Is it worth changing the wrong husband in retaliation, and is there a chance to establish relationships


Is it worth changing the wrong husband in retaliation, and is there a chance to establish relationships 36478_1
Treason her husband is the worst thing that can happen in the life of every woman. It is this step yesterday even the most closely of a person leads to divorce and complete destruction of the family. It would seem treason - the last chord in relationships, and can not be any continuation. The limit of trust, love, the relationship is crumbling and comes time to start a new life.

But, which is interesting, in our time, it has already become natural, this newest life after all suffering and offensive, quarrels and even the official marriage proceeding is all with the same person. And statistics says women began to forgive treason more often than 20, 10 years ago. Why is this happening, every woman has his answer, but the main thing is ... How women are presented with what happened and do not answer the same.

Let's reflect ...

Treason, representatives of the strong half of the population in relation to their wives consider nonsense. Women this event is perceived very emotionally, why the reaction is always accompanied by screams, hysterics and tears. For the ladies of any age, the treason is a betrayal that made the closest and native person. Therefore, anger and resentment appear, which manages a woman. And it is them, with all the female wisdom and prudence, live in a heart longer than any other feelings and emotions.

Is it worth changing the wrong husband in retaliation, and is there a chance to establish relationships 36478_2

Returning to her husband and even the birth of children are not always able to eclipse such strong feelings that managed to once be alarmed by a man. And that's it, women can forever buried, only avenge. Perhaps this is not the best way to revive the family, but sometimes it is the female treason as revenge allow you to return the cooled love in the family.

Women's revenge is scary

This phenomenon is increasingly found in modern life. Mstim people usually in response to any words or actions. A bright example of revenge is a response to treason of husband. It is in such a situation that revenge is manifested in all its glory. A woman, offending, turns into a cunning, calculating opponent for a husband who puts itself a goal - bring him spiritual pain and torment. And, there is nothing worse than that sweet and charming even once the bride, which is now a vengeful bitch.

Is it worth changing the wrong husband in retaliation, and is there a chance to establish relationships 36478_3

In order for a woman to decide on a similar step and start revenge, you need a man once to make a serious mistake.

Lover as a weapon of revenge

"Or maybe I find a lover?", "Women often think about her husband's treason. Psychologists believe that women's treason can benefit the woman itself only in cases where

    • It will return the woman to love for itself and respect;
    • She considers treason only as disposable sex;
    • A woman understands that such a treason is just a revenge, and does not plan to start a romantic relationship.
Is it worth changing the wrong husband in retaliation, and is there a chance to establish relationships 36478_4

If the situation is different, then such relationships will continue for a while. If you believe the statistics, then men repeat treason, learned about the revenge of his wife, and women who are revenge on or late in this way, but will go to her lover.

So is it worth forgiving and returning? After all, it is enough just to imagine for a while that every day you will see a person who wounded you, prepare him your favorite dishes and stroke shirts, remembering that fatal case. Not each will endure such tests.

And remember: husbands do not forgive betray!

For them, only the idea that their woman can at least hypothetically betray them - it is already shock. And therefore, women's treason more often than men finish with categorical parting a couple. After all, revenge and betrayal with any of the parties are destroying factors for marriage.

Is it worth changing the wrong husband in retaliation, and is there a chance to establish relationships 36478_5

Therefore, before making a step towards treason, you need to think well, whether it is worthy of a momentary passion and insults, putting the future of your family on the map.

R.S. And yet ... Did you change my husband? It is not worth a corner. You are not alone. And even Hollywood beauty could not insure the fact that they instructed their favorite husbands and boyfriends.

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