That men actually think about Stepford Wives



The book "Capturing Feminine" was published by Helen Anteline in 1963. But helen herself did not invent anything - simply compiled advice on how to be a good wife, from a brochure of the 1920s and 30s. For 50 years, these tips were not particularly changed - in any ladies guide, it is now recommended about the same.

This manual was used by women in different ways - some studied on him to be perfect wives, others burned on the fire and betrayed Helen Anathema for turning women in brown dolls. The men did not honor him at all until the journalist and psychologist Clint Edwards, quite a happy husband and father, did not read the creation of Helen and did not speak out about the basic provisions. Unilently spoke. Because these tips are humiliated at times not only women, but also men, and the clint is offended!

"Do not try to change it"

Ha ha three times. You must try to change it. Changes are important and necessary. Do not change only statues. The work of a husband and wife is to support each other when the changes go in the right direction, and to feel if there are some dumbfounders. He will have to change because you will live together, share the budget, educate children. If the changes scare you, then marriage is not your story at all.

"Do not demonstrate indifference to his ideas and do not criticize them."


Stop. If the ideas are men's, then the peasant requires 100% support - I understood correctly? Or does she mean that I am not confident enough and sober to take criticism? It hurts it to speak, but the presence of eggs does not make all the ideas of man excellent.

Maybe the message is to simulate a living interest in my deeds? No, again some nonsense. My wife is interested in a bunch of things that I drum, and vice versa. We are two different people, and it's ok that we do not have everything in general - including ideas, and ideas about what is cool, and that garbage.

I would reformulate: "Support each other in all positive aspirations." That already makes sense.

"Do not try to surpass it in purely male affairs"


Oh God, no! No, damn it! Not! If you want to hunt for drag racing, fight with a bear or join the Ninja clan - go ahead! If this husband comes to your husband on self-esteem - well, he will have to sort out something with it. Because he should not come to him for anything. There are no purely male affairs, there are only people who have the ability to do anything and people who do not have them.

"Do not let outsider cases too distracting you from the farm"

Woman's place in the kitchen? Yes, you open your eyes already, guys! Listen, in 2013 40% of all families with young children live on money that makes a woman. In these families, it is either the only one, or the main source of income (this is the data on the USA, and as we have, you can imagine. - Note. PICS.RU). If the wife breaks away from the pan and go to learn and work, the family budget will only benefit from it.

"Do not be too demanding"

To hell. Go beyond the dream, let the dream change and work together with a partner over their execution.

"Do not give him"

The man will ask you to bear nonsense. Will you look with a smile, how does he take a stupid solution and marches in the abyss or still save him?

"Admire his masculby"

Wife 5.
Compliments are all like that. But why immediately courageous? Is it like, such a sacred thing? Many than still you can admire each other. The ability to burn buns, or something. If only sincerely.

"Admit that he surpasses you and by force, and according to the abilities."

Oh, no, no need. Let's better complement each other and forces, and according to the abilities, and understand that there are no bosses and subordinates - a member there or not a member. Agreed?

"Be the goddess of the home the hearth"


Well, well, tell me later, whether it worked. No one speaks with anyone, no one is interested in anyone, everyone is spitting on everyone, but the soup is always on the stove and on the floor either dust.

"Respect the right of her husband to lead you and children"

Slower. Anyone who has children knows that 50% of the time they are controlled by everyone. In the remaining 50% try to cooperate better, there will be much more.

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