All sex out: Is it worth telling everything?


Sometimes it would be scary to share with the girlfriend the most intimate: how did you meet yesterday at the bar with a clone of young Johnny Depp, you drank, then went to him, and there! So! And so! And more like! Eighteen times in a row! But is it worth it? PICS.RU collected the reasons for "for" and "against".


It is the closest

You tell her everything! You from the first class together! You showed her the first trampling hair on the pubic! You carefully studied, who has a breast more! Smoked together for the school! And such garbage does not tell? Fi!

Need a topic for conversation

How in that joke, remember? "Did you have sex with the hedge? - What? - Yes, I'm so, the conversation to support. " Here you go to the arena with a story about that blonde, which turned out to be a air gymnast. And then you collect Lavra!

Boast of

Broasting, of course, bad, but who does not sin it? And then, the girlfriend is the closest, so it can be. In paints about eighteen times in a row, a multiple orgasm and a magical piece of sex shop. Which, by the way, she recommended.


Well, who else to discuss that he is a small and curve, he is more like a jackhammer than a loving man, and immediately falls asleep and scary? Of course, girlfriend!


Suddenly, is this just your man during cunnilingus funny moving his feet? And she tried a position number 45 from the kamasutra? And How? Liked? And man? The back was not sick then? Go to number 46? And How? Recommended?

Find out how she is

You are me, I am. You tell her in the colors of your stories, and she your own. Everything is honest! And how otherwise you can do your future debt?

Share funny

For some reason, stories that occur during sex become doubly funny. We especially like that part, where parents, Yeah, are accidentally returned.


About orgasm

Why should someone know that you can bring ourselves to orgasm, just squeezing and squeezing the hips? So you sit down and then drink a seagull, you think about the high, and the girlfriend is already giggling and the spoon in you pokes!

This is a personal

No matter how cool, sex is still an extremely intimate thing that concerns, to all of the time, not only you. What do you think your man will be glad to know what you are discussing with my girlfriend the size of his member and how exactly he cums?

This is fraught

So discuss you with your girlfriend kamasutra and still a dozen sexual benefits that recommend using ice during sex, you will encourage and Caaaak to attack a man! And he and the leg, it can not throw the ear! Or maybe, but to spin it in the trauma will be.

About places

Details of the girlfriend still do not know. Imagine: I told her how cool you have sex on the windowsill, not further as this morning (not specifically - there is just a very convenient angle, it turns out to stimulate the point G), and now it is afraid to sit down on the windowsill. And it's not a superstition!

About loneliness

Well, imagine: you trustly tumbled with your gymnast all night and already anticipating the following, and she had no sex for a month for a minimum, and not foreseen in the foreseeable future? Class? If she does not bite your head, consider what is bigly lucky!

Share funny

The way you rushed to him during a deep blowjob, or how you fell ass in nettle, trying to have sex in the dacha, is definitely very funny. But still pour better with other funny bikes.

It's not a secret

That all people have sex. But some things are still better saved with you. First, my own little mystery is pleasantly warming the soul, and secondly, as you know, TWO CAN KEEP A SECRET IF One Of Them Is Dead. To extremes, of course, it is better not to bring, but suddenly she wants to share your stories with someone else?

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