Dark Personal Triad: Scientific Types of Mercave


Psychologists, studying the bad sides of the person, discovered that in general, they can be divided into three groups: narcissism, magiavellism and psychopathy. Together they form a "Dark Triad". People of the Dark Triads tirank their families and whole states, replenish prisons and ... Board of Directors. In general, it is worth knowing who they are so as not to suffer.


They write about narcissions a lot, but, oddly enough, this is a relatively easy case. Some of them are generally harm themselves than others. In addition, from the desire to impress, they can achieve significant success in school and career. From afar on Narcissus, you can even admire. But close to him sooner or later wanted to hang. He always "puts everyone to the place," never recognizes his mistakes, poured the blame on others and believes that everything should and everything can be. He has a problem with the borders, and people for him or immediately "halves" or enemies. And all because he does not know how to love. Narcissus is a star of the scene, which sits drunk behind the wheel, and crushing a person, demands that everyone regretted it. Narcissus is a charming guy who, every time disappointed in the new beloved goddess and sloghing, until she feels like the last god.


A person with such a feature like Machiavelism, zinicic and calculating. From people he seeks not love, but benefits. Therefore, the forces spend only on useful little men. He is not as narcissus, but usually knows how to flatter and adapt to an important interlocutor. His motto, of course, "the goal justifies the funds." It will not be shy just for the sake of entertainment, but will not keep a promise if you can get a momentary benefit from his violation. Casting at least the crowd of power, requires complete submission and believes that it fully deserves his seat at the helm. "Makiavelli" is a dodgy chief and a disgusting friend. It does not matter whether he is in his country or a veach on the passage on the passage, he always twists and intrigues, whips people and parties, saves compromising and folds well only in his piggy bank. Rings at any time.


Psychopaths are completely sad. They cannot feel sympathy for people, devoid of empathy. People for them are things, which means everything is really allowed. Of course, psychopaths can inequish quite a long time and well hide their attitude. Those that are more stupid, quickly find themselves in prisons or at all in the graves. They, as a rule, are assessed highly, impulsive, poorly control their impulses and extremely cruel. The extreme case of psychopathy is a maniac, a serial killer. More or less socialized, this is the boss or teacher, from which everyone comes out squeezed as a lemon with the thought "Well, Sadyuga!" An example of a person in which all three components of the triads are connected - Ted Bundy. Narcissism helped him to look well and produce a good impression on people, Machiavelism helped to achieve a high position in society, and he sent more hundreds of women with psychopathic joy.

Check on the villain

The easiest test for the definition of another or the signs of a dark triad consists of 12 points. Just notices those suitable.
  1. This man manipulates others.
  2. Do not experience repentance
  3. Achieve admiration surrounding
  4. Does not worry about the moral side of its actions
  5. Lies, deceives for the achievement of his goals
  6. Insensible or rude
  7. Flatters to people to use them
  8. Seeks to status or prestigious
  9. Cynic
  10. Operates people
  11. Waiting for their own relationship
  12. It is eager for others
To make the result more precisely, each answer should be appreciated on a scale from 1 to 7, where one thing is absolutely disagree, and 7 - fully agree. The average result for an ordinary person is about 36 points. With 45 points it is already worth thinking about their behavior and contacting a specialist. And if the estimate above 45 points got your acquaintance, be careful with him!

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