Rules of life. Lord Volan de Mort. PICS.RU takes an interview



I am asked why I wanted for blood purity If I myself am half a magnet, such a tone, as if they do not know that Hitler was a Jew on her grandmother.

I am not Woland Yort. I am a deadly flight. Flight, understand?

The magic world is much more about What do you think at first glance. We have for the use of an imperus you can raise for life in Azkuban. And in your home the TV with the same efficiency works - and nothing.

Or, another example. I, too, by the way, without parents grew. In the shelter. And also was the best in Hogwarts. And the handsome was not worse than the screamer. But Rowling made you think that Harry Potter Nsyashchka, and I am a villain . As a result, you think so. What is not Imperius?

With the design of the sign of death, death was not easy . At first we gave it to the development of Lebedev's studio, but came out ... uh ... how is it in Russian? Epic split trusk. Yes. In general, we removed all the fonts, left the picture only. But then in a T-shirt with our logo Dr. House, the entire third series of the eighth season passed.

The most terrible childhood memory - This is not a shelter. This is a thriller Kipling "Ricky-Tikki-Tavi". There, a small predator kills mom-cobra, Pap Cobru and all of their yet born babes. Monster. Where there is a white bim.

When I created the Crimping , these bureaucratic badness from the Ministry of Magic on the ears got up - oh-oh, he tears his soul to a bunch of parts to get immortality, ah-ah, what a dark lord. In the meantime, their adorable magals constantly invest their soul somewhere - then in the work, then in children. What is not a kind of immortality?

It's not scary to lose face. I somehow had two (my and quirell), and I was not twice as luck. Scary, this is that with the name of Snape made translators. Hehe.

Never trust hippie! Lily Evans was obvious hippie. Snape and Malfoy made fruitful paths. And what in the end, I ask you?!

Last years I almost moved away from And engaged in theoretical surveys. In particular, I am looking for an answer to the chief existential issue of the Universe: if the exterminatus on the Avad of the Kedavra will fit - who collects whom?

I risked to become another trial: Alexander Smilaanskaya

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