Where is this button?! Talented reviews about goods



Here you are when you're going to buy something in the online store - customer reviews, I suppose, are studying? We also read. Immediately I wanted right here all this. So that and us so fro!

This is the case: it's easy to break!

So-so the model. Too heavy. Photographed from the bridge, the device slipped out of the hands and fell into the river.

The disadvantage is serious why the manufacturer did not replace?! (hereinafter - approx. Ed.)

Of the advantages: reliability (there is simply nothing to break), it's nice to hold in your hand and climb to the head.

Good phone to watch all nice.

The washing machine worked for almost 8 years. Raised two children from a diaper.

Skrew, raised a ticket to life.

Beautiful indelived technique even in the curves of the hands of my students at school. Now I am looking for myself home.

The model "for curved hands" was demanded by different categories of users.

Bought in 1999. Excellent model, a little cumbersome, but then the time was Lyha, not before the choice when they bought!

Did you buy? The time was Lyhah ...

A good car, erases clean, until it broke, although we wash in a day and everything from thin linen to boots and boots, but not compared with nothing.

Boots erase in a typewriter, terrible people. We hope not with thin linen at the same time.


The first days I literally "hysterided", looking at this miracle technicians in my bathroom, and then ... then began to wash. And now, after almost a month, the main problem is to find at least something dirty.

And now again ceased to erase and start hysterically.

Good afternoon, please tell me how it turns on? What button "Stop" say instructions? Where is this button?

What are the instructions in general, if not about the "Stop" button, which it turns on?!

This mafon wanted to throw up the neighbors and offered it to me I took it to go much to go to the disks finds the exit for Saba, too, plays.

Choto review, brother, thankful.

Excellent MFP for the house in which the architect lives. I'm still.

So the most excellent? According to the micero-bikitzer scheme?

If you have a cognitive dissonance that someone can afford to buy a premium class, you should not drip poison. Ride on the vases, eat boiled sausage and squeeze in coffins from the poplar.

For a minute: this harsh submission of nichelabs - from the feedback about ... Juicer.

About food: better chew

What am I Magu tell about the chewing gum atax, I don't even know what you can say. Chewing gum like chewing gum delicious taste, with strawberry taste. Cool you can inflate the air bubble. And when the chewing gum is still bursting, all the face sticky still, and girls when kissing. Howrock cool with strawberry taste.

Why do girls communicate with him? When he chews and kisses, he does not go!

Vitamin with the taste of raspberries - a rare nasty - I had to go to dad.

That's the answer to the children's question "who love more." Obviously not dad.

In contrast to the usual salt, it contains almost the entire table of Mendeleev and is easily absorbed by the human body.

And thorium, and plutonium, and radium? ..


I tried the free probe of berries Godji, for some reason at night straight. I do not know - maybe this is a coincidence, but at night I felt some strange streams of energy throughout the body, then fell asleep and I dreamed of unusual bright dreams. I will apparently order a full-size version of these berries.

Oh, we also want a full-size version of berries and strange threads.

A variety of animal world in the cookie packaging is represented by eight types: hare, horse, pig, sheep, owl, cock, cat and fish. Unfortunately, along with whole animals, various parts of the body and their owners fell out of the packaging. For example, Owl without the wings became similar to the butterfly larch before she pounded.

So a variety of animal world is even more varied!

Well, do not bring to us in the country village my favorite sausages, I had to take these. And how should I do? Stay hungry? Another closest store is located in seven kilometers. Do not go there on foot, if I already drank beer and I can not go exactly. Divated a fire and went to the store, yes there was sick with a new saleswoman. Not to say that super beauty, but new they are always more interesting for the previous ones. So talked. And returned to myself - the fire has long burned. Melt anew. After half an hour, everything was ready. Only on the fourth began to reflect, and whether they were tasty enough to buy them again? I returned from the cottage and showed a photo of my wife - she wriggled his spout and turned away. Next time I will feed it at the cottage when there is no choice. We'll see, whose will take ...

About the saleswoman is inspired than about sausages. Photo Wife did not show?

Smaller brothers: in filler cat in love

Good toy. Long served. Bought in Europe at the exhibition. For a long time gnaw.

Bought and bought. Thought a lot.

Bought multicolored collars specifically to know who where. No one is indifferent past. We and dogs in lanterns, and the disco walks. If only to see in the dark, where the dog, and so let them call as they want.

Yes, name at least a pot in the lanterns!

Horn in my opinion a wonderful point for dogs! The only minus is sometimes the horns smell like sharply enough, it seems to be visually the same, and one smells very much ... horn :)

Inexplicable effect!


Not every day you meet such a good squirrel!

But if I met - Zagrozy.

(About dumbbells with a cooking.) Damn it, yes even I like it! * left throwing *

They bought alone and bought, others bought and throw. What do dogs do?

Monia is a harmful old man, he does not go to the push. He walks into the filler; In the filler cat in love!

I am a poet, I call you Vasya, from me a filler.

Life: bald mats and living pajamas

It is written that when steels are polluted with gray, then you need to throw out and take another pair, but I think that the manufacturer specifically writes so much that it has bought more often.

Well, yes, hygiene - for weaknikov.

Pajamas before the living turned out to be that he was already tired, but she is like new.

You throw it already, and she returns ...

Bath mats are bald, but cute.

The description seems like - Sphinx breeds!

All stones are kept on a strange material. I would call him a terry foam.

New word in the material science.


The heel broke off on the second day, and in the seams there are traces of glue, and slightly slightly. Although it is possible to take for a variety for the season.

And the rest, beautiful marquise ...

The most offensive thing is that the photo does not sweater seems big, but I am thick.

Sure sure.

White instead of black ... What I can say on it ... husted. Infinite madhouse aliexpress. And at the same time, I, as the most bad shopaholic, I continue to order and continue to order something from there in the hope that one day I was lucky and suddenly one for another successful purchases.

Mice crying, broke, but continued to order ...

The label says a warning that putting the coupling, do not try to walk in it. Well, I tried that: D realized that it was very comfortable slippers and I want more.

What warnings will stop such persistence?

A big beautiful heavy red durslak, even add nothing to add.

But this knowledge could not be shared!

Capturing the belt, I thought for a long time how to fasten. Happened. Then he thought for a long time, how to unbutton - and in no way! After half an eye, the torment called her husband with passatsia. Later, the husband adjusted, everything was unborn. I bought about the reserve the second set. Anecdote came out with him. Girlfriend asked to help taken the elderly relative in the hospital. I'm going to hobbies, I confused the old removed belt and bought a new one. Naturally, upon arrival in place it took me someone to visit and there something to unzip ... Alas. Nor husband nor Pazatiy. And you need to run on the floors, fill the paper ... I have done it all over one and a half, I looked at someone again. My desperate attempts to cope with the castle did not lead to anything. Pale from fear, approached the sister to the post and a trembling voice asked to give me some knife or scissors ... And the hospital was psychiatric! Seeing my face, the sister suddenly realized that I was also a dangerous patient and reached for the phone. With terrible speed, I flew from the stairs and rushed to the road. After three hours I flew home, I grabbed the knife ... But still I decided to immediately rush the damned belt and ... He himself unborn. Since then, I can not look at this articula without laughter. Dangerous thing, yeah.

Considering how much time the girl could not "go somewhere", grab it for the Valokordin.

Beauty: Tampon warms the soul

I often compare me with a kitty, so I just had to buy my cat ears!

Logic - iron.


Perfume gave a grandmother and neighbor. Moreover, the grandmother does not strangle it, but caresses the skin after injections instead of alcohol.

Strange, why grandma does not decide?

Tampons like tampons, but the very fact that their 80 pieces, heats the soul, this is a semi-annual stock!

Tampons conquer the soul with a mass.

I ordered a rim with a flower arrangement ... And some kind of cemetery feet came ...

Maybe the order number took?

Such earrings have always been, there are both loved wives in the harem. And I have a big harem.

Gusara, silent!

But all these shortcomings are not significant - the volume of emotions that I visited me at fitting is much more important.

Not clothes, but psychodrama.


As for the effect, it is still difficult to say, as it should pass time, and around the eye wrinkles are visible only when I smile hard, but I have one mimic wrist between my lips and cheek, only on the one hand, because I smile for some reason more on one side, As if on the left side of the muscle's face, the muscles are moving, maybe it is associated with different hemispheres of the brain, it is known that a person has 2 parts of his body: the left and right different.

The last observation is generally invaluable.

Of the minuses: the smell is not very, there are no artificial flavors in it and he smells, as my husband noticed - a dirty towel. True, until the husband said, I did not even pay attention to it. And then he somehow flashed, walked and everything asked what it was stinking, but it turned out that there was a cream on his face.

And the lady did not notice ...

I liked the shampoo, itching my head disappeared, but I can say that with this semumbur, you must use air conditioning ...

Schampur without air conditioning - money for the wind.

Tooth thread 50 meters with xylitol, 100% vegetarian. I wonder if there are no vegetarian threads, I can not imagine how it!

And now with the taste of bacon.

And about a unique product

For those who do not know, this is the second book of the Lord after the Old Testament. In my opinion, it is much better. In later works of the author, there is a maturity. I should note, still have something to improve. The plot is reasonable, but it is not enough voltage, and it is not difficult to repeat the story. I liked the character of Jesus, but let's look at the truth - the story of a good martyr guy has already been used in works earlier. Therefore, there was no need to devote such a major part of the book to this guy.

And the ending is some kind of predictable!

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