Good to give: what you do not know about the work of charitable foundations



Do employees of the wage funds get? Do you drink on Friday evening? How do you cope with emotions? Ekaterina Kuzmina collected the facts that you should know about the work of charitable foundations in Russia, and gathered them as we love, in the list of 18 points. Help with the mind!

1. This is a job

Yes, yes, on which you also need to walk every day, be in the office from 10 to 19 with a break for lunch (in fact, more often without it), make plans and graphics, write reports, argue with the authorities, go on vacation, weave Supported intrigues, to be offended with colleagues, shy in Facebook, drink coffee, in short, to do everything that normal people do in normal operations.

2. Fund employees receive salary

Naturally, the level of wages, on average, below the average market at similar positions (head of the direction, financial director, etc.), but quite competitive. Nevertheless, the ideological people are going to work in the funds, but it is surprising, they also need to eat, drink, rent housing and ride on vacation.

3. BF workers - also people

They also get tired, angry, sometimes their work is infuriated, and there are days when they don't want anything at all. These are not heavenly creatures that feed on the rainbow and puffing with butterflies, but quite ordinary people who are cynically joking, swear by mat, have sex and drink on Friday night. Ordinary people who make extraordinary things in daily mode, because they are their work.

4. This is not amateur


A charity foundation is not "My friends and I decided to help homeless dogs!". Funds are legal entities who pay taxes to their employees, conclude with the wards of families and therapeutic centers of the contract with applications, pay for rental of premises for office and obey the legislation very strict in this area. So, for example, with each benefactor who wants to translate to the Foundation at least 10 rubles, it is necessary to conclude a contract, so if you are offered on the street to buy a ball in favor of cancer children, then with a probability of 99% is fraud.

5. Funds have their own directions

People and everyone else, who needs help, does not become less and, probably, never will be. It is important to understand that if you want to help save whales in New Zealand, then it is meaningless to contact the Foundation "Give Life". Each fund helps to solve specific problems and works in a particular direction: help people (children, adult, elderly), animal assistance, conservation of nature and so on. You only need to choose where to direct an effort!

6. Any BF employee works within the Fund

This is not Mother Teresa, collecting all the unfortunate siery and poor in a row under his wing. This is an employee of an organization that works as part of the Fund's activities, according to the Charter and the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Believe me, charity organizations are checked with such addiction, which commercial structures and did not dream.

7. Decisions on assistance adopts Expert Council under the Fund

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The Council (or Commission) includes doctors, founders of the Fund, coordinators of this or that direction. That is, just so come and say "Guys, I want to be in Switzerland!" It is impossible. It is necessary to provide documents confirming the diagnoses on the basis of which the Commission will decide on assistance in each specific situation. In any case, the package of documents will be necessary. This is done not only in order to complicate the life of people with serious diseases or features, but also in order to protect funds from fraudsters who work in this direction.

8. Work in the non-commercial sector requires education and special skills.

Unfortunately, now the charity sector in Russia is only experiencing his formation, so educational institutions, where specialists would prepare in this area, no. All who come to work in the Foundation, make knowledge and skills on the ground, applying skills acquired in other areas. Naturally, it is not an easy and unprecedented process, but it is worth it.

9. Help simply

In the twenty-first century, when space ships are furious to the universe, to help the ruble is easier than simple: all decent funds have short numbers to which SMS can be sent, indicating the amount of donation. In addition, many funds allow you to customize the so-called recurrent payments - in this case, the amount indicated by you said will be charged with your bank card. In addition, there are aggregators that also help funds to collect money - one of the largest [email protected]: there you can choose the fund you are interested in, project, configure automatic payment and much more. If you do not trust financial schemes, you can always hang away and see the work of the Foundation from the inside with your own eyes. As they say, Welcome!

10. Charitable foundations never give money in hand


That is, 200,000 euros per operation in Germany in the White Envelope Fund does not transmit to those who need simply because it does not have rights. Each penny and each ruble are accountable. Resperating funds monthly lay out on the websites reports on the arrival and consumption of funds with which everyone can familiarize themselves. And the payment of treatment occurs directly to the clinics with which the contract is concluded. If you wish with these documents, you can also get acquainted.

11. Do not cause good and apply joy

If the foundation refused your invaluable help - for example, you passionately wish to give your old baby piano, and these bad people refuse and fought off what they can, then this does not mean that they were lit. Sometimes funds simply do not have any resources to take it your piano, and sometimes it is a piano decisively needed at the moment or the ward, nor a supreme orphanage. Trust to employees - they will definitely tell you what kind of help is needed by the Fund right now.

12. Help not necessarily mad million money

Any amount is needed and important: if 1000 people translate 100 rubles, then it turns out 100,000 rubles - is impressive? This will allow you to pay for a rehabilitation course for a child with the features of development, buy consumables for the hospital or dog shelter. It is better to help gradually, but regularly, then the Fund has the opportunity to plan their work, income and expenses.

13. Volunteers are the main support of the works of BF


Therefore, it is necessary to relate to volunteering and responsibly. The approach "I want to do, I want - I do not do it." Not an option. They count on you and if you promised - be sure to do. Funds have no opportunity to stimulate interest in the ruble business, so everything remains only on your conscience and for your responsibility.

14. All requests are checked.

Not only by the Commission or the expert council, but also a responsible employee of the Foundation. If we are talking about expensive treatment, it is necessary to check the correctness of the diagnosis, the expediency of this particular therapy and much more, is it really not possible to help in the Russian Federation? Is this drug needed? In addition, all funds interact with each other and share information about fraudsters who submit applications to the funds for the purpose of personal profit and enrichment - amazingly, but these are also there.

15. The Foundation can be applied not only for money, but also for advice

If at the moment the fund cannot accept an application or, for example, not the problem of interest to you, the Foundation staff will advise where to contact, and in some cases they will be able to send for additional advice from a specialist. Do not be shy, these people are informed of the problem they do from the inside.

16. Only 20% of money foundation has the right to spend on administrative expenses.

Moreover, these 20% are taken from the amount spent on the activities of the Foundation in accordance with the Charter. These expenses include office lease, payment of operating expenses (Internet, telephone, etc.), employee salary and so on. They spent 100 rubles - it means 20 rubles you can spend on yourself. But it is believed that it is better to spend less. For example, "Give Life" spends about 4-6%, and the Galkonok Foundation is about 12%. Best - Children!

17. Children in orphanages need consumables, rather than toys and iPhones.


Surprisingly, often in orphanages and nursing homes lack the simplest things: sheets, diapers, catheters, diapers. If you want to help some kind of state institution, it is better to pre-contact the administration or the Foundation, which is challenging him to know exactly what is useful to bring. And if it is completely fair, then people in such institutions are always lacking only one - simple human attention.

18. If a person with features is not the fact that he is a wonderful sweet white bunny

Everyone seems to everyone that people in the charity are saints, and that those whom they help are the same, rightly kissing lights. NOT! Aid recipients are very often absolutely disgusting, disgusting and helping it difficult to them. But you help, because in charity they help not only good and pleasant, and try to help everyone.

Pics.Ru thanks for help in preparing the material Ksenia Onopko (Foundation "Galkonok"), Ekaterina Milovu (Foundation "Orbi") and Alexander Babkin (Project [email protected]).

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