People who died trying to lose weight


According to the calculations of the analytical company Datamonitor, diets work around one person from hundreds. But it does not stop millions of people from attempts to lose weight. Some manages to defeat their body once and forever. In the sense, die.

The most famous delicate of thinning is a nervous anorexia, which is subject to about 0.9% of women and 0.3% of men in developed countries. Mortality - 5-10%. But there are more original ways to finally solve the overflow problem.

Magic pills

On the evening of April 12 this year, a student Eloise Parry. I felt bad and went to the clinic. Doctors made blood test and found that the girl was poisoned with 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP). Antidote from this substance does not exist. Parry as if burned from the inside, but to knock the temperature did not work, and in the end, the girl's heart could not stand the load.

The investigation showed that Parry acquired DNP capsules under the guise of weight loss tablets. Mortal dose was kept in two capsules. Parry accepted 8.

Dinitrophenol does not first kill those who want to lose weight. The first wave was held in the 30s in France, where this substance was used for the manufacture of explosives at military factories. During experiments on mice, it turned out that DNP incredibly accelerates metabolism.

It makes it possible to lose weight by 7 kilograms per week, on average. True, the side effects were serious: sweating, shortness of breath, arrhythmia, skin ulcers, cataracts, and also substance has carcinogenic and teratogenic effects. The survivors said that they felt as well as clouded alive.

DNP was forbidden to use as a drug, but it was preserved on the market as a pesticide. The drug returned to the dietary market in Europe in the 1980s. Again death, again attempts to prohibit.

Today, sellers of 2,4-dinitrophenol use the ability of the Internet. Indian, Chinese, Turkish and Russian online stores carelessly trade with this means in the form of capsules, cream and even yellow powder, which is sometimes marked as the seasoning of turmeric.

The first to buy DNP became enthusiastic bodybuilders, but now it is acquired by ordinary losing weight. Interpole sent warnings about the danger of DNP in 190 countries, but it is still easy to find on sale. In the instructions, the sellers strictly warn about the danger of overdose, but even if the buyer dies from the "perceived" dose, they will not answer - after all, this is not a medicine and it is quite possible to make a jar on the knees on the toilet.

Easy life

The responsible approach to the diet does not always save. For example, the British company Lighterlife offers its customers a set of healthy food, requires visitors from them once every two months and weekly meetings with consultants, however, in the history of this British company, at least three deaths.

Samantha Kloewo It was 34, when she decided to hit his beloved and reset the weight before the wedding. Samantha weighed about 110 kilograms, but her health was excellent: she worked as a metallurgist. The therapist approved her decision, and 11 weeks everything went well.

She was sitting at a diet of 530 calories a day, her menu from Lighterlife consisted of soup, nutrient cocktails and diet bars. June 28, 2009 she fell to the floor in front of the groom. Doctors did not have time to help her, her heart refused.

In 2006, a similar story happened to Matilda Kallagan From London, which dropped 63 kilograms for six months.

Nutritionists explain these deaths by the fact that with a quick weight loss on strict restrictive diets, a person's heart is wears. The company considers an accident that occurred.

Pure water

Another victim Lighterlife, Jacqueline Henson Died not because of the lack of calories and not because of the problems with the heart. The mother of five children too seriously approached the Council to drink more pure water. Jacqueline easily dropped 6 kilograms in the first diet weeks and decided that the Council works. So she got stuck with water bottles, sat down with her husband to TV and began to pull the water from the glass.

Like many people, she thought that the water was absolutely harmless, and how much she was neither drinking, in the extreme case, we would have to go once again to the toilet. At some point, Jacqueline became bad, her head got sick, nausea began. She rose to the second floor, went into the bathroom and fell to the floor, where her elder daughter was found.

Doctors could not save the woman: water overdose led to a brain edema. As it turned out, Henson drank 4 liters of water in 2 hours. The company again left responsibility, because in their program it was said to drink 4 liters per day, and not in one fell swoop, and this is a big difference!

Medical approach

People who tried all diets, sometimes resort to bariatric surgery. There are various types of interventions, in particular bancing and shunting of the stomach. Their task is to reduce the gastrointestinal tract and thus reduce the number of food consumed by man. These are popular operations that are described on the relevant sites in the most rainbow paints.

In fact, not everyone succeeds to lose weight and after the operation, but very many suffer from lack of vitamins, minerals, etc., as well as, for example, from constant and explosive nausea with the slightest overeating. But it happens and something worse.

One of the famous victims of bandage - Tracy Corkmas , Mother three children, 16, 13 and 7 years old. Woman weighed more than 100 kg and tried different ways to lose weight. In 2008, she heard that her children were teased for the "fat mother", and decided to surpass.

Surgeons did not notice that the woman was damaged during the operation. After two more operations, during which the doctors tried to understand what they did wrong, the Treys began to infect blood, and she died. As if in order of mockery of Mother, the deceased was given a testimony in which obesity was called the cause of death. An investigation was conducted, and the police still found that it was a matter of medical error.

64-year-old Bernettet Cooper Clark Having embarked on their failures in losing weight, deceived her relatives: she said that she would be a tumor to remove, and he had walked on the stomach banging. After the operation, which was successful, the woman's appetite did not decrease at all, but the ability to eat normally decreased.

For a whole year, Bernette fought with him and ate with small portions, but then it became more and more. The body was adjusted as he could - her esophagus swung to the size of a soccer ball. On December 9, 2012, a woman found a dead in her house: she suffered from food accumulated in the esophagus.

Sunny diet

It is difficult to believe, but there are quite a few people trying to eat, literally, nothing. Those of them who do not run at night at night to the refrigerator achieve not completely desired results.

In the winter of 1999, friends Believe Lynn Seen her lively last time in her beloved Indian restaurant. This energetic woman worked for 8 years in the environmental settlement by the manager and received a well-deserved holiday, which decided to devote to travel.

She began with Loch-Kam Lake in Scotland. Belite carefully prepared for the campaign, bought a reliable tent and tourist equipment. Among other things, in the backpack, Beliti lay a book of the Guru of Britarianism Yasmukhin. The propheted Zammukhin from Australia used to call Ellen Griev and she worked as a financial expert, and today she teaches thousands of people how to live, feeding only solar energy.

Classes in the mane cost one and a half thousand pounds for the seminar. Two weeks later, from the beginning of the Travel, Beliti, the fisherman found her body on the shore of the lake. She lay in one windbreaker, curled up with a ball. According to the conclusion of doctors, Belite died from cold and exhaustion.

In her diary, there was a record that she wants to cleanse physically and spiritually, having passed the 21-day Bretarian post. The investigation suggested that Beliti left the tent at night to the toilet, lost in the dark, lost consciousness from weakness caused by two weeks without food and water, and frozen.

Belite is not the first victim of the solar diet. In 1999, 53-year-old Britarian Lani Morris She died, spending 10 days without food and water. The propheted in both cases explained that the dead did not fulfill the instructions and were not motivated enough. Exactly the same thing that is interesting, the sellers of magic pill say, super-diet consultants and a korestrolubovy doctors.

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