12 most honest mottos that would have to be in dog breeds


The artist-schedule of Laura Palumbo from Florence drew 12 "advertising" posters of unpopular dog breeds with devises, which will give them the most honest presentation. True, we are not sure that honesty towards bulldog will help Bulldogs become pets of the public!

See myself.


Not afraid of anyone!

Although it would be worth it.

12 most honest mottos that would have to be in dog breeds 36491_1


Kim Kardashian

In the world of dogs

12 most honest mottos that would have to be in dog breeds 36491_2


Do not come close!


12 most honest mottos that would have to be in dog breeds 36491_3

Golden retriever

So hard to be so perfect ...

Kidding. That's cool.

12 most honest mottos that would have to be in dog breeds 36491_4


Oh, do not make us sing!

Okay, let's sing.

12 most honest mottos that would have to be in dog breeds 36491_5


Legal reason to adults

Let school jokes on Freud

12 most honest mottos that would have to be in dog breeds 36491_6

German dog

This is a fucking horse !!!

12 most honest mottos that would have to be in dog breeds 36491_7


Choice for every taste

12 most honest mottos that would have to be in dog breeds 36491_8


Because firm


12 most honest mottos that would have to be in dog breeds 36491_9


Descendants of wolves?


12 most honest mottos that would have to be in dog breeds 36491_10


Well, spoiled the air

12 most honest mottos that would have to be in dog breeds 36491_11

French Bulldog

Well, done le bunk

12 most honest mottos that would have to be in dog breeds 36491_12

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