What can tell about the child the music he listens


What can tell about the child the music he listens 36473_1
Music is an important part of any person's life. At each stage of life, music is of particular importance. From the moment the person begins to choose music independently, you can analyze its lifestyle. So, that can tell about the child of his musical addiction.


What can tell about the child the music he listens 36473_2

Children who listen to rock can be proud of their parents. Despite the heavy sound, rock and metal rush high meanings. Rockers' children are almost always pacifists, occasionally they are moderate radicals. Please note that rockers are very freedom- They do not tolerate if they manipulate them. It is necessary to influence them extremely gently.


Young students of popular music are often not often headed by a list of successful disciples. Instead, they are less freedom-loving, more obedient and balanced.

What can tell about the child the music he listens 36473_3

On the one hand, this obedience can lead to a high level of self-discipline. When considering from another angle it becomes clear that the pop-style loveser will be difficult to express his opinion, to declare disagreement.


This modern genre of music is listening everywhere, so the involvement of the child to the rap can speak much.

What can tell about the child the music he listens 36473_4

For example, young fans of foreign rap always have a good musical hearing. Teenagers, listening to a new school rap, have excellent abstract thinking and ability to abandon templates. Rap lovers are generally very creative personalities, should try themselves in classical renovation.


Classical music in a playlist of a child shows his adulthood. Decisions of this little man have a weighing, it will never perform impulsive actions.

What can tell about the child the music he listens 36473_5

People who are fond of classics show themselves well in the game on musical instruments. They adapt well to environmental changes. Sometimes they are indecisive and cold, non-modest.


Reggae is not over the popular style of music. If the child listens to reggae, he is not afraid to be independent, unlike anyone, unique. Often, reggae becomes part of the favorite music in children who are often in the state of emotional overvoltage. In 90% of cases, reggae listeners are cosmopolitans or moderate nihilists.


What can tell about the child the music he listens 36473_6

Folk lovers at a young age are often outsiders. They are good in programming and accurate sciences, but poorly organizing social ties. If parents have the opportunity to help the child in building a connection with the outside world, then it is necessary to help: offer visits to clubs for interests, libraries, thematic online communities.


What can tell about the child the music he listens 36473_7

Metalists of the new generation are good and diligent students, but often it prevents them from school attributes of this style of music. For example, rare metal communities arrange concerts less often than seven times a month. In the big cities, the concerts of metal performers are held daily. Only the number of concerts may prevent the student to fulfill their duties.

Jazz, Blues

Only the guys of senior school age pay attention to these wonderful musical genres. They indicate that the teenager develops itself out of fashion and time.


The most fashionable girls listen to Korean popular music. This means that all the qualities of an ordinary pops lover need to be built into a square. But one more additional quality: they are very prone to work in a team and dancing.

What can tell about the child the music he listens 36473_8

Most often, the guys listen to the team playlist: it includes songs of all these genres. Each child is multifaceted and unique, it is impossible to evaluate it only by musical preferences, like any adult.

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