What are you gay? Best Test of All Times



Sansary wheel - insidious thing. You were born here by the reader of Pixes, and could - for grasshopper, hepard, Kim John or a gay boy. By the way, we came up with a way to find out what kind of gay would be, if the Sansary wheel was wilked to the other side. We just need to pass this little test!

Question 1 of 9. For what, in your opinion, created Sunday morning?

For kittens, puppies and pony. Stroking, iron, stroke!

For kittens, puppies and flood victims. Good Deed Time !!!!

For bouquets from fans, naturally. Make it all.

Fifty pushups and fifty squats.

So that you should hang, but before the evening booze and you will not live.

It's time to consider the schedule of outfits for the next week. Evening.

Go to the toilet?

Question 2 of 9. The best drink, in your way ...

If you are still about Sunday morning, then the beer box.


No one is too old for a good milk cocktail!

Cognac. Maybe not the best, but good.

Pare tea. Or Mae. Mate is good.

Champagne in honor of victory.

An option with beer is good, but the bottle of Porter is enough for me.

Question 3 of 9. The glorious book, then it is worth it to read somehow - you would say about ...

Fight Club Chuck Palanik

Alchemist Paulo Coelho.

Book of Records Ginisse

Zhaklin Susann Dolls Valley

Kill mock harper lee

We are all from Astrid Lindgren Bullerby

One hundred years of loneliness Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Question 4 of 9. The Best Villa is ...

That looking at which, do not think about mortgage or treasury.

With piano.

Such where to the sorter to run for a long time.

Neuschwanstein Castle.

Standing on the ocean.

Family manor in old good English spirit.

With swimming pool.

Question 5 of 9. And in Saga about Harry Potter, do you rather compass with whom?

With Hermione Granger.

With Hagrid. When he is on a motorcycle.

With Remus Lupine, probably. Or with Neville Longbottom.

With half lavgud.

And with Rowling it is impossible? With gold down, here!

With Lucius or Draco Malfoy. Or both at once.

With Sirius Black.

Question 6 of 9. Which of these wizard costumes would you choose for a masquerade?

Merlin or Albus Dumbledore.


Necromante some.

Fairie Ding Ding.

Ginno Cartoon Aladdin

Cold Heart Els

Anyone including corsets and blasts!

Question 7 of 9. If you hold a honeymoon, then ...

... on a journey to motorcycles through the southern states of the United States, in the company of the same glorious guys.

... at the seaside resort: azure water, golden sand, two hundred photos in instagram.

... in a round-the-world tour. And so that our photos are on all journal covers!

... in the ski resort it would be nice, only night in the usual number, but in a cozy chalet with bearish skin on the floor.

... in Venice, of course! To gondolas, serenades, lanterns, balcony Juliet! And he is not there, right?

... in Thailand. They should have more opportunities to get money from tourism not through the prostitution of young boys.

... in Paris, with kisses on the Eiffel Tower and unlimited shopping on fashionable boutiques!

Question 8 out of 9. If you were a character from the game of thrones, the motto on your emble would say ...

Family, debt, honor

Hear my Ryv.

Winter Is Coming

We are fury

Flame and blood

Herbra and beautiful

Growing, growing

Question 9 out of 9. If you were sentenced to visit classes for half a year - for example, to learn how to manage your emotions, - what would you choose?

Irish dances.

It's time to learn to dance waltz!

Good good rock and roll.

Belly dance.

They say Hastle is not very difficult.


Ballet! In pack! And ballet shoes!

The next question is complete to start re-

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