Give a wide carnival: 12 prescriptions pancakes from around the world


Do not think that if the world is not celebrated by Maslenitsa, the inhabitants of other countries do not like pancakes! Still like love! And make from remedies. Pics.Ru collected the recipes for you the most delicious pancakes from all over the world - from Russia to Ethiopia. Prepare - not overpaid!

Russia - pancakes

Recipes are pancakes in Russia thousands - everyone has its own. We took one of the most common - for thin pancakes so that they could be wrapped in a filling or there, a masking in honey, sour cream or condensed milk.


  • Milk 500 ml
  • Egg chicken 2 pieces
  • Salt chipotch
  • Sugar 3 tablespoons
  • Wheat flour 1.5 cup
  • Vegetable oil 2 tablespoons
  • Basin at knife tip


  • Pour into the appropriate capacity of milk room temperature, add eggs, salt and sugar and beat
  • In the resulting mass, gradually pour flour, not forgetting to stir it in order not to do any lumps. They will still be obtained, so it is necessary to stir. As a result, the dough of consistency of low-fat sour cream should be used, where you can add a baking powder.
  • Stir all once again, after which it is possible to stand for 15-20 minutes, add vegetable oil and mix again.
  • Pour some oil on a hot pan and fry pancakes how much you want. If the arm of the fighter is tired, the dough can be sent to the refrigerator until the next pancake arrival - nothing will happen to him.

France - Crêpes.

French crepes are not much different from our thin pancakes, but the French prefer to wrap in them that they will fall under hand: ham, cheese, fruit, seafood and even ice cream. Weird people!


  • Water 120 ml
  • Milk whole 120 ml
  • Wheat flour 140 g
  • Chicken Egg (Large) 2 pieces
  • Salt Sea Chipotka


  • The French are lazy people, so the dough is preparing in a blender. There you need to pour water, milk, add flour, salt and mix. In a separate bowl, break eggs, beat and pour into a blender.
  • Stir the dough until it becomes homogeneous, without lumps.
  • The finished dough cover and send to the refrigerator to be for at least an hour, maximum - for the day.
  • Fry pancakes in a pan, pre-lubricating it with a thin layer of vegetable or melted butter.

Venezuela - Cachapas.

Kachapa - the traditional Venezuelan dish from corn flour is extremely popular in roadside eaters. They are made from corn flour and eaten with fried pork (chicharront) or soft cheese. This is perhaps the only pancakes that - attention! - Cook!


  • Corn grains of 3 cups (fresh or outflowing frozen)
  • Corn flour 1/4 cups
  • Terching Mozzarella 1/2 cups (or any other fill in taste)
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Grind in the blender corn grains, add salt and pepper. NB! Optionally, you can leave whole corn grains, and you can cut everything into a homogeneous mass.
  • Add flour and continue to beat the mass to a homogeneous consistency.
  • Roll over the pan with vegetable oil, after which it is a spoon to lay out the resulting mass, forming small pancakes.
  • Fry on each side of 3-5 minutes to a golden crust, then sprinkle with a mozzarella from above and wait until the cheese is melted.
  • Folded every pancake in half the cheese inside and immediately serve on the table.

USA, Canada - Buttermilk Pancakes

In our opinion, just big pancakes. The main chip is here in the feed - stack, molded with maple syrup or honey, sometimes with fresh berries.


  • Wheat flour140 g
  • Milk 200 ml
  • Egg chicken1
  • Bustyer1 teaspoon
  • Creamy butter 40 g
  • Sugar 1 tablespoon
  • Salt chipotch


  • Mix flour, sugar, baking powder and salt.
  • Egg beat foam (about 3 minutes). Add milk and mix. Add this mixture in dry ingredients and gently mix.
  • Melt oil and pour into the dough, mix thoroughly.
  • To pour out small portions of the dough on the pan (if the damn does not stick, it is not necessary to lubricate the oil if you stick to lubricate oil slightly). The furnace each pankeeik is about 2-3 minutes on each side.

China - Cong You Bing

The dough for traditional Chinese pancakes traditionally add green onions, and thanks to the special cooking technology, they are obtained multi-layered and may well act as an independent dish if they are macked into a soy or sharp Thai sauce.


  • Flour 360 g
  • Water 250 g
  • Salt chipotch
  • For filling:
  • Green bow bundle
  • Salt teaspoon
  • Sesame oil tablespoon


  • Mix flour with salt, make a recess in the center.
  • Boil the water, wait until it stops bubble and pour boiling water into the flour, stirring. After that, give the whole design to cool, lay out on the table and knead your hands until the dough becomes elastic. To cover and give to stand half an hour.
  • For filling mix finely chopped green onions with salt.
  • To blind pancakes as follows: Plush the surface of the table with a small amount of flour, roll out the dough into thick harness and cut into 12 pieces.
  • One piece to be shoved with your hands or roll through the rolling pin into a thin rectangle. Lubricate the surface in sesame oil and sprinkle with a small amount of filling.
  • Start a rectangle on the long side into a dense tube, then the tube is slightly sprinkled and roll like snail, adopting the edge to the roll. Then snail with your fingers or rolling pin to the desired thickness.
  • The same manipulations should be done with the remaining dough.
  • Heat the frying pan with a thick bottom on medium heat. Add a small amount of vegetable oil and bake pancakes from two sides to a golden state. Serve hot with sauces to taste.

India - DOSA.

These are thin crispy pancakes or pellets from almost any coarse flour. They can be attached to the main dish as accompaniment or speak independently with the most diverse stuffs - from Manka to Curry.


  • Rice flour 1 glass
  • Nut or pea 1/2 cup
  • Water 1 cup
  • Tea Seeds Tea Spoon
  • Ground red pepper teaspoon
  • Turmeric tea spoon
  • Mustard Seeds Tea Spoon
  • Salt to taste


  • Chick or peas to dunk at night or as until they become soft enough. Rinse, add water and crushed in a blender to a homogeneous mass.
  • Mix with rice flour, spices and salt and put in a warm place for 1-2 hours.
  • Rubage frying pan with oil. Pour the dough at the rate of 3-4 spoons per 1 pancake and evenly distribute it along the bottom of the pan with circular motions.
  • Bake pancakes on each side. NB! Pancakes should turn out very thin.
  • Finished pancakes roll into roll and serve with any stuffing.

Sweden - Raggmunk.

The Swedes have always differed as strange, so in their pancakes (or ragmunki) they add grated potatoes. It turns out something average between the pancake and the pancry of any thickness and density is a matter of taste. Traditionally eat them with fried bacon and berry jam.


  • Wheat flour 2 cups
  • Chicken eggs 3 pcs.
  • Milk 1 L.
  • Salt chipotch
  • Vegetable oil 3 Art. l.
  • Potatoes grated 150-200 g
  • Soda on the knife tip


  • Beat eggs, add milk and mix well.
  • Add salt, soda, vegetable oil and once again move.
  • Gradually, enter into the resulting lot of flour, then interfere with the pre-grated potatoes and interfere with a homogeneous state.
  • Fry Raggmunks on a strongly preheated pan, adjusting the thickness of their taste. To serve hot!

Thailand - Banana Roti

Thumbnail pancakes with crispy crust, which are prepared on mobile pancake stations - Mokashnica - with different fillings. The most popular - Bananova, when the damn itself from above the heap is watered with chocolate sauce. Carbohydrated!


  • Flour 450 g
  • Tea Green ½ cup
  • Milk ¼ stakana
  • Bananas 9 pcs.
  • Salt Sea 1 pinch
  • Sugar 1 tbsp. l.
  • Honey (better liquid) 1 tsp.
  • Olive oil 10 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable frying oil 1 tsp.
  • Condensed milk 1 g


  • Sierted flour to mix with salt, sugar, honey, warm (!) Milk, warm green tea and 7 tbsp. olive oil. To knead the smooth elastic dough, roll it into the ball, lubricate with olive oil, cover and give a rest to the minimum of half an hour, and better all two.
  • Then the dough thoroughly smash and divide into equal pieces, having rolling the balls with a small mandarin of them. Lubricate the balls with the remaining olive oil, wrap in the food film and leave even for a minimum for 30 minutes.
  • Each ball roll out the rolling like thinner as thinner, before transparency, and send to roast on a heated frying pan from 1 tbsp. vegetable oil.
  • Bananas cut into circles and lay out the center of pancake.
  • Fold damn the converton and turn over, fry still half a minute.
  • Shoot the pancake on a paper towel to absorb excess oil and cut a large knife on equal squares. Top to pour a condensed milk (or by the latch). There is immediate.

Denmark - Aebleskivers.

Despite the fact that these are the balls from the dough, Danish abskavers are still considered pancakes. The main secret is in a special frying pan for their preparation with semicircular depressions. Stuffing - traditionally fruit.


  • Egg whites 2 pcs
  • Flour 2 glasses
  • Bolder 2 teaspoons
  • Sugar 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • Soda 1/2 teaspoons
  • Salt 1/2 teaspoons
  • Egg yolks 2 pcs
  • Melted oil 4 tbsp. Spoons
  • Patherty (Skimmer Cream) 2 Glasses
  • Oil for frying 1 cup


  • Beat the egg whites with a mixer to a thick foam, let them stand a little.
  • Mix flour, baking powder, salt, soda, sugar, egg yolks, melted butter and patch and beat to obtain a homogeneous mass. Carefully add egg whites and mix.
  • Put on 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil in every recess of the form for an abskiver and put on fire to warm. Next, pour about 2 tablespoons of the dough into each mold. Once bubbles begin to appear on the edge, you need to rotate quickly (Danish cooks use the knitting needles, but the plug is also suitable) the resulting ball. Fry to a golden crust, constantly rotating so that it is not burnt.
  • Serve with fruit and chocolate paste.

Morocco - Baghrir.

These pancakes resemble a sponge due to their extreme porosity. And they are frying them only on the one hand! By the way, they themselves are completely tasteless, so they serve them exclusively with honey.


  • Manka 1 cup
  • Egg 1 piece
  • Flour 1 glass
  • Vegetable oil 1 tsp.
  • Yeast 1 tsp.
  • Sugar 1 tsp.
  • Salt chipotch
  • Soda 0.5 h. L.
  • Warm water 2 cups

For sauce

  • Oil 70 g
  • Honey 6 tbsp. l.


  • Dough: Mix all dry ingredients, add an egg, mix, pour warm water, butter and beat the mixer minutes to get a liquid dough. Cover it and leave for 40 minutes. NB! The dough is not necessary to keep up to the maximum lift, it is enough that small bubbles appear on the surface.
  • Sauce: Melt oil, add liquid honey and mix. Alternatively for the lazy, you can immediately mix and warm up to a homogeneous state.
  • NB! For frying pancakes, the frying pan does not need to warm up! Dough pouring into a cold pan strictly to the center, not to distribute as usual and fry pancake only on the one hand! After each pancakes in the pan, we substitute the bottom under the stream of cold water so that it cooled.
  • NB! You do not need to pick up pancakes, they must remain palecases.
  • When the dough grabbed and the top will no longer stick, remove, put on the plate and lubricate the sauce. And so on, until you get bored.

Ethiopia - Injera.

In fact, it is not pancakes, but huge cakes that prepare acidic flour rich in microelements of the African cereal Tef. If the Tef is not affordable, then you can take wheat, corn or barley. On the imager (this is exactly the name of this type of pancake) laid out different fillings and eat, pressing pieces and make them in any of them.


  • Flour rice 1 st
  • Wheat flour 1 st
  • Warm water 500 ml
  • Yeast 1 tsp.
  • Boiling water 50 ml
  • A few drops of vegetable oil for lubrication frying pan


  • Stir yeast in terms of warm water, add both types of flour. Gradually stirring with one hand (it's nice - cooking bread with hands), fill the remaining water. The dough will turn out like liquid sour cream.
  • Cover the tank with a food film and put in a warm place for at least an hour, and better more. The test mass will increase two or three times. Add 50 ml of boiling water, mix well and leave for another 10 minutes.
  • Bake on a frying pan with oiled. NB! The pan is Majt once at the very beginning. Pour the dough from the edges to the center of the spiral, keep on fire for about 4 minutes.
  • Stayed on a flat surface. You can serve with any meat in sauce, jam, stew.

Austria - Kaiserschmarrn.

Translated the name literally means "Imperial Meszanin" and, in principle, it is: the dish is a piece of sweet pancakes, mixed with sugar powder, dried fruits and than your soul. But more often they are sweet!


  • Flour 1 glass
  • Salt chipotch
  • Milk 1 glass
  • Eggs 4 pieces
  • Sugar 1 tbsp. l.
  • Raisin 2 tbsp. l.
  • Cognac 2 tbsp. l.
  • Fat sour cream 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar powder 1 tbsp. l.
  • Creamy oil for frying


  • Raisin rinse with hot water and soak in brandy for 30 minutes. Eggs divided into yolks and proteins. Yolks to be confused with sugar and salt, add milk and sour cream, beat well.
  • Sift flour into the yolk mixture, mix. Beat proteins into a strong foam and gently enter into the dough.
  • Preheat in a frying butter. Put the dough, sprink the surface. Top put raisins.
  • Prepare until the edges are shuffled, about 5-7 minutes. Turn over the omelet to the other side and cook another 4-5 minutes.
  • To split omelet with blades into small pieces and continue to cook, from time to time turning over, another 1.5 minutes. Stay on the dish, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Main on plates: Ekaterina Kuzmin

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