet park or a cozy cafe. In addition to psychological reasons, there is purely physiological. Many admit that it seems to suffocate, returning from vacation and even more so starting working again. So, not as if, literally. After oxygen-saturated seaside, country or forest air, it is necessary to breathe with a wedge air of the premises and public transport. The body is so sharply rebuilt hard, so at least a little in the open space. Having like. Over the next week, you will get off the oxygen again, and everything will be fine.

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