Children of gay and lesbians talk about their lives. Persons and stories

  • Hope, rose in New York in a family of two fathers
  • Allison, grew in Connecticut and Vermont with Mom and its partner
  • Kerry, brought up in New Jersey Pope and Mom, who recognized her orientation when the daughter was 11
  • Zack, rose in New York under the supervision of two mothers
  • Left: Paloma, grown in Newton, Massachusetts, in a family from his father and mother, who recognized her orientation when Paloma was 13
  • Right: Aaron, from Berkeley, California, grew up with two moms and, after their divorce, also with stepfather
  • Zach, grew up in Iowa in two moms
  • Jamie, grew under Chicago with her mother and its partners
  • Mark, grew up in Pennsylvania with Mom and the Father, who recognized her orientation when Mark studied in college
  • Elizabeth grew in Boston with mom and father, who recognized his homosexuality when she studied in college
  • John, lived in New England with Mom and Sattle with Dad, who recognized his orientation when John was two, and a father's partner
  • Left: Moshe, Rose in New York State with Two Mama
  • Right: Lauren, grew in Kansas, Missouri, with Mom and Father, who recognized her homosexuality when she was 7
  • Vanessa, grew up in Virginia with her mother and dad, who recognized her homosexuality when she was 28
  • Darnel, brought up in Menlo Park, California, Two Mama and Father
  • McCen, lived in Spring Lake, Michigan, in a family of two moms
  • Diana, grew up in Osining, New York, with Mom and Father, who recognized his homosexuality when she studied in college
  • Lucas, brought up in Gainesville, Florida, Diluted Father and Mother, who recognized her orientation when he was 15
  • Karen, grew up in South Oregon with his father and mother, which recognized her orientation when Karen was in twenty
  • Anonim

    Photographer Gabriela Erman Over the past five years, shot portraits of people whose parents, both or alone, belong to LBTK, and polled their models. "My mom is a lesbian," she explains. "But I needed a lot of time to say it out loud." For Erman, the process of making identifying her mother was a "painful and difficult time."

    She was not familiar with any other man brought up by gay or lesbian. "The topic was taboo even in our unusual and cohesive family," she says. "The younger snibings came across the same feelings, but we avoided a meaningful conversation." Ultimately, Erman contacted Colage, a community of lesbian and gay children, and found people there, whose childhood was the same: a mixture of silence and alienation, defending the honor of parents in playgrounds. Photos and interviews presented in Ersman Erman "These children" trying to kill silence. Children of parents of "unconventional orientation" are not some "hypothetical", they are real, and they are normal.

    Hope, rose in New York in a family of two fathers


    I was able to see the families of my friends and my aunt and uncle, and I knew that people have something that is called mom, which could not be with me, but I didn't really think so in the minority. I was interested in my native family, in particular my mother, but, taking into account how I grew up, I do not feel that I suffered. I think my parents did a fantastic work, growing a strong woman from me, and as for the question, where I came from - sometimes I still become interested, and another time it's kind of becomes unimportant.

    Allison, grew in Connecticut and Vermont with Mom and its partner


    As soon as I found that the friendship of heterosexuals and homosexuals is possible in my new school, I just ... It was amazing, to know that there are other children of my age ... to find out that they support LGBT. I was not the only one who knew lesbian and gay, and it was no longer a gloomy secret, which must be stored.

    Kerry, brought up in New Jersey Pope and Mom, who recognized her orientation when the daughter was 11


    I remember the conversation with my mother when she said, as I would like to create a family with another woman. When I was very small, I wanted to get married with the best girlfriend, so I said like this: "Oh, how are we with Sarah?" And she: "No, not like you with Sarah."

    Zack, rose in New York under the supervision of two mothers


    In my family, all are receiving. I had much less problems with the fact that the moms are two than in order to find yourself and, you know, with racial and nationality.

    Left: Paloma, grown in Newton, Massachusetts, in a family from his father and mother, who recognized her orientation when Paloma was 13

    Right: Aaron, from Berkeley, California, grew up with two moms and, after their divorce, also with stepfather


    Aaron: My Moms fled when I was somewhere seven, because my biological mother fell in love with a man. I knew my family is different from others, but it was not bad difference, it was just a special type of family.

    Zach, grew up in Iowa in two moms


    I think my family is correctly described not as LGBT, but as a family. If you look at the one who are my mother, or my whole family, then you will realize that I call my moms lesbian couple no more than a pair of fans of the Packers team or a pair of health workers. All these definitions of my moms are equally true.

    Jamie, grew under Chicago with her mother and its partners


    My mother and her partners were brought up, and so many of her partners and just girlfriends were in my life, that I feel as if I raised me many women.

    Mark, grew up in Pennsylvania with Mom and the Father, who recognized her orientation when Mark studied in college


    My father is gay. In fact, it is still in the process of recognizing this. I tend to think that my father was gay since the beginning of time. I always knew that I am Quir, and it helps. From early childhood I saw that my father hides his feminost exactly as I, it seems like it tries not to cross the legs and do not gessulate in a conversation.

    Elizabeth grew in Boston with mom and father, who recognized his homosexuality when she studied in college


    He said: "It's time for me to meet face to face with my identity," and I asked: "You're gay?", And he said: "Well, I did not have such experience in order to make sure." And, it seems that the following words, which I broke out, were: "Dad, I'm sure I am sure that you are gay."

    John, lived in New England with Mom and Sattle with Dad, who recognized his orientation when John was two, and a father's partner


    The first time when they spoke to this topic, was when Mom bought this book, "the one who lives with dad together."

    Left: Moshe, Rose in New York State with Two Mama

    Right: Lauren, grew in Kansas, Missouri, with Mom and Father, who recognized her homosexuality when she was 7


    Moshe : My moms have always been very close, but, of course, there was such a phase in adolescence, when I hate my mother. Now she is for me - a real support, always near. I love her.

    Lauren : For me, much more shock was that my parents are bred than the fact that my father is gay. I think it's great for my son, he grows with two grandfathers and does not know that there is something special about it. My father is no more grandfather than his partner, the son is growing both, and are absolutely equal in his life as grandfathers.

    Vanessa, grew up in Virginia with her mother and dad, who recognized her homosexuality when she was 28

    figure class="figure" itemscope itemtype=""> vanessa.

    For us and sister, the feeling was more unpleasant that we were lying for so long than the very floor orientation of the Father.

    Darnel, brought up in Menlo Park, California, Two Mama and Father


    I can say that I lived surrounded by lesbian all the time and for me it was completely normal. I have a vague memory, as I listen to music on the radio and suddenly realize that the performer seems to sings about some of the same sex.

    McCen, lived in Spring Lake, Michigan, in a family of two moms


    People will always ask me: "What are they? What does it look like? ", And I am, well, they are just the same people. They do not have speaking clays or rainbow flag on the house. We kind of boring in this sense.

    Diana, grew up in Osining, New York, with Mom and Father, who recognized his homosexuality when she studied in college


    Dad says that if I myself did not call him a conversation, he would have been living all my life, hiding orientation. It seems like he thought never to tell anyone.

    Lucas, brought up in Gainesville, Florida, Diluted Father and Mother, who recognized her orientation when he was 15


    The fact that my mother is a lesbian, I was always easy for me, because I was so raised that I took all people. It was unusual, but not tin. If the situation was worse for my mom, if the lesbian was harder to be more than now for her, I think I would pay more attention to the struggle for her rights.

    Karen, grew up in South Oregon with his father and mother, which recognized her orientation when Karen was in twenty


    Life experience in New York made me more host. It became easier for me to talk about it. Where I grew up, no one said about such. But here almost everyone, with whom I get acquainted, homosexual and everyone talks about this and it's all great.


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