5 signs of serious stress and 5 tips how to help get out of it


When, next to us, someone is clearly bad, we first shout: "There is a doctor here?" If a person has happened in life in life and "burning" the nervous system, there is no need to have a psychological diploma. To render first aid, it is enough to be a living person capable of empathy.

The snag is that if explicit stressors are a disease, the death of a loved one, the accident - they are understandable and visible, then there are not completely obvious. This is when a person rolled something, Dollyalo - and finally zadolbalo. And the fuses have grieved, and the lid begins to jump from the boil. And you can't define a critical condition with the naked eye. But the eye can arm simple attentiveness. So, your friend caught up and grabbed stress in her stress paws if approximately such things were observed with him.


  • There are three conditional types of reaction to a strong shake: "foot on gas", "foot on the brake" and "legs on both pedals". That is, in the first case - anger, anger, screams, tears. In the second - too major detachment and frostporescence: a person goes into himself as a snail in a house. And in the third - when the ice is outside, and it is shaking inside. The first is just more noticeable, the second and third longer and more dangerous.
  • He is now more acute - and "more" is a reaction to stimuli. In the normal state, let's say, he answered Hama: "Yes, you go!", And now it can also teach the hysteria in the same place. The same things are now harder and cause increased reactions - breeding, or panic, or dreary.
  • A person has sharply reduced sense of humor. If he is without enthusiasm - and moreover, with a real suffering in the gaze - reacts to your prubady jokes and pensions, which in the usual state it was once really cheerful ... It makes no sense to bother on the shoulder with a barustic: "Dude, yes, well, you cho, Don't you understand jokes?! Now this method does not work.


  • An irritability not previously observed on such scales appears, flare, capriciousness.
  • It is not able to relax, all the time is tense, like a stretched string.
  • It seems to him that he is alone on all white light, no one needs - and in general as that sarchka, which is "worse than all."


  • In the field of food and sleep people can flow into different directions. Some convulsively get stress, another piece in the throat is not climbing. Some cannot fall asleep, other all day crawl and sluggish, even after ten or more hours of sleep. Then the indicator is the scale and duration of the deviation.
  • Some are trying to relax with the help of external "crutches": drinking, cigarettes, and so on. The sober can also handle his head, throw away all things, start looking for a saving guru. All this convulsively and with unhealthy enthusiasm.
  • Social habits weakening. The Kompaniy Comrade begins to cut the phone for a day, responsible - to score on duties and promises. Well, does not pull the body now.
  1. He now thinks worse than usual. Memory, reaction, concentration, creativity - with this capital slip.
  2. Thoughts are often not brought to the end and disappear along the way.
  3. It is constantly fixed on the negative. You look at the kitten and die, and in the imagination of a stressed friend, he already got under the car.

Body reaction

  • Stress is fraught with physical panels. Moreover, as a rule, not in the acute stage - then the body is often mobilized and "forgets" to root. And when it goes into chronic - a bouquet usually gets out ...
  • One of the frequent physiological symptoms is pain. Most often, the back, neck, head suffer from "Noshi" from the "Noshi".
  • Heart from the chest jumps, difficult to breathe "- not always the metaphor. Ruff and cardiovascular also take battle.
Actually, signs of stress, firstly, they are not exhausted, and secondly, everything is not necessarily observed. Identify them and compare - it's just specials. It is enough for us to assimilate that sharp changes and the difference in well-being and behavior ("he was not at all so!") - It is just that the most "zh", which is not good. Now the next question is - what to do, when a close creature, having experienced a divorce, dismissal or a large existential crisis, shirts, frozen or rushes into the monastery.

So how to help a friend if he was in serious stress?

1. Do not hide from him

Many are scary generally to show themselves when the friend is thin. Its stress causes your stress - well, and then a chain and a vicious circle is formed. "God, what can I do that I will say - everything will be stupid and wrong" ... "Surely he is not up to me" ... Most likely, this is not. And a person who he causing stress will be confusedly discovered that it is ignored. Do not stop calling, write, come. It's not as scary as it seems. If he needs loneliness - be sure he will give you to know.

2. Do not try to save it

"I did not move, now I will pull you!" "This is another extreme opposite to the one that" and what I can help here, it is better to sit in the bushes. " And the same wrong. Only in fairy tales of fairly water procedures are dead and living water to revive anyone. No one cannot pull out anything for the hair. Always only himself. This does not mean that you do not need to help. Just helping - this does not mean to do everything for another. The correct word here is not even "help", but "Support".

3. Be a friend, not a doctor

"It's you chronic stress, I read the article - and listen to what you need to do to get enough" - that's not working too. Leave with you all your valuable knowledge. Do not diagnoses and do not give faithful recipes. You can give advice - if you were asked. And that - with the reservations that you are so miserable. Panacea of ​​benevolers from the series "Mouse, become hedgehogs" act on the brain exhausted with stress.

4. Ask loud

"I'm afraid to harm, because I don't know what he needs now - to listened to help in a practical way - or in order and gave a relax in the corner" ... so ask! How? Well, that's how you feel and. "You know, I can't figure out what you need now. But I am ready to do as you will be better. Want to go, let's talk about tea. Want to be alone - Okay, I'll call you in a couple of days. And if that - call at any time, I'm not far here, you know. "

5. Just be near

As practice shows, from friends who experience stress, not so much help and advice as a sense of presence. Awareness that someone is next to you, he is alive, he is with you, life did not stop (although it seems that he flew from the coils), but continues. Therefore, hug by shoulders, hold the hand, just to stay near - it's often so little things! This gives strength. And he really needs them. In order to take the first step: to get together with the Spirit and with thoughts, realize that it would be necessary to dig up - and start digging up. Alone, yes. With a Little Help from My Friends.

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