# Scientist responsible: What will happen if you swallow your cheek?


    # Scientist responsible: What will happen if you swallow your cheek? 36487_1
    According to the old children's horror, if you swallow your chewing, you could get the vico of the guts, and at best, it was reported that it would remain in your stomach for seven years!

    But American scientists assure the gum only a little different from all other food for the perception of the digestion system.

    In total, we eat there are three phases of stay in our body. The first: mechanical when we are chewed, teeth and language take part in the process. The chewing launches a muscular job, in which the food tract is chewed in the stomach and mixes there with gastric juice.

    In the second phase, enzymes are involved - biological catalysts that accelerate chemical reactions. Enzymes are produced in saliva, gastric juice and on the intestinal mucosa. In this process, proteins, fats and carbohydrates from recycled biomass occurs.

    Gastric acid is responsible for the third phase. After this processing, the remains of the intestine descends to the toilet.

    # Scientist responsible: What will happen if you swallow your cheek? 36487_2
    How is all this happens with chewing gum?

    Obviously, we do not chew like a gum, as ordinary food, so it gets entirely to the epzimnaya processing stage. Molecular composition of chewing - carbohydrates, oils, alcohols. Molecules of these substances are easily disintegrated.

    But the fact is that our body does not produce enzymes for splitting rubber polymers, and it does not matter, naturally or synthetic.

    Therefore, the chewing quickly comes to the third phase of his journey through the body. Despite the fact that the gastric acid is strong enough, it is still unable to dissolve the rubber polymer. Not in vain to protect the hands from the effects of household chemicals and other things we use rubber gloves, rubber products for some acids are invulnerable. By the aggregate of all these factors it turns out that for our body it is not difficult to simply push a small gum "with things to exit", like any other foreign body.

    A source

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