To make a husband with you for childbirth: the opinion of the psychologist


To make a husband with you for childbirth: the opinion of the psychologist 36474_1
Pregnancy, probably, the most calm period in motherhood. But, the closer the date of delivery, the less calm the future mom remains. And regular horror stories about other people's birth, and forcing the woman to feel helpless.

The Internet is shot by blogs and forums on relationships to the women in labor, many tell how doctors rather or even applied the power to the future mother. Relatives and acquaintances also do not lose time and necessarily have a couple of stories about how the relative of a neighbor whose kuma left to give birth, one of the same or, how to someone there almost replaced the child. Calm and only calm. Birth dependes not only from the actions of the doctor, but also from the very feminine. Therefore, the time that spent on the forums is better to put in a peaceful direction and prepare for the process of the birth of a baby and decide to take a husband with him or not.

Take or not take, that's the question

Even if your man is a banging panic, take it to childbirth. Ask for him to retire you will always have time.

In addition, doctors themselves see whether the partner is ready to hold out until the process is completed. If a man bother or his presence distracts the woman in labor, he will simply be asked to wait outside the door. As a rule, a period of kits for husbands withstand persistently. And if the operation of the COP is to be given, the man is first to get acquainted with the baby, while mom in the operating room, to dad on the chest lay out the newborn crumb.

To make a husband with you for childbirth: the opinion of the psychologist 36474_2

Everyone knows that the woman feels like mom, as soon as he learns about pregnancy, and a realization comes to a man that he is dad only after the birth of a child.

Training for partnerships

Birth is a responsible and complex process not only for a baby's mother, but also for his dad.

Support for a loved one is simply necessary. Men fenced birth more women, but the first can not participate in them, but the second chances are not. Therefore, if you are configured to partner childbirth, in every way protect your chosen from other people's stories about childbirth, too vague men in these issues. Talk about how he will be the first to see his child. Share with the future dad with your feelings and experiences, again without horror stories. Tell me how important support and care during childbirth is important. Explain that from the beginning of the generic activity before the birth of a child can pass for more than one hour. And during this period, you need easy help: help get up, sit down, call a doctor, make a massage, feed water, bring something to a snack (fights can continue for more than 20 hours, during this time you can not only eat, but also sleep).

Who should offer first

Each woman warms the dream that it is her husband, like a hero of the American film, will say: "Favorite, I will pass with you this way from the first fight until the birth of our baby, and then the cord floor."

In fact, the men are not so decisive in matters of partnerships and can dwell from such conversations, in every way spilling the answer, in the end, give consent, just not to offend their own woman.

If you decide that the presence of a husband in childbirth is the key to calm and confidence, offer the first. Excellent with the conviction of men on partnerships, obstetrician gynecologists, who conduct classes for pregnant women. Several classes are dedicated to exactly partnerships that are possible and will help to convince her husband in his importance during the birth of a child.

How to change the relationship after partnerships

To make a husband with you for childbirth: the opinion of the psychologist 36474_3

Often women are experiencing that partnerships will break an intimate life. Yes, no changes will cost, but, as a rule, for the better. Men more closely begin to treat their woman in bed.

Affiliate childbirth emotionally strengthen the family.

The husband is more willing to participate in the life of the baby, wakes up at night when the baby crying, walks with a carriage, helps his wife in domestic issues. And besides that, with delight and joy, he tells friends and acquaintances that he was present in childbirth, although before that resisted and refused to even talk about partnerships.

Therefore, to the question of whether to make a husband with me for childbirth, the answer is one: be sure to take.

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