What is the Pope: Father recorded 14 short funny stories from his sons


What is the Pope: Father recorded 14 short funny stories from his sons 36479_1

Father of two sons for several years recorded short funny stories from family life. Each family with children periodically happens something like that. Perhaps you will learn your children in one of these baeks.

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A four-year-old son walks around the house, singing "this is Tantuum Verde Forte. He kills microbes in the throat ... "I was surprised at such an unusual song and asked where he heard it. "When my mother and I went in the car, this song sounded on the radio," the child replied. "It sings Timati," the wife explained, "go all around everywhere." Here I decided to share my father's wisdom with the younger generation and the morally said. - Son, this is not an ordinary song, but advertising. Artist Timati paid money, and therefore he sings the song about the medicine. - Like this? - Son was surprised by such an unusual system of creative relationships. - Now about the medicine sang, before that about the sausage. You pay, you will sing about you. Who pays him, about those he sings. Do you understand? - Yeah, I understand. What is it all so good and kind, this Timati!

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In 2.5 years, the son decided to tell me a fairy tale before bedtime: "Iriteka and Yazba ... The grandfather is drinking aaa aaa, Baba is drinking aaa aaa ... Dad is drinking ah aaa aaa, mom is drinking And aa aaa ... Chiawatka is drinking ah ah aaa, Stulsik is drinking ... everything is drunk! Praying Sycachka! "

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I sit at the computer, the five-year-old son is suitable and stretches the tablet. - Dad, helping to correctly write a question in Yandex. - Dictuch, son. - "How to C-de la in Rd Tal to hell" - ??? !!!!!!!!! - I just play minecraft now.

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I watch the game of sons. Senior (8 years old) closed in the toilet. The younger (3 years) ripped by car to the door of the toilet and kogotit in her fist.

Senior: Who is there? Junior: This is me, Postman Pechkin.

Senior: What do you need? Junior: I came to eat your brains.

Senior: Are you sure Pechekin? Junior: Do you definitely have brains?

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To seven years, the son has been engaged in dancing for a couple of years and began to protruding. One day came home and proudly tells: - Dad, I danced before the cameras today! - Well done! Where? - In the shop.

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The five-year-old son came up and a serious look thoughtfully said:

"Dad, and you know that the ancient Vikings cooked from the amansor of the Witchcraft potion? Then the warriors drank the potion, and turned into a berserkov, because the spirits of all animals were made in them - wolves or bears. I thought that bears and wolves could have been lacking at all. You imagine how the Vikings were insulting when, instead of a wolf, some other spirit altered in them, such as toads or a worm ... "

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I come home from work in the evening, the seven-year-old son meets at the door and also glows from pride. - Dad, do you know who I am? - Son, the options are a lot of course ... But, apparently, you are not about "cute pupsik" or something like that? - Dad, I am God's rapper! - ... .. GM ... Who? - Today I was told that I was God's rapper. - For sure, just just sounded? - Well, maybe not quite so ... Yes, for sure, it was not. I, dad, rapper from God!

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The five-year-old son heard a popular admission that people with curly hair are always complex. Flowing for some time, it is deeply unreasonable: "It turns out if a man is curly, which means it has long been married."

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Foured to this five-year-old son drank a bottle of water, quite shaken and said that now he has "sailing forces" and he is no longer going to sleep.

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In the morning the five-year-old son said goodbye to me by the phrase: "AstanaVista Baby!" A couple of days ago, the terminator was shown on TV.

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At six years, the son reflected about God: "Dad, it seems to me that the angels - they have God not only assistants, but also friends. Think myself, God alone without friends there at the top on the cloud would be alone and sad. "

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Discussed with her son, an impending campaign in the first class. At first he calmly listened to my story that the school was a new interesting stage in his life, where he would find many good friends and exciting activities. After that, he himself began to share the plans, as he was going to go for the first time in the first class. He says, the first acquaintance is the most important thing, so I must have an epic appear. Come on, says, you will eat with you on the electrospoocata at speed somewhere are so 10 kilometers per hour. We put on masks of skeletons and dark glasses. You will be in a helmet, and I'm in a hat, like terrorists. And I will be all in black. And necessarily for the music of Ramstein. Only here I did not come up yet, where the column is placed so that the sound is pogromic.

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The four-year-old son leads a conversation with Mom.

- Mom, let's be the queen. - Come on - any girl wants to become a queen.

- And I will be your prince. Okay? - Okay.

- Why do everyone want to be a queen? - Queen is good to be: She is beautiful, everyone loves her, they do everything for her.

- Well, moms, you will be my queen. Only dishes you wash, otherwise I do not know how ... and cook, and get out. And I am your prince, I will defend you!

- Son, and who best then, Prince or Queen? - Of course the prince, he protects.

- And if the Queen of the Prince feed will stop? What will the prince be doing? - Not, mom, I will always feed me to feed me.

- This is not an argument, maybe all the same Queen is more important? :) - Not! This makes me the Magic caterpillar said!

The spouse did not stand a serious conversation and laughed, and the son continued seriously: - Yes, Magic. I passed here yesterday, she sat on the branch and straight and said: "Prince is the main"!

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- Dad, and how much do you earn? - I earn normally, son. We all have enough money. - Dad, I accumulated a few thousand - on the birthdays gave and got from the dental fairies. Let me give you them for two weekends so that you at least two days you sit at the computer and the eyes did not spoil. - ....

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