How social networks are changing our perception of reality



Little has shifted our world as social networks - even space technologies and fashion in training did less. We collected the most significant effects.

I did not understand the hint

When we write messages without emoticons, they look like curses. "I went to hell" and "went to hell)))))" - Two big differences. Well, how else to give a person to understand in what mood you? For a generation born in the 2000s, it becomes a serious problem (yes, those who are born in the 2000s already have any problems, except for the spheres of influence in the sandbox, we can not believe it ourselves).

So, these kids who did not know the world without social networks, are already experiencing some difficulties with the reading of non-verbal information. In other words, they understand the emoticon, but Ironia, disgust or anger, can hardly recognize in the present person.

Dr. Himansha traction from the British Royal College of Psychiatrists is very nervous about this and says that such a disgrace is observed not only in adolescents, but also in full of adult citizens who wake up with Facebook and fall asleep with him. As a result, in the social networks they have Stopicks Frendov, but when trying to start a conversation with a fellow traveler, they are failat.

What is all alone


Do not deceive - this is not you decide who to read and for what events to follow, and the cunning algorithms of social networks, who appreciate what - in their opinion - can you like. So there is a variety of opinions on any question that you can contemplate on the net - clean water illusion and solid fraud.

Oppositionists read other oppositionists, raw foods - the last raw food news, and very soon we begin to seem to seem that the world is inhabited by our copies and our point of view clearly prevails. In other words, while you slept, the opposition won and the world switched to a diet from organic cabbage, cheers.

Specialists have this effect called "Echo Camera" and describes the information bubble, where like-minded people are sitting in peace and love, like a hippovsky fire, and exchange completely identical opinions. The reality of this effect is confirmed by the American study, which was attended by 70,000 Facebook users.

Facebook depression

Everyone has such a wonderful life - at least do not go to the Internet. Because here you go, look at their attic in Barcelona, ​​dancing on the beach in Thailand, tanned triceps and new cars - I don't want to live so literally.

Any page in the social network is an Arena for self-testing and the Museum named after himself, where all the best is the best - Chekin in a hoody molecular restaurant (it doesn't matter that it just passed by, and so in general in McDaccus there should be), Selfie unearthly beauty (the only successful one and a half hundred ), a photo with a crowd of friends (gathered once a year and this picture was a highlight of the parties, and so everyone sat, koking in the phones).

By making an image of someone else's life from these chosen moments, we usually come to the conclusion that we ourselves in the swamp.

Simple such


In any social network friendship come in one click. He sent a request, got good - and all, pass, sit, climb with the statement of its valuable opinion. You can also embroider a person from Frendzona in one second. Shaven friends who hit the bore, are regularly replaced by Francs and incentive.

We do not tell us that in real life everything is wrong. Outside of the social network, relations are developing slowly and tooling, require unslapful mental investments and are not a fact that in the end add up. And for those who already have a surrender with such rapid development of events, analog social life often seems boring and very vigorous.

Who is this mop?

Flirt in Facebook is easier to organize than a cup of tea. Good news for those in the search, bad - for family people. The United States has already reached the point that they accuse the social networks in each fifth divorce. Type: Everything was fine, as everyone would have lived, if she had not begun to send the emoticons to this sultry Spaniard.

There is nothing to foam on the mirror, of course. From a good life with the Spaniards are not associated. But nevertheless: almost anonymous social network environment - fertile soil for nothing significant virtual novels who mean nothing only for the one who is involved in them, but for his partner can become exactly the same blow as completely real meat treason - which is not so easy to decide.

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