Tream: what to do if the face swells



The cause of the swollen face may be heart disease (then the edema appear in the evening), problems with the kidneys (swelling joyfully meet you in the morning), allergic (in a set with swelling itching, sneeze and anger on the whole world), osteochondrosis (it usually fade away from it only Cheeks and eyelids), as well as a collision with the door of the cabinet, yesterday's impossibility in part of the cross and happy expectation of the heir.

If all this is not about you, it means that the self-made (c) and something must be adjusted in the lifestyle. We tell what it is.

Buy a normal pillow

Award you with swollen sign can and too low, and too high pillow, as well as the habit of sleeping face down. Buy an orthopedic medium height and hardness cushion with support for the neck.

Not drink at night

Bucket tea or di-watermelon before bedtime because they give such a dramatic effect that the body does not have time to bring water naturally and postponing this business for tomorrow. Drink on the glass every one and a half hours throughout the day - then and in the evening drying will not torment, and water will go even.

Do not eat salted

You have already spoken it, but not a sin to repeat. Grams of salt delays about 100 ml of water. In saber salty fish, tin can with sprats or a pair of kind sandwiches with ham salt enough to delay the liter of water. If it is neat, the blade of your ham for breakfast, but not before bedtime.

Flying with cream economy


Even a good night cream, generously applied by a shovel, can not absorb the skin completely. In this case, "more" does not mean "better." The film of the unclaimed cream on the face easily causes edema. Therefore, after 3-4 minutes after applying the molding, the face with a napkin.

Wear glasses

Even if your eyesight deteriorated quite a little bit, and you seem to see everything perfectly. Eyes are still overvolting, especially if you are sitting at the computer for a long time, you read or drive a car. The chronic stress of the eye muscles leads to Lymfi's stagnation - and to swollen eyes.

Dinner buckwheat

Sad, but very correct boiled buckwheat without sugar, salt and milk - a powerful selector. Not delicacy, of course, dietary.

Halfing an apple


Apples are a good soft diuretic, even in cheese, even in a liver form. Just in case we specify - the charlotka apples is not considered.

Replace coffee to chicory

We will not lie, to taste it is not the same. But the coffee provokes swelling, and chicory - on the contrary. And if it seems to you that chicory of coffee and at the notes are not suitable, use the power of self-deployment.

Not by Botoks

Or if, but be ready for sides. During the first week after the injection, the whole person can be somehow unusual damasit, especially if you and before the beauty enclosures were prone to swells. The reason is again in the deterioration of lymphottock.

Turning to the current

Microcurrent therapy is when there is a low-frequency electric current of small force on your tumidity. It does not hurt - a little bit tingles, and rather funny than unpleasant. The muscles during the session are not twitching, but the cells receive such a pink that they quickly begin to rejuvenate. In addition, microcracks accelerate blood and lymph, while not leaving the bags and trace.



The simplest gymnastics for those who are too lazy to memorize complex exercises: press the pads of the index fingers to the outer corners of the eye, so that the skin does not sweat, and firmly lit up for 4-5 seconds. Repeat 10 times. It will improve blood circulation and bags under the eyes will be dissolved faster.

Eat yagoda

Very soon, all the bazaars will be littered. Support a local manufacturer. Many berries contain a large number of potassium and magnesium, it is these elements that help remove excess water. Search for strawberries, honeysuckle, red currants, raspberries and lingonberries.

Cooling physiognomy

Bags under the eyes can be removed by putting cold anything on them. Usually they advise the cucumber slices or pressed tea bags, but even a spoon will fit, leaving in the refrigerator 10 minutes. The main thing is that the vessels narrowed.

Eat Parsley


This curly grass is a diuretic epic strength. However, do not worry - you still don't eat it anyway, but in small doses it acts gently and humanely. It is especially nice, it is possible for it anything, that is, that is, it is not necessary to go to some particularly severe diet. Parsley can be used and externally - ice cubes from frozen juice parsley remove swelling around the eyes all the same better spoons.

Put in sandwiches Bulgarian pepper

Especially red. This variety has superposable - removes excess salts from the body. I siggled with Salt Koryushka - snacks with pepper.

Eat eggplants and zucchini

They work in the same way as sweet peppers.

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