Figure troll to death: how to defeat the network provocateur



Trolling can not be underestimated. This is such a powerful tool of influence that someone made a career on it: for example, Lars von Trier, who has been successfully trolls the kinomans for 20 years, or Sasha Baron Cohen, which caused his borat's powerful Bathart on both sides of the Atlantic.

Their glory does not give rest to millions of characters, which are honed their provocation skills on the disk of the network. Professional troll - a pitiful man, but we are not flashed. You can restore the troll! PICS will now show you several points mental kung fu.

1. Be polite

It is disgusting polite, just unbearable polite. The entire cozy cum should be clear that this is not a fight of two gopniks in the doorway, but an academic conversation with ball.

2. Do not hurry

Let the Troll talent bloom and reveal, wait until he flashes something completely inspected, neatly we will take this pearl from the context and make a troll explain what he meant.

3. Catch the troll on contradiction

Sooner or later, starting with "a woman should sit at home," he will give out something like "Baba has become too greedy to money," here you clarify, correcting the monocle: "Are you actually for a patriarchal family or for self-sufficiency of spouses? Nonostokochka-C! ".

4. Do not forget to make screenshots


The troll may figure out that he was listed, and to fix his replica, and here you are so beautifully pulling off the trump card from the sleeve: "For a minute, the most marked, you didn't say this five minutes ago."

5. Speak not "I", but "we"

Give the troll to understand what kind of your back is the power of the mind and the masses, and he is on the information military field one of the same. More often insert turns like "how we all understand" and "on normal people such arguments have not been operating for a long time."

6. Speak about what you understand

On its territory to fight where how is more expensive, so slowly, but surely lubricate the troll in the debres, which are unknown to him, and you are in them at home. And then squeamishly curvatched eyebrows: "Yes, you do not know the simplest things!".

7. Arming the arguments

Do not be lazy to accumulate the data of the WTZIOM and Rosstat, reload their faithful retail and remove a couple of scientific research. The position "It is so, because I think so" - very weak, any troll-triple on it rolled like a steam rink.

8. Ask questions


Because everyone is clear: who asks, that and the main one. On any question in your side, shoot a dozen new questions. You are here Zheglov and Sharapov, and the troll - humpbat, let him explain.

9. Do not go to personality

Troll is only waiting.

10. Leaving - Leave

As soon as the moral advantage on your side will reach the critical mass, proudly breathe the chin and declare that it is no longer about to discuss here. But after the final "goodbye" really stop reacting to the troll (although he will surely launch a pair of Trolli kakashek in your back). You will continue the dispute - we will be in the position of a person who ran three kilometers behind the troll to say how much he is indifferent to.

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