Eat it immediately! 10 species of the most amazing ice cream recipes


"Turtle, go, has a deal!" - "I don't want to have a deal, I want to eat cream-brule!" I remember that in the heat scary I don't want to cook something complicated and terriblely wanting cool, we collected the simplest and awesome recipes with ice cream. Makes at the expense of "Once", and pleasures - for the whole day!

Cool candies

Ingredients: 200-gram briquetting of ice cream, 100 g of baby dry milk, a pair of waffles, you can still some cocoa and coconut chips, syrup or jam. The process itself. Ice cream produce from the freezer and five minutes later, we should mix with dry milk. We make a round spoon from this bulk mass - and we take apart in the shredded waffles, or cocoa, or chips. We lay out in the cream and crowned this perfection of a droplet of jam. No cakes do not need!

Ice cream in oranges

Ingredients: Two servings - orange, 150 gram briquette ice cream, for decoration, you can - a handful of chosen walnuts, mint leaves, a piece of chocolate. The process itself. The orange is cut in half, carefully cut the flesh and remove seeds and films. Cut the sharp knife into small pieces, mix with ice cream (and, at will, nuts) and lay out in orange "vases". Cunning: Season allocated can be sent to the mixture, if you cut orange in a plastic plate. Cool and enjoy! And for beauty, we rub a little chocolate from above and crowned with mint leaves.

Coffee cocktail with ice cream

Ingredients: A glass of freshly brewed coffee, 2 cups of milk, 200 g seal. For decoration, you can - a little cinnamon, a piece of chocolate. The process itself. Coffee and milk are cooling, then we send all the components to the blender and hit the homogeneity and the appearance of the foam. Spill in high glasses, decorate cinnamon, grated chocolate, you can pinch ground coffee. Cunning: You can not throw everything ice cream into a blender, but leave a little bit and add at the end so that the cocktails "came across".

Fried caramel bananas with ice cream

Ingredients: A cup of vanilla ice cream, a banana (not too soft), a piece of butter, a pair of sugar tablespoons, can float chocolates, a little almond or cinnamon. The process itself. Banana cut into pieces of medium thickness. In a preheated pan, we melt the oil, we add sugar to it and mix until it darkens. Now there is a sliced ​​banana - and fry a couple of minutes, turning over. We lay out on a dish or in the creams, I plucked the ice cream there, we decorate all this on top of it than it is melted chocolate, nuts or cinnamon.

Ice cream with berries and sauce

Ingredients: The middle briquette of ice cream, on a small handful of berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries), a bit of olive oil, a pair of sugar tablespoons, you can a little lemon juice, mint leaves. The process itself. Cooking sauce in a blender, throwing the berries there (we leave some) and sugar. Further drip a bit of olive oil (for homogeneity) and lemon juice. After receiving a puree, you can skip it through a sieve so that there are no berry bones. Now I am mixed with pending berries, lay out in the molds, water the sauce and decorate the leaves. Excellent dessert for the summer evening under good wine!

Layered colored dessert

Ingredients: Ice cream, multicolored fruits and berries (strawberries, mandarin, kiwi, blueberries), nuts. If desired, Muesli (in the breakfast variant) or gradually color lyters (for the holiday). The process itself. The main thing in this recipe is beauty. Therefore, the main component is high transparent glasses. My berry fruit, we clean and, if necessary, cut the plates. We lay out on the bottom of the ice cream layer - then the "vitamin" layer of the same color - on the nuts - again ice cream ... In tomorrow, on the layer of ice cream, we put a layer of Muesli on the ice cream layer, in a festive - a little liqueur of the corresponding color.

Chocolate "Cake" with ice cream

Ingredients: Two cups of chocolate ice cream, a pack of chocolate cookies, 80 g of butter, black chocolate tile, a spoon of powdered sugar, nuts or berries for decoration. The process itself. Cookies are grinding and mix with softened oil (leaving a piece of grams 20). We lay out the bottom and the walls of the form and put an hour in the refrigerator. Top laying ice cream - and in the freezer. In the meantime, we prepare the glaze in a water bath - from chocolate, sugar powder and a remaining piece of oil. When it gets cool down, we water our dessert, decorated with berries or nuts - and hello, kayf!

Pears with ice cream

Ingredients: Two big pears, a cup of cream ice cream, lemon, 15 g of sugar, 200 ml of cream, chocolate tile, cinnamon stick, a little brandy. The process itself. From lemon cut off the peel and put in a saucepan. There, we squeeze the juice from the lemon itself, a glass of water, sugar and cinnamon. Pears cleanse from the peel and remove the hearts, but we leave the "tails". When the syrup boils, we send the halves of the fruit into the pan and cook for about 10 minutes, after which it is cooled without removing. Cream and broken on the pieces of chocolate melted until uniformity, there is a cognac. Now the final: spread the half of the pear, on her ice cream, and we water hot chocolate on top. Tasty!

Fruit salad with ice cream

Ingredients: Banana, strawberry, apples, mango, dates, kuraga ... In general, assorted fruits on your taste. Briquette vanilla or mint ice cream. Plus a couple of honey spoons. For decorating cocktail cherries or several of the most beautiful berries. The process itself. My fruit is clean-dry and cut into pieces of about the same "format." We fold into a deep bowl, we water honey and mix. Now lay down in the cremaths and pour juice with honey, which remained in a bowl. Top with a round spoon lay on the ice cream ball and decorate the whole composition. Almost all the senses are enjoying!

Cranberry Kissel with Ice Cream

Ingredients: 200 g Cranberries or other favorite berries (can be frozen), a cup of berry ice cream, 80 g of sugar, 2 tablespoons of starch. The process itself. If the berries are frozen, defrosting them. Now dismissed - and in a liter saucepan with water. Wake up - let them make up for about five minutes, then stands for 20 minutes. Now the surfth of Sugar. Starch is stirred to dissolve in water and a thin ridge in the cheese, stirring, bring to a boil and remove from the fire. Cool, spill on the glasses and in each put on the ice cream spoon. And dive into pleasure!

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