7 famous celebrity women who decided to become Childfrey


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The whole star party is divided into 2 clans - the tick fans of children, in whose rows of Heidi Klum and Angelina Jolie, who have the kids almost a football team, and those who even in their very mature age did not get the children and is not going.

Jacqueline Bisset

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Jacqueline Bissset - the star of the film "Wild Orchid" and the Great Mother Angelina Jolie. She has already changed the eighth dozen, and more than once recognized to journalists that it does not regret the fact that he did not acquire children. Jacqueline claims that she lived such a life as she wanted, and conscience does not torment her. The skeleton grew in his eyes, and she was enough for her.


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Russian cult rock singers Zemfira neither of children, nor about the family and hear nothing wants. Music is the main thing in her life. She declares that because of its nature and the presence of bad habits can never be normalized normally. But all this does not prevent the singer regularly transfer money to the orphanage in Ufa.

Famka Yassene

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The 53-year-old actress devoted his entire life to his four-legged favorite to the Boston Terrier. When she had a puppy in her house, she understood what kind of responsibility it was. Famke claims that the favorite dog filled the niche that was intended for a child. Therefore, children are not needed.

Milen Farmer

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Milen Farmer 56. And she frankly tells about their attitude to the family as a whole and to children, in particular. Milen believes that everyone should do in life who can do well, and she would never have become a good mother.

Christmas tree

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The Russian singer Christmas tree in numerous interviews declared, then there is absolutely no delight when he sees children, but it does not exclude that the mother ever becomes. She is 36, and she does not survive at all, she has no children.

Oprah Winfrey

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It is known that Oprah Winfrey, which today is 64 years old, in his youth gave birth to a baby, who died, just after seeing the light. After this drama, the woman did not decide to repeat the motherhood experience and quickly stopped the relationship with men who wanted to have common children with her. Today, the main thing in the life of the oprach, according to her, is a favorite job.

Cameron Diaz

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The 45-year-old "bad teacher" is still not ready to become a mother and frankly declares that it is not sure if she will have such a desire. The actress is sure that it is the fact that she has no children, helped her to realize all his dreams. Cameron is confident that today many women have children only because of the fact that they fear public censures. The star says that she loves children, but this is not a reason to become a mother.

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